Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Title VII of the 1994 civil rights Act offers protection to individuals against being subjected to discrimination that is grounded on color, race, national origin, religion as well as sex. Title VII is only relevant to the employers dealing with fifteen or more employees which is inclusive of local as well as state governments (SHRM, 2017). It is additionally, applicable to agencies of employment as well as labor and federal government organizations. Equal chances in employment cannot be declined to any individual based on their perceived racial status, race associated features such as color and facial features or because they have associated themselves with persons of a certain racial color or sex. In addition, the Act makes prohibition of the decisions of employment that are developed on the assumptions and judgments that regards to traits, capabilities or the performance of persons based on their sex or racial groups (SHRM, 2017).
All the prohibitions that are addressed by Title VII are relevant regardless of whether the conducted discrimination was being directed at Blacks, Whites, Native Americans, Latinos, Arabs, Asians , mixed racial persons or individuals or any color, race or ethnicity (SHRM, 2017). Discrimination against any person in regard to hiring, promotion, recruitment, transfer, performance measurements, work duties, work surrounding, discharge, discipline, job training, benefits and salaries or any additional requirement, condition or employment privilege. Title VII does not solemnly prohibits direct or intended discrimination but also to the neutral policies of a job that inappropriately impacts individuals of a particular, sex, color, or race that are not associated to the business or the necessities of the job(SHRM, 2017). Employers are therefore necessitated to adopt the most appropriate practices that are aimed at lowering the possibility of discrimination occurrence and to ensure that equal employment chances impediments are adequately addressed (SHRM, 2017).
The primary protections under Title VII include the following beginning with hiring, promotion and recruitment. The requirements of the job are required to be consistent and uniformly utilized to individuals of all colors and races (DesJardins, & McCall, 2014). Even with the consistent application of a job and it is not significant for the needs of the business of performance , the requirements can be considered to be illegal in situation when it eliminates individuals of a particular race group or their color more as compared to others. Samples of the possible unlawful performances includes the solicitation application from the primary sources in which most of the potential employees will be derived from a similar color or race. An addition illegal performance is the requirement for applicants to possess a certain background in education that is not significant for the needs of the business or even performance. The last example is the testing of skills, knowledge, experience or capabilities which is not significant to the needs of the business (DesJardins, & McCall, 2014).
Employers can legitimately necessitate data that regards the applicants or even the existing employees for objective purposes action . The primary methodology that racial data of the employees can be obtained and at the same time protect them against selections that are discriminatory is the utilization of different form that helps in ensuring that their racial data is kept separate from the primary application (Gutman, Koppes & Vodanowich, 2010). In this form this ensures that the employers can utilize the data and store it without allowing it to be utilized in evaluations or other forms of promotion. Unless the acquired data is legal addressing or questioning applicants or employees on the basis of race is a major suggestion that racial status is utilized as part of decision making. If the information is then utilized in the exclusion of some individuals from the participation of certain roles, recruitment or promotion this is a component of discrimination evidence (Gutman, Koppes & Vodanowich, 2010).
Title VII additionally offers protection against hostile work environment. Offensive conducts such as promoting ethnic disgrace, racial jokes, verbal or even physical behaviors that are aimed at undermining persons of a certain sex, race or skin color. Under the Act employers are highly necessitated to avoid and offer corrections to all illegal harassment (Pynes, 2004). Compensation and all other terms, privileges and conditions of employment are also protected. Therefore, color, sex, race or national origin cannot be utilized as the basis for the differences that are placed on job duties, benefits, salaries, training, discipline , training or any other related condition (Pynes, 2004). Classification and employees segregation is also prohibited in that assignment and positions should not be denied or preserved to a particular group based on its racial superiority or privileges. Employees have the privilege under Title VII to exist under freely from retaliation for their arguments against discrimination or any other participation that might have affected the corporation (Pynes, 2004).
A Hypothetical Case of Misconduct
Ms Stephanie was recently hired as an assistant Human resource manager based on high expertise, competence, skills and abilities required for her role. She works under Mr. Schuster who manages and owns the organization that deals with surveys of marines as the primary business. She was entitled to less pay and benefits as compared to males in lower position with the justification that men performed more technical duties. On several occasions, the manager has been making undesirable comments regarding Stephanie’s body which makes her very uncomfortable especially because she has to make daily reports to him on the ongoing operations or any other event. Given the position of Mr. Schuster, Stephanie was reluctant to make any reports regarding the matter. However, in several occasions Mr. Schuster touched and make several attempts to touch her body which included her breasts. She complained to Mr. Schuster making the statements that the acts made her uncomfortable and therefore he should stop. She was continuously ignored and when she approached the director making the same complains she was ignored and this did not feel so good since it had reached to the extent of making those comments during subordinates meeting and she felt belittled. However, she learned that for all the employees were working directly under Mr. Schuster that was the norm and failure to corporate would result in a dismissal from her duties without any considerations.
