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Prepare a report explaining what system software is Evaluate different types of system software Recommend an appropriate system software Please include the following in your report:

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In this Assignment, you will assess and recommend appropriate system software.

To: Technology Advisor

From: Software Acquisition Department

Re: Updating system software

We are currently in the process of evaluating our current systems. After we have determined the appropriate system software, we will assess whether our hardware is appropriate.


Prepare a report explaining what system software is
Evaluate different types of system software
Recommend an appropriate system software
Please include the following in your report:

Explain what an operating system does.
How does the OS manage the processor?
What activities are coordinated by the OS?
How does the OS manage the computer’s memory?
What is virtual memory and how does it work?
How does the OS manage peripheral devices?
What are device drivers?
What is PnP?
How does the OS coordinate software?
What is the BIOS?
What does the BIOS do?
What is POST?
What is the kernel?
What are beep codes?
What are three different operating systems? (Note: Only one can be Microsoft.)
Which operating system would you recommend?

When answering these questions, please write 3 to 4 sentences on each topic. Use a minimum of 2 sources

203 Words  1 Pages
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