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Property and aggressive crimes rate

Quantitative Analysis 3-Insight into Analysis

The article regarding property and aggressive crimes rate by Cancino, Varano, Schafer, & Enriquez (2007) utilized regression technique as an arithmetical tool for the analysis of the association amid different variables. The viable that were being measured are possessions and violent crimes, social disorganization and anomie theory. Aggressive and property crimes are the dependent variables while social organization represents the independent ones which can be manipulated in changing the general outcome (Cancino, Varano, Schafer, & Enriquez, 2007). The research established that the collaboration amid alcohol density and concentrated socio-economic challenges are the most significant and directly associated with the general rise of property and aggressive crimes (Cancino, Varano, Schafer, & Enriquez, 2007). The regression model also established that the collaboration amid welfare liberality and rigorous challenges are significantly and undesirably related with the general outcomes (Cancino, Varano, Schafer, & Enriquez, 2007).

From the article, it is clear that regression analysis is mainly suitable when attempting to generate or establish a relationship amid different variables. In this context, the model is not suitable for a direct investigation that does not have comparable variables. Regression analysis helps in determining issues that revolve around the raised issues and mainly asserts on the expected outcomes. In that, the approach is utilized in demonstrating the direct effect of a single variable on another which is mainly applied in statistical nature. The relationship that is established helps in demonstrating how a certain variable affect the outcome of a subject, in this case, being a crime (Bachman & Schutt, 2017). In this context, it is not possible to establish the causes as well as the effect of these crimes without establishing the existing relationship amid the major variables.


Bachman, R., & Schutt, R. K. (2017). The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (6th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cancino, J., Varano, S., Schafer, J. A., & Enriquez, R. (2007). An ecological assessment of property and violent crime rates across a Latino urban landscape: The role of social disorganization and institutional anomie theory. Western Criminology Review8(1), 69–87.


349 Words  1 Pages
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