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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What is your version of the American Dream? What does that concept mean to you?

26 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Please use the attached documents of the notes I made from my own research, I think there are valuable points that could be used. 

Reference a variety of sources from books, journals, articles etc. 

Please ensure this following criterion is met 
80+ (First Class)
A mark of 80+ will fulfil the following criteria:
• shows clear evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual
• develops a sophisticated and intelligent argument
• shows a rigorous use and a confident understanding of relevant source materials
• achieves an appropriate balance between factual detail and key theoretical issues
• provides evidence of original thinking
70-79 (First Class)
A mark in the range 70-79 will fulfil the following criteria:
• engages closely with the question
• shows some evidence of wide and relevant reading and an engagement with the conceptual
• shows some sophistication of argument
• shows an intelligent use and a good understanding of relevant source materials
60-69 (Upper Second Class)
A mark in the range 60-69 will fulfil the following criteria:
• offers critical insights and shows evidence of critical thinking
• shows a good understanding of the major factual and/or theoretical issues, and addresses
the relevant literature on the topic
• develops a focused and clear argument and articulates a sustained train of logical thought
• gives a clear exposition of models/diagrams, with derivation, where appropriate
• shows clear evidence of planning in the formulation of the written answer and includes a
judicious choice of sources and methodology

266 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Required topic headings for your paper should include the background surrounding the issue, a historical perspective, current issues that are applicable, legislation dealing with this topic, examples, global dynamics/impact

(such as issues, processes, trends, and systems), personal impact from a global perspective, and a summary.  These are the topics to be discussed in the term paper.Each paper should contain a reference list of at least five (5) different substantial and quality references.  

The references and reference citations for the term paper must be to a current event less than 3 years old(a reference with no date (n.d.) is not acceptable).  This requires a reference citation in the text of the paper and a reference at the end of the paper to which the reference citation applies.You must include some 

information obtained from the reference in your answer.  The references must be found on the internet and you must include a URL in your reference so that the reference can be verified.

You cannot use information from the text book or any book/article by the author of the text book as a current event.  Make sure that your reference has a date of publication.

The body of the paper should be a minimum of seven typed double spaced pages.  Your cover page, abstract and reference page cannot be counted in this number.  You should use the APA format for your reference citations and the reference page

250 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

At the U.S. National Archives Doc Teach site, you will participate in a "Weighing the Evidence" activity. From the perspective of a social scientist, this experience will allow you to make value assessments on which primary sources are most useful and why.

You will submit a short paper that explains the criteria you used to rank the sources. Include specific examples of how sources might be used in research. Identify a secondary source that would effectively supplement the primary resources, providing different information.

Please just screen shot and attach what order you place the pictures on the scale. I will go in and submit it using the attachment you send me.

123 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

If you were an expert on urban planning and governance, and could travel back in time to 1940-1950s (shortly after the end of World War II), what advice – based on what you learned in this course - would you give to city staff, city council or other decision-makers of that time, so as to avoid the mistakes of the past and/or plan and build, better and better governed metropolitan areas?

82 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Imagine A Country by Holly Sklar

Discuss the main issues that Sklar
addresses concerning income inequality.
Did the information she present surprise
you and how might you see the world
differently when you look through
Sociological lenses and employ the
Sociological Imagination? How does the
macro impact the micro according to

Post an initial 300-400 word analytical answer to the question from Dr. Hill's syllabus. Reference the readings to demonstrate your familiarity with the assigned reading (found in the Main iLearn Course site)

95 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The final paper is a culmination of the seminar work and involves an analysis of the intersectional perspective and  its application to an empirical issue.  

The research paper will focus on a theme related to gender intersectionality  and is divided into three assignments  which also compose the basis of the research paper. Each part will be submitted separately for recommendations by me, and then included in the final paper itself.  

Outlines for each section of the paper are provided under the reading section of blackboard.

(a) research proposal/introduction: description of research theme and how it relates to the intersectional approach

(b) an outline including an annotated bibliography. This outline will  provide 3-5 themes for  supporting evidence.  This supporting evidence will form the body of the  the paper 

(c) conclusion and  social policy recommendations.  


Students will be assessed for their critical thinking and writing skills including clarity of exposition, correct grammar and spelling, following assignment format and requirements. Consideration will also be given to originality and critical approaches. The reference section should follow APA or MLA reference format, consistent throughout all the references.

