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What steps would need to be taken to create this change in the governing board? What benefits would ensure because of this change? What new members should be included?

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Paper Instructions:

You were recently hired as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for a mid-sized hospital and the CEO has asked you to develop a brief strategy to address the possible need for a change in the structure of governing board. The CEO is concerned that the current structure is too conservative and that new members of the community need to be introduced, possibly even former patients. The CEO also believes this change needs to occur due to the new direction of the organization’s mission and vision statements.

What steps would need to be taken to create this change in the governing board? What benefits would ensure because of this change? What new members should be included?


The memo should be at least 1, but no more than 2 pages, single-spaced.
You need to cite at least 3 sources for this assignment,

152 Words  1 Pages
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