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Shark Tank

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 
Have you seen Shark Tank?  It is a critically acclaimed show going into its eighth season on ABC.  In this reality-based series, entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of wealthy business tycoons who have the opportunity to invest in these new products and services.  If you've never seen it, check out some clips on or to get an idea.  

, your job is to pitch an exciting and innovative business proposal that will appeal to college students. Together, come up with some type of new company, invention, or moneymaking venture that will wow your classmates.  

As a team, you have 5 minutes to pitch your idea to the class and persuade us that we would want to invest in your product.  (A portion of your grade will actually be based on class votes.)  Your ideas can be based in reality - a product or service that could really be offered, or can be outlandish, like some magical invention that doesn't actually exist (yet).  

178 Words  1 Pages
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