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E- Commerce Initiatives


E- Commerce Initiatives


E- Commerce initiatives can be termed as definite channels that different companies integrate in order to extend business operations over the internet. Markets in the contemporary world characterizes expansive changes including new methods of providing products hence companies turn to ecommerce in order to acquire and in turn sustain competitive advantages. Internet is currently acting as a “basic” element of social life in various backgrounds thus companies use internet to deliver value into markets. For instance, internet is a convenient channel of delivering an organization’s value including products in the market. Nevertheless, an ecommerce initiative can be put into practice in an organization to enhance sales other than delivering value since it as well facilitates payment collection. Generally, an “ecommerce initiative” refers to any practice that is meant to get business operations online or to generate superiority by increasing online superiority (Ainley & Scott, 2017).

E-Commerce is commonly embraced by various organizations across the world due to the fact that it takes in channels of different forms which in most presentations accomplish its purposes in the market. Additionally, ecommerce initiatives facilitate establishment of two forms of marketing including business to business (B2B) and business to consumers (B2C) which highly enhance business operations through product development and sales increment accordingly (UNCTAD, 2016). The most affluent initiative that an organization can embrace to engage in ecommerce business is generation of a website. A website includes capabilities of enacting marketing and sales needs in organization. Some other initiatives include online advertisements and application of services of social media. Social media may be applied to either reach potential customers in different environments or to reestablish an institution’s website in order to enrich business operations existing online. 

Ecommerce is considered as the best initiative of endorsing global trade encompassing trading of products from one country to another since it eases product development in the consuming country (“The International Trade Administration”, 2016). Product development is an essential element of enhancing product functionality in markets thus ecommerce mostly emphasizes on online platforms to deliver product value to global markets.  It is usually affordable to reach new customers through online advertisements in comparison to ordinary methods due to its accessibility. Many people in the contemporary world have access to internet with many using various social sites such as Facebook hence it is usually easy to communicate organizational value across the world.

Online expansion is experiencing rapid growth due to its ability to provide alternative means of purchasing products and convenient means of making payments (World Bank, 2016). Nevertheless, it is logical to state that online expansion is receiving positive receptions due to effective communication and its nature of accessibility.  Arguably, online business is less ambiguous when compared to conventional businesses considering the fact that it characterizes affluent elements of versatility. For that reason, online business requires fewer resources which lower operational costs unlike added expenses in traditional businesses. On the other hand, effective communication and easy accessibility can be critiqued as the basic reasons as to why e-businesses are usually focused in the market. Communication as well as accessibility boosts marketing ethicality in ecommerce due to minimized resource uncertainty and so, triggering significant market growth. This initiative defines market sustainability since its resources limits unethical competitions by regulating market threats. Additionally, rapid growth is as well attached to the element of communication. E- Commerce picture perfect communication thus generates reliability and in turn boosting market growth. It is logical to hypothesize that most organizations embrace ecommerce platforms in order to endorse accommodating communication in the market.  Communication and accessibility are crucial elements of the initiative since it provides immediate feedback which can be used to reestablish operations in an organization in order to enhance market growth.
















“The International Trade Administration” (2016). India – ecommerce. U.S. Embassies abroad –   retrieved from;

Ainley, M. & Scott, S. F. (2017). The rise of 'modest' fashion. CNN – retrieved from;   UNCTAD (2016). New initiative to help developing countries grasp $22 trillion e-commerce       opportunity. Unctad press – retrieved from; 

World Bank. (2016). “World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends.” Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO - retrieved from;               WDR2016Overview-ENGLISH-WebResBox-394840B-OUO-9.pdf



706 Words  2 Pages
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