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The Significance of the Environment to human beings

The Significance of the Environment to human beings

The most important role of the environment is to keep living things alive and healthy. It provides living things with food, shelter, air, water, and any other need. Environmental conditions and factors have an important role in the entire life of human beings. The environment provides the natural beauty that is essential for the human being in terms of physical and mental health. This is because the beauty of nature has a very big impact on our senses. The forest and trees in the environment help to purify the air that the living things breathe by absorbing the harmful gases. The plants help to feed human beings keeping them alive. They also prevent floods that can cause a lot of damage to the environment and living things. The environment controls all the important systems that are vital to the ecosystem. It controls several natural revolutions which help to maintain the natural balance between it and the living things. 

 This makes it vital for human beings to protect and keep the environment clean to live a healthy and pleasant life. Nevertheless, environmental contamination has been on the rise and has become a global threat. Pollution puts a human being's life in danger and destroys the living environment. People are considered the most intuitive living things on earth that can use their intelligence to master new concepts which lead o technological advancement. Technological advancements come with a lot of benefits for the development of the economy but can also destroy the environment. Science and technology are used to make lives better but most often the environment is forgotten. When lives are changed by the technologies, the beautiful nature that surrounds us gets ruined.

Water pollution is among the most momentous stumbling block because there is so much garbage that is being directed to the rivers and the water. Most of the factories dispense the untreated waste from industries and other dangerous chemicals in the water. Pesticides and fertilizers that are used for agriculture are also water pollutants. When the living environment is contaminated, natural ecosystems are immensely affected. Another humanity challenge is the pollution of the air we breathe. The air is polluted by the release of unconfined harmful automotive and industrial smokes. Harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, chemical fumes among others are air pollutants. Some of these harmful gases are responsible for global warming. Noise pollution also harms the environment mainly on human beings and animals. The environment has a major role in making human being’s parturient on earth possible. This is because all the things needed by a human being to live a full and normal life is from the environment. Human beings cannot live without water, air, plants, and other natural things. Pollution of the environment affects lives economically, socially, physically, and emotionally and as Margaret Mead states, we won’t have a society if we destroy the environment. Maintaining our environment by taking care of it is essential to keeping its originality. As human beings, we should save energy, throw garbage in its rightful places, and stop polluting the environment.

Freedom and Human Rights

Every human being is entitled to principles that enable them to have freedom legally, socially, or ethically. These basic rights ensure that every human being is treated equally. Rights work towards protecting the interests and freedom of citizens in a country. Rights are crucial in the development of a country and human beings on a personal level. Rights include having the freedom to live and the freedom to practice any religion, freedom of speech, and movement among others. Each right has a very big impact on the wellbeing of every human being. The right to life safeguards the lives of human beings. The freedom of religion enables humans to worship any religion of their choice. This means that rights enable humans to feel free and have a piece of mind as citizens. When these rights are violated, disagreements and fights erupt making people unhappy and the country not to be at peace. 

The mobilization of humans is made easy by the freedom of movement. This one ensures that there are no restrictions put from traveling to any place a person would wish to or even reside there. This also opens up for work opportunities that are situated away from the current living state or country. The freedom of movement enables people to indulge and interact with other people from different countries and even helps in the exchange programs adding more skills and knowledge. Legal rights allow human beings to experience fair trials in courts. This ensures that justice is served to them and decisions are made with them in mind. Legal rights allow equal treatment to all citizens and are done without any discrimination regardless of gender, social class, sex, or race. Freedom of speech ensures that humans are free to give and express their opinions without fear either by speaking, writing, or printing.

Rights ensure that there is gender equality and it is practiced. In the earlier days, women would be discriminated against men in terms of employment, education, chores, and there place in society. With the development of women's rights, things have taken a new turn, and women are being treated differently. Every citizen is entitled to a right to education up to the level they wish to. This is irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other difference that they may be having. This helps in the growth of the country and it’s economic as well when people are learned to get involved in businesses and employment. Rights are also essential in workplaces whereby the employer has his rights and the employee has theirs too. This ensures that there are boundaries and each party should not cross theirs. This generates productivity in the workplace and there is a smooth flow because each party knows their place and what is required of them. Human rights are requisite for a peaceful, free, and happy living for human beings. When citizens and the government work together towards protecting each other and each other’s progress, everything works out well benefiting both of them. 

