Edudorm Facebook


            Question 1

            The two ways that the agency can utilize Facebook is by utilizing banner ads and a fan page.  This helps the targeted consumers who are following the page to access and follow the content that is being posted.  For the fun page, those who can access the content are those who have like the page which additionally enables them to like the presented content.  Using banner Ads would help the agency in gaining enough likes.  This helps in increasing communication between the consumers, the urgency as well as the brand.  The targets can provide their responses based on the Ads content which can help in improving the marketing strategies as well as branding.  Driving traffic towards the urgency brand page can be challenging because it requires more than just customizing the brand page. This can, therefore, be achieved through banner Ads which will help in creating a better platform for dialogue with the consumers.

Creating banner advertisements would help to increase the Facebook likes for Jacksonville jaguars as it will attract individuals who are following the brands, those that are interested and even those that were not aware of the brand. Banner Ads would thus be effective in creating awareness in the market.

            Question 2

            The most effective way that the agency can use twitter in driving traffic is through the use of trending and sponsored tweets.  This is mainly because twitter is described as the actual time data network which helps to connect individuals to the latest information.  Utilizing the trending tweets would help the brand connect to move fast as individuals will participate in conversations.  Sponsored tweets are effective because they provide additional as well as detailed information about the product.

The agency should have a twitter account for the brand to increase its recognition. This is mainly because the strategy is cheap to utilize and it is versatile. This, therefore, means that the twitter holds the capability of supporting photos, texts, links as well as videos.  This can, therefore, help in personalizing the relationship between the consumers and the brand.  Additionally having a twitter account will help in managing the market growth which will thus reduce random marketing as the number of individuals who have viewed the post will be displayed.  Moreover, it is flexible and easy to use and the users can simply forward the links and re-tweet the content thus enabling their friends to see. This will help in growing the market segment through awareness creation.

            Question 3

Since Facebook will adopt several changes of increasing the number of acquisitions, announcements, advertisements, as well as marketing initiatives the agency, can utilize these in driving traffic to the brand page.  The agency can achieve this by designing more advertisements as well as detailed announcements in regard to the brand to grow its recognition.  This will benefit the agency because it is aimed at ensuring that everyone that connections are readily available to all individuals (Donston-Miller, 2012).  This will, therefore, be essential in growing the market based on the virtual reality that will be created.

The demand for the utilization for short and trending messages is growing on the twitter platform. The agency can, therefore, utilize the trend of short messages in ensuring that the brand service message grows continuously (Guynn, 2015).  Short messages are an effective communicator because they hold accurate and straight forward content which makes it easy for understanding and growth. This can thus be utilized in gaining more awareness as well as growth.




            Donston-Miller, D. (2012). What’s next for Facebook? Retrieved From

Guynn, J. (2015). What’s next for Twitter? Retrieved from

608 Words  2 Pages


            Social media is one of the cultures that most people especially in the 21st century, as the world is currently globalizing each and every new day. In the present day, the digital world of using the internet has brought about so many positive as well as negative effects and it has brought so many people together from all over the world through sharing of information using the social media. As the digitization process is aggravating at a faster rate, the more there is the importance of having the computer skills all over the world. However there are digital inequalities that are attributed due to lack of computer skills, age, lack of interest and lack of access. According to a report that was carried out in UK, almost all the youths aged between 16-24 years who form 99% are regarded as the recent internet users while the rate at which the adults are using the internet is increasing as the ratio is in every 10 adults, 9 adults have used the internet within three months in 2015 (Office of the National Statistics 3). This means that the use of internet has increased rapidly even to those that are to adults.

            Another surprising statistic is on the black people culture. According to Monique Morris, 67% of the National Football League players are made up of the black African Americans. 92% of the unsportsmanlike behavior penalties are given to these black Americans (Morris 1). This is believed by sociologists to be as a result of the negative reaction to self-promotion especially when demonstrated by a black American player.  





            Morris M. W. Black Stats: African Americans by the Numbers in the Twenty-first Century. New York Press. Reprinted with permission. 2014. Retrieved from:

Office of the National Statistics. Internet users, 2015.


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