Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
The midterm asks you to watch a short video, read a newspaper article, and
answer the question below by engaging with course materials.
You should draw on course readings primarily and the lectures ONLY when a
term/concept/issue has been introduced in lecture that is not included in the
readings. You may only use two readings for any one week of the course.
Please include definitions of any key terms you use. Imagine you are answering
these questions for someone who has no prior knowledge of the course content.
Give examples and explain your arguments fully.
Your response will be graded on its content and its engagement with the course
readings and lectures (e.g. citations). Response should be in paragraph format.
Do not use point form.
APA in-text citation style must be used. A reference page is not required,
unless you draw on sources outside the course content, which is not necessary. If
you are citing lectures you can use the following citation style (Lecture #, Majeed,
You answer should be no longer than two pages single-spaced.
The question is worth 20 marks.
2 of 2
• Your response should be submitted online through the course site as a
• No title page. Include your name, student number, course code, and the
instructor’s name in the header of the first page
• Single-spaced
• Times New Roman, 12pt
• Include page numbers
Video Resource: COVID-19: What’s Next EP20 George Floyd
Newspaper Article: Toronto board of health unanimously votes to recognize antiBlack racism as public health crisis (
1. Watch the video and read the newspaper article above. Drawing on three (3)
readings from the first half of the term (you may only use two readings for any one
week of the course), respond to the statement “racism is a public health issue”.
Ensure you summarize the course readings, define concepts, and make clear
connections to how the readings and concepts highlight the health inequalities
faced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) as a result of racism and