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Types of Normative Ethical Theories are: 1. Authority-based 2. Egoistic 3. Natural law 4. Deontological 5. Teleological 6. Virtue

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Types of Normative Ethical Theories are:

1. Authority-based 
2. Egoistic
3. Natural law 
4. Deontological 
5. Teleological
6. Virtue

4 Basic Ethical Principles are: 

1. Beneficence (acting in the patients best interest)
2. Autonomy (the patient has the final decision)
3. Non- Maleficence (do not harm)
4. Justice (the moral obligation to act on the basis of what is fair) 

Two Justice are: 

1. Distributive Justice
2. Procedural Justice 

77 Words  1 Pages
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