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Discuss strategies to educate and treat a patient with high risk behaviors for STI’s?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Based on the 5 sources provided, please answer these 5 questions below. Please use the information from these sources only and the references. The 5 sources to which I have mentioned is uploaded below(2 of them is a pdf file, 3 of them are links)

1.    Discuss strategies to educate and treat a patient with high risk behaviors for STI’s?

2.    What is the pathophysiological process and consequences for the patient with untreated HIV?

3.    What are the barriers to African American LGBT men regarding HIV treatment?

4.    Name common 5 STI’s and the treatment:

5.    How does the clinician approach discussing sensitive topics with patients?

Must be apa formatted and include in-text citations. 
Use the references from the sources that were provided

These are the 3 links

149 Words  1 Pages
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