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Pneumococcus (PCV13) Vaccine

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Case Study and research the disease Pneumonococcus (PCV13) Vaccine and its associated immunization, detailing how immunization works in our immune defense mechanism. 
The Case Study Report - Immunization must include the following components:
§    both broad and general description of the disease/organism 
§    Discuss if the disease/organism(s) is a virus or bacterium
§    Explain basic signs and symptoms the disease/condition causes in human infections 
§    Explain any complications the disease/condition may lead to in human infections
§    Discuss how the disease/organism is transmitted
v    Immunization Purpose: List and give basic description of what type of immunity the vaccination offers; Discuss if the vaccine provides passive or active immunity; explain the difference between passive and active immunity and how each defends the body in protection.
v    Immunization Schedule: Refer to reliable/credible sources and list the immunization schedule that is required for an individual (i.e. CDC, Department of Health).
§    List the immunization schedule for the age(s) an individual should be vaccinated
§    List if any “booster immunizations” are required and explain why
§    Discuss the consequences if the vaccination schedule is not followed and/or if any “booster immunization doses” are not administered.

203 Words  1 Pages
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