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Abortion: The Campaigners and Society

Abortion: The Campaigners and Society

                Is abortion really a right and a pro-choice? Tracing back the legalization of abortion back in 1973, the topic has been a controversy where the advocators take it on the scientific perspective and the contenders view it on a religious side of view. Standing on the opposing side of abortion, I support Herstein’s remarks that decriminalizing is giving a “legal right to do a legal wrong” (Herstein, 1). Additionally, it is also true that none of us (human beings) is pro-abortion (black, 1), which means that every consequent outcomes of abortion will be equally and similarly endured by each and every person who does it.

However, it is worthwhile to say that it might be very hard to absolutely eliminate abortion but it might be of help to advocate the effects of it which might in turn lower the cases of abortion in the contemporary society. The commencement of abortion started with the feminism rebuffing the issue of traditional rules and heightening their status in the same level with masculinity. Women were in the efforts of abandoning some of their domestic responsibilities which regarded child birth and rearing. Therefore, my contention on the issue of abortion is based on several shortcomings that are associated with it as it will be highlighted in this essay.

 Contradiction of Religion

               Basically, the first argument concerns the religious perspective where more of the religions will bear me witness that abortion is offending the sole creator of human beings. As aforementioned, the contenders of abortion laid (and still continue) their foundation on the religion perspective. However, of the anti-abortion movements belong to the Christians particularly Catholics and Muslims (MacArthur, 79). The reason behind this is due to the fact that both religions believe that humans were created to expand and fill the world. Therefore, abortion tends to contradict this belief since it does not support it and additionally, it is against the religion to commit murder. Lastly, the teachings of the Bible and Quran are unambiguous on the issue of murder and they give no exceptions on the issue (TPF, 4).


               Scientifically, abortion tends to be jeopardy to the human health in medically conduct poorly. Women continue to die especially in the societies that prohibit it though there is exact statistics showing the number of women who die annually (TPF, 10). However, since the decriminalization of abortion the number of women dying from it decreased (TPF, 10). This is due to the fact that laws were enacted defending women from any insult thereby leading to improved way of conducting it compared to initially when it was conducted clandestinely. Recently, the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer reported that 75% of abortion cases worldwide are associated with breast cancer. In U.S approximately 13 out 15 cases tends to be more jeopardizing and the more studies are conducted, they show more risk results (TPF, 10). Therefore, apart from health risk associated with abortion during administration, it is possible that the patient might face future risks.

 Breaking the Fetal Life Cycle

                  Scientifically, the life of a fetus starts at the fusing of the male egg and the female one. Therefore, any period after that is scientifically defined to as fetal life cycle (TPF, 8). It is worth saying that the termination of that life cycle basically means terminating life which might be considered being against the religious teachings and partly the law (TPF, 8). Lastly, this argument is supported by the fact that everyone was once an enchanting child and if the mothers committed it that means that no one us would have been alive.

                However, it is not wise to blame the government for legalizing abortion though it was an act of responding to the urge of women. Following the words of Bill Clinton that “abortion must be safe, legal and rare”, he meant that safe and legal were the fact that determined the rareness of abortion cases (Herstein, 1). Therefore, the government saw that in order to eliminate or lower the number of deaths associated with abortion due to unprofessional administration, it was better to legalize it so that those who did it in the bushes might seek doctor’s advice and attendance. This was a wise act since it was hard to absolutely eliminate abortion but the fact was based on lowering the number of deaths and thus the government tamed it.


                 Abortion can be legally viewed as a right or a pro-choice, however getting deep to the roots of the issue; it is just a mere jeopardy and immorality (MacArthur, 80). Its legalization it just giving a right to do wrong and this does not protect anyone from enduring the shortcoming of abortion. Therefore, there are several reasons why abortion poses no benefit to the society. These reasons include; it’s a contradiction of religious teachings, its hazardous to human health, it terminates the life cycle of a human being and, it is unethical. Finally this reminds me of a remark we used to make while at school that, “abortion does not make a woman free but just a mother of a dead child”.


Works cited

Black, Susannah. "Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights." Human Life Review 41.1 (2015): 78-82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 July 2015

Herstein, Ori J. "A Legal Right To Do Legal Wrong." Oxford Journal Of Legal Studies 34.1 ( 2014): 21-45. Business Source Complete. Web. 14 July 2015.

TPF S. A. 10 Reasons Why Abortion Is Evil & Not A Pro-Choice (2015):

MacArthur, John. Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong. , 2009. Internet resource

937 Words  3 Pages
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