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Organized crime group

Organized or Otherwise Scenario

            The group below is not an organized crime group as the scenario in it has crime that is implemented by cultured groups on a regional scale.  The scenario has its crime groups that differ in size and are coming together to make up a single criminal act that is performing exercise focusing on the economic and the social effect in their operation area.  This is not referred to as the organized crime group as it is seen to have vital operations of the government such as settling of conflicts and some basic models of social security for the area. In the scenario, the organized crime group gets its main source of information from giving out services to the public (Woodiwiss, 2003).

            All the crime that is performed is always organized thus the criminal acts suggests in less social organizational levels. The theft of merchandise by the gangs is a more organized crime than is a simple attack, a group of thieves who steal these merchandises, modify them and then sell them out of America needs more organization than any other gang group who commit this act of theft.   The investigative ways that can be used to lessen this king of crime in the scenario is advancing the crime preventions programs or the institutional practice that will lessen the criminal matters that would occur. The local institutions need a vital test of the programs that evaluate the communities, families and schools and this will result as the best approach (Woodiwiss, 2003).    

            A gang is a group of linking persons or close friends with recognizable leadership and internal organization that claims to have control over a certain community thus engaging in the illegal behaviors. The reason as to why they are known as organized crime group is due to the fact that they commit the behaviors for money benefits (Woodiwiss, 2003).


Woodiwiss, M. (2003). Organized crime and American power: A history. Toronto [u.a.: Univ. of Toronto Press.   


332 Words  1 Pages
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