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Explain about Carolingian Art and Ottonian Art

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Paper Instructions:

  1. Explain about Carolingian Art and Ottonian Art.(100words)
    2. Explain about artistic connection between Carolingian Art and Ottonian Art.(100words)
    3. Response to peer's thought.(20words each)
        3-1. Peer's thought1: Upon reading this module, I was shocked by the role of Charlemagne in the split of the Roman Empire and Catholicism. According to the module, the barbarian tribes converted into Christianity once they enter the former Roman territories. But, the converted barbarians were never considered as legitimate Christians as the other Christians. This is evident in the response of the Christians and Romans living in the east after the 800 crownings of Charlemagne by the pope in the old saint peter’s Basilica. The reaction led to the tension between the west and east halves. Given that Charlemagne focused on reviving the artworks made during the Constantine period, does it mean that some people did not support Constantine's arts and ideologies?

    Another thing that interests me about the Carolingian art is that it survives in sculptures, architecture, manuscripts, and the religious artifacts created in the 780-900 period. The artists who produced these arts worked exclusively for the emperor, court members, and bishops and abbots linked to the court (Ross). These again support the hypothesis that the Carolingian art is strongly centered on Charlemagne an individual and ideologies.

        3-2. Peer's thought2: This module has helped me understand why Medieval art is associated with negative connotations. It is because it had classical, Christian, and barbarian influences (Kessler 167). Besides, the fact that the art period occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire until the beginning of the Renaissance era must have made its artwork have mixed and unique elements. As a result, scholars believed that it was inferior art because it did not reflect classical Greek and Roman traditions. During this time, Manuscript art emerged to convey powerful Christian messages to the people. For instance, the Lindisfarne Gospels Carpet depicts Christian imagery (Academy of art Para1). It a highly decorated manuscript that contains a Christian cross and writhing of pagan monsters. Besides, gold leaves, mosaics, gem decorations, and panel paintings were widely used. Withal, the rise of Charlemagne to power significantly changed medieval art (Ross para8). His idea of reviving classical ideas and culture led to the creation of better art pieces that well conveyed Christian messages such as the Saint Mathew Folio and Lindau Gospel Crucifixion Front Cover.

    Muslims conquered the southern part of Spain, which opened their entry into Europe. Upon entry into Europe, they began constructing mosques and decorating them with various kinds of artwork (Kessler 169). Like Christian art, Islamic art aimed at depicting Islamic teachings and themes. Islamic art entailed recurrent motifs, the application of vegetal and geometrical patterns, and the use of repetition designs. The repetition style signifies the infinite and indivisible nature of God (Kessler 169). The decoration of the prayer Hall of Great Mosque, Spain, is a perfect example of the repetitive and geometric designs that Muslims incorporated in their art.
508 Words  1 Pages
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