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What does the term GMO mean, and what are GMO Foods? Are they good for you? Are they good for the world at large? If yes, how? If no, why? Are they harmful to human and/or animals? How about the environment? Do they help the environment, or do they harm t

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Paper Instructions:
Essay description
Carry out an internet search of the origin of the GMO Foods. Everyone of your claims must be supported by reliable scientific evidence. You must cite real research, in peer reviewed journals, BUT you may NOT cite websites, documentaries, newspaper reports, or magazines, except as indirect or tertiary You will lose points for not adhering to this rule!
Your essay will address the following issues among any others you may come across: What does the term GMO mean, and what are GMO Foods? Are they good for you? Are they good for the world at large? If yes, how? If no, why? Are they harmful to human and/or animals? How about the environment? Do they help the environment, or do they harm the environment? How? Are there green GMO foods? Or are there any green chemistry interventions in place for GMO foods? Based on your research for this essay. have you formed some personal opinion about GMO foods?

171 Words  1 Pages
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