Two months after her employment her employment was terminated on the grounds that she was slow, incompetent and on the decline of engaging in a personal relation with Mr. Schuster. Stephanie based her allegations on all the incidences that were categorized as sexual assessment. This incorporated statements made of her sexual nature, blonde jokes that were clearly stating that she did not posses much level of intelligence, sexual touches and the unjustified dismissal. With this placed on the complaint box Mr. Schuster highly admitted that he had fallen for Stephanie’s attraction since she was making advances and even made a proposition for a relationship between them. All the allegations that he received were countered with different claims. He made the statement that Stephanie had made a sexual introduction in his office by offering a kiss on the neck thus starting that she was always dressed in a seductive manner.
Mr. Schuster made the argument that Stephanie’s employment had been terminated based on the bad conduct while representing the corporation in business dealings and a bad influence of employees. He added that Stephanie lacked the capability of accomplishing any given task and held poor working performance based on the little evidence that she held. On the matter of making sexual and blonde jokes, Mr. Schuster started that Stephanie always enjoyed them all. The outcome was that Stephanie had been offended since the company offered her the job based on her qualities. In addition , making jokes that relates to one’s race was offensive since their color should be exclusive from any selection. The fact that her termination was not justified additionally supported that she had been offended and discriminated against because she was a woman and a blonde one in the case. The fact that she earned less as compared to other males in lower roles and received less benefits is an additional form of discrimination that is offered protection under Title VII.
Gender any other form of discrimination presents the organization at the risks of heavy penalties, reduced production, lowered performance , a negative reputation, destructions, family responsibilities and promotions. Title VII offers adequate protection to persons in regard to race, national origin, and color sex and so on. Women, men and individuals from different nations and races are therefore required to be given the same form of treatment while performing tasks, being hired, recruited or even promoted based on the job’s necessities and not racial or sex features (Pynes, 2004). Discrimination presents the organization to low production since individuals are bound to lose their motivation or the ability of perform takes effectively. Making jokes that regards to the gender of the employee, color or race affects individuals emotionally. In addition the prejudices that regards genders can lead to the supervisors in engaging to unlawful practices by ignoring those that are supposed to be promoted based on their origin or skin color (Gutman, Koppes & Vodanowich, 2010). In that this creates and promotes the notion that men are supposed to get higher roles with more benefits and salaries based on their perceived responsibilities as well as abilities. This may create high burdens on both the employers are the employees based on the required responsibilities. This is bound to expose the corporation to the burdens of destructions since those that are subjected to discrimination get a strong sensation of the loss of self worth and resentment that may generate damages. This may be manifested as property destruction, physical violence and a negative reputation. The ability of the corporation to retaining employed who are qualified, highly skilled and experience may be affected which may lead to additional costs.
The most appropriate action course for the employee is to get their job back but in a different supervision and position to avoid the occurrence of retaliation. The employee has proved their ability, skills and competence by not falling for personal relationships with her manager. In addition, her responsibilities and duties have been accomplished effectively without fail which shows that she deserves the role. In addition, she should be given the necessarily benefits and salary that suits her position and responsibility without consideration of her race, sex or color since performance is not based on either.
Discrimination should be highly prevented in the workplace since it results in destruction rather than benefits (Griffin, 2007). Diversity should be accepted highly and particularly in the modern society that is highly driven by globalization. In order for the occurrence to be prevented the organization should begin with gaining familiarity with the application of anti-discrimination laws and policies. All the managers should understand and ensure that they apply the laws in any selection or situation. In addition employees should be encouraged to read and review discrimination laws through making it to be a compulsory training for better understanding. Also they should promote high cooperation and equality within the organizations through the development of diverse working groups throughout all the organizations. In addition, the way in which employees can make reports of discrimination should be fair and well implemented by having professional and experienced HR personnel’s who holds the capability of handling the issues. in addition, if a case of discrimination is reported immediate and quick decisions should be made regarding the complain to offer justice on the affected persons. Lastly, the corporation is highly necessitated of developing anti- discrimination policies that will ensure that adequate protection is offered to all the employees (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013).
Griffin, R. (2007). Fundamentals of Management. Cengage Learning.
Gutman, A., Koppes L. Laura & Stephen J. Vodanowich. (2010). EEO Law and Personnel Practices. Psychology Press.
Joan, E. Pynes. (2004). Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. John Wiley & Sons
John M. Ivancevich & Konopaske, R. (2013). Human resource management. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Joseph R. DesJardins, & John J. McCall. (2014). Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics. Cengage Learning.
SHRM. (2017). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/titleviiofthecivilrightsactof1964.aspx