Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:
a. Select 1 of the 2 activities:
1. Observe and reflect on an activity that is related to sexuality and childhood
development – as is discussed in your textbook. Submit a brief, written reflection of the situation/activity observed.
1) Observe and compare 2 individuals or age groups (1 in each of the following ranges: 0-9 years and 10-18 years) during an activity or in a movie.
2) In your reflection discuss:
A) Discuss the age groups and the developmental stages.
B) Describe the situation or activity observed.
C) Identify primary and secondary sex characteristics present, how the individual/group adapts to these changes and their environment.
D) Were there any sexuality issues?
Some ideas for activities/events: attend – an age appropriate sporting event, a movie, a video parlor (Incredible Pizza etc), or a play. Have fun thinking differently while completing this assignment!
Complete the activity > 1. Children and Sex in Other Societies. Some societies are openly accepting of sexual behavior in children and adolescents. Consider the Mangaia, Trobriand Islanders, Lepcha, Romonum Islanders, Marquesas or another society of your choice. Discuss: a. How parents respond to the sexual play of children. B. How children learn about sexuality. Who teaches them and in what setting or context? C. What is the relation between the sexuality of children and that of adults in the same society?
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Children and Sex in Other Societies
235 Words 1 Pages