The final paper should be stapled, double-spaced, typed, spell checked, and pages numbered. It is important that you show your understanding of the material in a well written paper. Seek assistance in proof-reading for the paper before handing it in to increase the likelihood of obtaining a better grade. 

246 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Could you please tell me Is Cinco de Mayo a mexican holiday. Where its originally come from And/or United States also celebrates this holiday or not?

37 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Content Options: Select and use the assigned Durkheimian, Weberian, or foundational feminist theory to analyze the current pandemic and/or public health crisis. Another option is that you may pick two of these three sociological theory traditions and compare and contrast their insights when applied to the topic of pandemic and public health. Use the assigned readings and intros in the Kimmel course textbook as your only or main source for theory in this theory course. For the current topic, use credible sources (unless you're doing a study of, say, fearmongering in social media. Such non-credible sources will be used as data, rather than credible authority.) 

Here is the Sociology guide (courtesy of the Sociology librarian) on how to research and find credible sources for Sociology: I don't care which professional citation style you use, though you must use it consistently; but my favorite style is ASA: Here is a writing guide for Sociology: for Sociology Guide Second Edition.pdf You will be graded on your writing (in the paper option) and logic quality, your proper use of and literacy with the assigned sociological theory, and your sociological approach to the topic.

214 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Global Housing Research Paper- For this assignment you will be assigned a country to research and report on. To complete your research paper, use articles that you have found on your own. They should be different than those uploaded to Beachboard.  You can use journal articles, trade publications, online resources, and any other resources related to the topic and develop a paper that summarizes, analyzes, discusses, and compares and contrasts information from your research. Your paper should be at least 5 pages of double-spaced text (1500 words minimum excluding coversheet, illustrations, and references). You should submit your paper online through Beachboard by the scheduled due date. Make sure your paper’s Turnitin Similarity Score is less than 15%. Use APA in citing your sources and reference list.

Please include a cover sheet with your paper, identify the title of your paper (can be more specific than the topic), and include a line of text indicating the total word count in the paper (excluding your citations list). Use the ''word count" feature in MS Word or your word-processing software to calculate the number of words; don't count them by hand. Listed below are suggested steps for completing your research project.

Step 1: See what country you have been assigned.

Step 2: Read some of the articles on BeachBoard devoted to your topic. Use the library and other resources (including the text) to further research your topic. You can use a variety of articles from journals, trade publications, and other resources. Remember that the best information usually comes from scholarly works published in peer-reviewed journals. Any materials you find should be published after the year 2000, unless there are historical and/or comparative reasons for using older works. Some materials are "classics" and using older publications because they are classics is permitted. This "published after the year 2000" is not a mandatory requirement and will not negatively affect your grade; however the best materials are usually recent.

Step 3: Start working on your paper, perhaps using the guidelines as follows:
Identify the problem/issue/concept of your topic. In other words, what overall issue(s) are addressed in the resources you read about your topic? Include information about why it's important to study this topic.
Delineate the problem/issue/concept. In other words, say more about the topic (for example, cite statistics about the topic and who it affects and why). What do other people say about your topic?
Identify additional aspects (features) of the topic, which may be related to the materials that you have read. Think outside the box. Are there interesting, compelling, obscure, or unusual aspects related to your topic? Including this information would help make your paper more interesting.
Develop your own synthesis, discussion, and conclusions. In this section, write about what you think about the topic and why. Are the conclusions of the materials you read sound? Do you agree or disagree with the journals and other articles you read? Or, is there some doubt about what you read? Include any assumptions or inferences from what you read.
Please try NOT to use first or second person in your paper. In other words, don't use the word "I" or the word "you" in your paper unless it's necessary. If you can't help using first or second person in your paper because you are relating the material in the articles to your own experience or opinions, that's okay. But please limit the words "I" and "you" as much as possible.
Think about developing a section devoted to "Further Research." In other words, indicate what additional research might be conducted by others to gain more knowledge about the topic that was not provided in the articles you read. What else needs to be done about the problem/topic/issue? Did the materials you read include enough information? Did the author(s) reach the correct conclusions?  Do you trust the articles? What about the credibility of the sources you found and used? Are conclusions from the articles valid and reliable? Why or why not?
Include a References Cited section at the end of your paper. Use American
Psychological Association (APA) style in both the text of your paper and in the References Cited. Do not include any references in this section that were not "cited" in your paper.
Use at least five (5) different references, such as references from a peer­ reviewed journal, one reference from a trade publication, one reference from a newspaper, etc. You should be referencing at least one peer-reviewed journal article in your paper. The rest of your references can be from any legitimate source. How many times you cite each source is up to you.
Submit your paper online through Beachboard by deadline. Your paper will be reviewed using the University's plagiarism detection service. Plagiarize papers will result in a grade of "F" in the course with no opportunity for resubmission. Please do not plagiarize.
Make sure that your research paper is something of which you can be very proud. Being able to write well is a skill that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Being a good writer will earn you professional success, respect, and admiration from your peers. It will help you in your career and it will make you a sought-after team member in all of your endeavors.