The impact of a Pandemic/crisis and the role of the Government

A pandemic is a health crisis that causes panic and fear to the people. Through the alarming cases of infections and deaths, a pandemic changes all the usual activities in a country. Institutions close down, businesses are closed, travels are canceled, airports and borders are closed extremely affecting the country’s economy. This is because the virus spreads rapidly and for it to be contained, the government is expected to intervene. When a pandemic strikes, the government is impacted the most because it has to come up with protective measures that will help to keep the uninfected people safe or from contracting the virus. Measures that are put by the government include social distancing, maintaining hygiene, and self-quarantine. The government has to aid the poverty-stricken in the country for example with food and other basic needs such as providing masks and sanitizers. The government should ensure that every person adheres to the measures they put because they help to diminish the spread. For them to reach a lot of people, social media, broadcasting houses, radios, and any means of communication are used. This is done to ensure that every single person gets information about the preventive measures and their significance.

A pandemic causes loss of jobs because of the closure of businesses. This leaves people grappling on the living standards and putting food on the table. It causes people to cry out to the government for help. The closure of schools brings lots of confusion and has a great impact on the teachers, families, students, and their studies. Teachers come up with different platforms that can reach the student and mainly it is done through the internet. It is unfortunate for the students who don’t have access to the internet or smartphones because they tend to miss on all the lessons and assignments. Television programs bring educational content to students. All this is disadvantageous for poor students who cannot afford a television or the internet. So there is a gap between the different classes of people in the time of a pandemic and the less fortunate tend to lose on a lot of opportunities. The closure of airports and borders prevent businesses from taking place. People who depend on these businesses are hit hard and are left with no income.

During a pandemic, the number of infected people keeps rising each day. Many deaths are experienced too even when the doctors try to contain it. In some countries, the government orders for a total lockdown to try and stop the spread of the virus that spreads too fast. The number of cases in a day is overwhelming and a lockdown is a measure by the government that discourages social interaction from people. Whenever there is a pandemic outbreak, vaccines are not available and it takes time before it is developed. The doctors use other methods of treatment to deal with the virus before the vaccine is developed. Neither the world nor the government is ever ready for a pandemic. That is the reason that countries suffer economic shocks during and after a pandemic. Countries that are not financially able to handle the pandemic resolve to borrowing money from other countries. Countries should come up with strategies that help to prepare for a pandemic so that it does not cause an enormous impact.

Factors contributing to Crime

Engaging in any misconduct that is against the law is committing a crime. Crime is punishable by law and includes misconduct such as murder, robbery, possessing drugs, rape, and any other delinquency that is forbidden by the law. Classification of a crime is done according to the seriousness of the misdemeanors or felonies. Misdemeanors are usually punishable by a fine or less imprisonment compared to felonies which are considered more serious. Many felony offenders are sentenced to prisons. Crime continues to be one of the biggest challenges that are faced in society. In one way or another, people lose their lives daily because of crime. Criminal gangs that control neighborhoods in our societies commit homicide and robbery felonies day in day out making people live in fear. Factors that contribute to crime include unemployment, lack of education, and poverty. The reason is that many of the culprits that have been arrested have been found to have either of these traits. People that have these traits are people that resolve to commit crime as a way to earn a living. It is obligatory for this problem to be fixed because if it is not, crime will keep growing each day and people will continue losing their property and their lives. To fix the problem, it is important to learn about the causes and deal with them first. When the factors that contribute to crime are addressed, the society and the entire country will experience reduced crimes.

Crime causation can be elucidated as being biological, sociological, and psychological. This is because perpetrating crime depends on the biological and psychological state of a person and their social interactions in their residents. Peer influence is another factor that leads to crime. Most young offenders are influenced by their peers to commit a crime and because of their poor judgment or naivety, they oblige. The use of drugs in societies pushes individuals to commit crimes. Very many young people believe that committing a crime will make them respected and will enable them to get money and will satisfy them in terms of drugs, fashion, and sex. Emotional and psychological weaknesses of these young delinquents prevent them from making their own choices and fall for these prey that manipulate them into joining their gangs and committing crimes. In the long run, they end up being sentenced to jail. Another factor that contributes to the crime committed by young people is poor parenting. Children always want to have a sense of belonging and when a child is raised with no love they tend to find solace elsewhere and sometimes they fall in traps or the hands of wrong people. To try and curb crime, every person in the society should be treated equally despite their gender, race, neighborhood, or class. Discrimination and favoritism should be avoided at all costs. Opportunities should be created for every person and this will make people feel wanted in the society hence reduce the crime rate.

