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1. Select an architectural monument from the following list of possibilities: Shrine at Ise, Horyuji Complex, Todaiji, Nara, Taj Mahal, Frederick Stevens, Victoria Terminus, Mumbai, India, 1887, The Forbidden City, Himeji Castle, Hyogo, Near Osaka, and Ta

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Select an architectural monument from the following list of possibilities: Shrine at Ise, Horyuji Complex, Todaiji, Nara, Taj Mahal, Frederick Stevens, Victoria Terminus, Mumbai, India, 1887, The Forbidden City, Himeji Castle, Hyogo, Near Osaka, and Tange Kenzo, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Write an architectural analysis. You can also independently do some research on the monument that you select on the internet  

70 Words  1 Pages
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