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The University of the Incarnate Word prides itself on its community service and on service learning opportunities for students and faculty

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Description:  The University of the Incarnate Word prides itself on its community service and on service learning opportunities for students and faculty.  It is through our classes that we assist students to extend their learning from the classroom to the outside world.  Students connect their thoughts, gifts, and passions with service to others.

In this course of God and Human Sexuality, we will substitute a service-learning experience for a project.  A number of ways to make this work are listed below.  You need to choose one of them, and upon completion write a short review of your work, and how it fit into your classroom content.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Discuss Spong’s suggestions with someone not in this course.  What were the reactions?
2. If possible, discuss divorce with someone who has gone through it.  Did he or she receive any support from his or her faith?
3. Invite someone from a different religious background to attend a service in your church. Interview that person concerning his/her experience in doing so.
4. If you are a non-practicing religious person, seek out one that is, and spend an hour or so discussing your differences in regard to Spong’s suggestions.
5. If you have some other suggestions that fit into the service-learning concept, please share them with us.

In writing your paper in response to this lesson, include the following answers: (4 components)
1. What was your project?
2. Why did you choose this particular project?
3. What did you do to fulfill the requirements of the project?
4. What did you learn from the project? You should be able to write this on one page.  

284 Words  1 Pages
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