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Imagine a gaming company has many computer systems but no formal methodology to make changes to these systems. As the IT Manager, the CIO has asked you to draft a change management methodology proposal.

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Paper Instructions:

Imagine a gaming company has many computer systems but no formal methodology to make changes to these systems. As the IT Manager, the CIO has asked you to draft a change management methodology proposal.

Prepare a 4- to 6-page change management methodology proposal that details the steps that must be taken when a change is recommended for any system. Include the following:

IT governance committee you would put in place to review and prioritize changes based on business needs and objectives and the severity of the change
A mock-up of the form the stakeholder fills out to request a system change (a stakeholder would be an end-user, manager, or IT staff member)
The process used to evaluate system changes and Service Level Agreements (SLAs), including any effect on budgeting and resources, such as time or people, or the severity of the change
The decision-making process used to determine whether internal staff or contractors should be used to complete a system change; include IT sourcing and contracting recommended practices
The importance of configuration management requirements and their impact on business processes or services
The methods you would use for handling conflict and other problems, such as failure to meet SLAs as they arise during a project
The process you would use to evaluate the success of the system change

Follow APA formatting requirements

233 Words  1 Pages
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