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please explain Kant’s approach to philosophical history. What is going on in history, according to Kant? What is the ultimate goal of history? What are the key moments in the beginning and the development of history toward this goal?

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Paper Instructions:

please explain Kant’s approach to philosophical history.  What is going on in history, according to Kant?  What is the ultimate goal of history?  What are the key moments in the beginning and the development of history toward this goal?
Be sure to discuss both of the Kant essays we discussed in class.  This paper should focus on the primary texts, so it need not include any secondary sources.  If you do use any secondary sources, however, you must cite them to avoid plagiarism. In grading these assignments I will be looking at the quality of your engagement with the relevant texts and your ability to articulate it in a convincing way.  This means presenting the reasons for your conclusion, as well as engaging with possible objections.  Grades will reflect the depth of insight as well as the quality of your prose.  

152 Words  1 Pages
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