Embracing Uncertainty

Uncertainty generates anxiety and makes it difficult for a person to be ready for the different occurrences in life or even have control over them. Uncertainty makes decision making a very complicated puzzle. This is because it makes a person have different emotions that affect the mental stability to even make the right decision. Some of these emotions are worrying too much which are a good and bad emotion. Worry can be helpful when it is aimed at adaptive behaviors that reduce risks. Chronic worry may cause stress that greatly impacts the health of the heart and can eventually lead to depression. Internal reactions and emotions to uncertainty are normal to a human being but can make a person act in impulsive actions that weaken their self-confidence. Self-confidence is a very important aspect of a human being because it contributes to a person believing in themselves, their abilities, and their judgment. Mental health issues, eating disorders, anxiety is associated with a dislike for uncertainty. Uncertainties lead to changes in life that we are or not prepared for or things that we don’t expect at all. These changes can have a positive impact on our lives or can tear us down. Jim carry states that if you aren't in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret. It feels comfortable knowing what to expect and that we have something to look forward to. The problem comes when what we expected fails and we have no power to control it. This results in anxiety, discomfort, fear and these are things that can break us.

 As a human being, going past your fear of uncertainty can lead to exploring aspects in life that you never knew existed. This makes uncertainty and change beautiful and have positive outcomes. It makes us try out new things and meet new people who eventually become part of our lives. Uncertainty and change are significant in the process of creating and living the life we desire to and the people we want to become. Though it’s had, it is sometimes good to embrace the part of not having everything figured out at all times. This is because sometimes we want to start new chapters in our lives or have big ideas that we want to put into action and uncertainty destroys it all. Uncertainty can be a cause of human stagnation and this is because every time you think of something new to try, uncertainty will bring fear and a lot of confusion. Uncertainty should not be a barrier to happiness and therefore it is important to embrace it and try to make the right decisions for yourself.

Taxation and its effect to the Economy/financial

The economy is concerned with the production of goods and services and how much the economy produces. It is also concerned with the precise amalgamation of the goods and services and how much each firm produces. The economy also includes the methods of production that are used and the amount of workforce. Finance is a part of economics that is concerned with providing funds to businesses, individuals, and the government. From the writings of Adam Smith and others, economics is considered as a handmaid of ethics, but in modern technology, economics is a handmaid of finance. This means that economic activity associates with the real world of tangible goods and services while finance associated with the money world. When we understand the difference between the barter economy and money economy, the role of money and the difference between them becomes crystal. Finance has a significant role in the economy. Finance grants different entities to purchase goods and invest in projects through credit. When financial institutions offer credit to the different entities, they help to grow the economy by administering funds from savers to borrowers. This enables individuals to be able to fund their projects or acquire items and properties and gradually pay back at a considerable amount of time. 

In the industrialized nations, taxes collected by the government form a large segment of the nation’s total economic activity. Taxes enable the government to meet the demands of a country. This is because the money collected through taxes is used to finance social projects. These projects include health services and medical care. It also finances education which is a very deserving project in a country. In government projects, taxes are used to pay public workers, parliament members, and police officers among others. The government also utilizes the money collected from taxes to fund sectors that are important for the welfare of citizens. This means that taxes are very important to a government because it would be difficult to raise enough money to fund all these projects. Because of the contribution of taxes, they help to prompt economic growth which has an enormous impact on the economy of the country. This causes the elevating of living standards and expanding the creation of jobs. Taxes are also used as an impediment for activities such as smoking and consumption of alcohol. They make it effective by foisting high excise levies on these products as a way of discouraging people from purchasing or selling them. For businesses to proliferate in a country, a good infrastructure is vital and taxes that are used to develop infrastructure helps to promote economic activity. Taxation is also significant for businesses because governments finance the money back to the economy in terms of loans and other financing firms. Because the standards of living are raised by taxes, there is growth in the level of consumption making businesses flourish. Taxes are indispensable and it is meant to benefit every citizen in a country. People must comprehend the importance of contributing to taxes because they work towards growing businesses and the economy as well.




3058 Words  11 Pages
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