Grading Rubric:
APA style in citing/referencing sources (20 points)
5+ different scholarly references (20 points)
1500 words (20 points)
Grammar and spelling (20 points
Followed instructions (10 points)
Turnitin Similarity Score <15% (10 points)
Introduction (20 points)
Body (60 points):
Conclusion (20 points)

935 Words  3 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Word Count: 1500-2000 Words
The topic is 'Social Media and Identity'.
The question is 'How does Social Media impact identity'? 
Make sure to link the questions together into a single essay.
Follow the normal conventions of APA referencing etc.
Make sure to answer all questions!

How are our ‘selves’ scattered in social media? How do these relate to our real selves? Are they parts or whole?

There is the suggestion that through the use of Social Media, we have moved from being informed, to having information, to appearing informed. How do these differ?

Why does fake news exist?

‘Targeted advertising aims at controlling and manipulating human needs.’ Do you agree? If so, how does this happen? How is advertising targeted on Facebook/Instagram and other social media?

It is not just interpersonal surveillance that happens on something like Facebook but economic surveillance. What is meant by this?

Look through Social media and materialism Document

165 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. For this assignment, you will break a folkway or social norm in front of 3 different groups of people (they can be family, friends, and/or strangers). It is important that you perform this norm-breaking exercise at 3 different times and/or in front of 3 different groups of people. Take notes of how others respond to your behavior (you can just take mental notes or write them down on a pad of paper). The goal is to examine the different responses you get from different audiences in different social contexts. The more different the audience or the locale, the more varied the responses. Plan your experiment with an eye towards assessing the impact of different social contexts and different social audiences in the responses you observe to your deviance. Do not engage in any act which is widely seen as immoral, illegal, or could potentially get you arrested!

    ii. You will then write-up your findings in a short essay. Your essay should be in 3 parts:

    1. Explanation of your behavior, the norm broken, and social context where you broke the norm/folkway,

    2. Recollection of how others responded to your behavior,

    3. Significance for the study of deviance and connections to course material.
    iii. Your paper should be 3 pages, double-space, and should include at least 3 citations. 

    iiii. Here are some suggestions: order dessert first at a restaurant, bring your own food to a restaurant, treat casual acquaintances like intimates (or vicaversa), wear inappropriate clothing, initiate conversations with strangers, sit next to strangers when there are other seats available, or ask someone if they would like to join a cult you’ve created. You don’t have to be super creative. If you are still having trouble coming up with some ideas please come speak with me.

    v. Must cite according to ASA or APA guidelines
315 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

While you’re viewing a video, think about and write down the following:

What are the most important points or ideas in the video? (3 points)
What significance do these ideas have for a course of this nature? (3 points)
Write a brief response to at least one major issue discussed.  Use your sociological imagination here.  Tie your view/idea to assigned readings. Please cite (author's last name, year of publication). (10 points)
Do you think the video is relevant to the class topic under discussion (here you state if the video presents anything to illustrate or explain a point raised in the text or in class discussion)?  Did the video make you look at anything differently?  If you think the video is not relevant to the topic, feel free to say so but you must be certain to explain your position. (3 points)
Did you find anything problematic? (3 points)
Please remember to integrate relevant sociological concepts and theories into your write-up. (10 points)
Your evaluation must be at least 2 pages in length, double spaced. (3 points)

191 Words  1 Pages
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