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Ethical and Legal issue

Ethical and Legal issue

The ethical issue described is an act where individuals risked their businesses to ensure that the organization they work for does the right thing. The various unethical issues and acts that took place in their offices created a chance for the departments to cover their mistakes and this leads to being implicated negatively by the outcomes (De Graaf, 2011). Reporting such issues such as corruption or taking bribery is very important to ensure that the organization or the department involved does not suffer losses. Many public organizations suffer the losses which are brought about by the effect of corruption which is a big problem in the current world.

One way to help the organizations move on is to engage the various individuals involved in a talk that will make them understand that everyone is responsible for their actions and also that there are a purpose and value for the growth of the organization. Engaging the participants increases the chances of reducing such acts in the future (May, 2013). This is a strategy to make sure that the value of the production increases significantly. Improving the culture of an organization can help reduce the effects of employees and staff members acting against the rules.

Many organizations suffer from individuals and new employees adopting the behaviors of the previous or retired employees who might have used the wrong methodologies to conduct their duties. Such methods affect the productivity and they cause the change of the environment to a corrupt field of individuals (May, 2013). Engaging the employees within the organization helps reduce any chances of such acts ever being repeated in the organization. Employees tend to act according to their wants once they feel they have been segregated and therefore developing a close relationship can help prevent such acts.



De Graaf, G. (2011). The loyalties of top public administrators. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(2), 285–306.

May, S. (2013). Case studies in organizational communication: Ethical perspectives and practices. Los Angeles [etc.: Sage.

338 Words  1 Pages
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