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Leadership Management Development

Leadership Management Development


Leadership and management are directly linked since one cannot effectively work without the other.  Leadership is defined as the capability of a person to influence, motivate as well as enable other individuals within the surrounding in funding towards the general success and effectiveness of an organization in which they are all members (CARMICHAEL, 201, 139).  On the other hand, management is mainly characterized by the procedure of directing and leading all or even a section of a particular organization via resources, physical, intellectual, financial and human deployment. Leadership development can thus be described as the procedure of teaching the qualities of leading which involves the motivating capability, communication, as well as management to a person who may not or may utilize the skills, learned while in a leading position (CARMICHAEL, 201, 139).  Management development, on the other hand, is an organizational development feature that  covers assessment and recruitment  of employees in the executive level as well as offering  leadership  training in the  quest  of  equipping  them for positions that  are higher.  This procedure, in general, involves cognitive, environmental and behavioral skills development. Cognitive development entails developing the thinking abilities, thoughts generation as well as making decisions that are effective.  The ability to opt for appropriate values, attitudes and the appropriate style of management are under behavioral and environmental skills development (CARMICHAEL, 201, 141). Effective development of both leadership, as well as management skills, is very crucial in organizations as it helps in boosting the general performance.  In addition, this helps in gaining a competitive advantage through the strategic operation.

Management and leadership development is a systematic tactic that helps in growing the general performance ability for the organization and those that are in leadership positions within the particular organization.  Leadership as well as managerial development,  are described as  the most important  aspect of any organization (HANNUM, & MARTINEAU, 2008, 113).  Management and leadership are a depiction of two different concepts that are utilized in the business world.  Leadership is linked with the capability of developing a clear vision as well as communicating the idea with others thus resolving the existing conflicts between those that are responsible for the general success (HANNUM, & MARTINEAU, 2008, 113).  On the other hand, management is linked with the general coordination and the organization of different economic resources that exists in the economic world.  Effective leadership as well as management directly impacts the business in a positive way.

It is highly known that effective managers and leaders are indispensable to the general efficiency of any organization.  Organizations and especially in the present world where the business environment is characterized by globalization requires strong managers as well as leaders in driving business success (HANNUM, MARTINEAU, & REINELT, 2006, 86).  Through the increased research it has been established that leadership and management cannot be separated in any industry as they work together in growing skills that are required for growth.  There is a need for organizations to invest in leaders and managers development even though they are accomplishing their roles correctly.  The investment in development is characterized by different transformation towards growth based on increased performance.  it is a zero degree secret on the fact that the  capacity of leadership  and that of management is  essential to the success of the organization (GOLD, HOLDEN, ILES, STEWART, & BEARDWELL, 2013, 88). However, there is very little research that has been compiled in regard to the long-term effect of profitability and productivity of an organization.

To begin with, the consumer-worker relationship is highly reliant on the strategic as well as the operational management and leadership that the organization demonstrates (ARDICHVILI, 2017, 94).  Based on this management and leadership can be termed as the leadership and profit chain major drive.  The effectiveness and the integrity of both management and leadership practices is a driver that is indirect to the success of the organization.  The maximum effect on an organization basis can mainly be expected when both the tactic leadership and management practices in the organization are adjusted thus providing support to an aim that is visible to the consumers and the workers (COLEMAN, & GLOVER, 2010, 104).

The creation of an efficient and successful is described a proposition that is inside out.  The general quality of an organizational culture, practices of management as well as strategic initiatives alignment is mainly dependent on leadership (ARDICHVILI, 2017, 95).  The leaders who are involved in holding individuals accountability and ensuring that they maintain effectiveness and productive behaviors are the major influencers and drivers of success organizations.  In an equal nature is the capability of a leader in affecting attitude, mood as well as the general engagement of culture and employees of the entire organization via a particular chain of occasions which are linked implicitly.  The general to the vitality of the organization lies in the generation of a surrounding that permits all the employees to win and become passionate in regard to all that they are engaged in.  through the capability of taking care of the employees managers as well as leaders  are  able to  develop a surrounding  where  consumers  are well handled  which enables them  to trust the  particular corporation to a very high  level during the period when  the attention  and emphasis  of managers  is focused  on the  profit indicators  in the  corporation effectiveness is rarely  attained (ARDICHVILI, 2017, 95). This is because profit can never be considered as a symbol of success because it is only a product that is derived after offering services to consumers.

With increased competition that has been created by the global market most organization ignores the development of managerial and leading skills in order to focus on more pressing issues (THORNE, 2016, 4).  However, gaining competitive advantage highly requires while developed leaders with adequate skills on making appreciate and beneficial decisions to an organization.  The success of any organization is mainly grounded on management and the leadership in the particular environment.   Organization high performance can never be achieved if the employees are not highly motivated.  Leadership development helps in establishing as well as the identification of competencies that the organization can utilize in attaining growth.  This, therefore, ensures that talents and skills are not lost while promoting and attaining the wrong individuals (THORNE, 2016, 4).

It is essential to conduct leadership and management evaluation within the organization as it helps in identification of development gaps.  The evaluation is crucial as it can assist in the provision of objective thoughts of the managers and leaders capabilities in leading the organization regardless of the working level (CIMADAMORE, LIE, MITTELMARK, & OTTEMÖLLER, 2016, 111).  An effective evaluation assists the managers, leaders as well as the organization in establishing the particular skills that they hold.  This additionally offers career aims in that during the procedure of gauging the general capability of handling distinct responsibilities and roles the evaluation helps in defining direction.  This is through establishing the strengths help by those that are involved and the areas that require being developed in order to lead effectively leaders and managers are required to understand who they are which can be achieved through evaluations (CARMICHAEL, 201, 140).  Evaluations help in the identification of the activities that leaders can take in order to motivate those that are under them.

For a manager, it is a necessity to be a holder of good administration skills.  This is mainly because a manager is required  to utilize  their  authority  as well as  power in an efficient way in ensuring that  all the tasks  are  performed correctly within the  specified  duration frame (THORNE, 2016, 6).  The effectiveness of the management lies mainly on the general capability to achieve targets through the utilization of relevant resources. In the present business, work organizations are highly realizing that being competitive requires a high investment in management as well as leadership development.  This has mainly been driven by the fact that managers and leaders  have faced  increased  changes  in  the working surrounding which  includes dynamic career changes,  organization structures transformation as well as  globalization.  Managers and organizational leaders are termed as very influential aspects in business in regard to the creation of high performance.  The capability of an organization at the level of management is crucial in ensuring future growth as well as high competitiveness.  Leaders and mangers development helps in producing more talents and best practices (THORNE, 2016, 8). This means that  with  managers  and leaders  development this leaders are able  to  operate like other firms  but their performance  is characterized  by more rigor  as well as consistency.

Human resource management is the most important aspect of attaining success for the business.  In order to manage human resources which help in determination of performance, organization must develop the necessary skills and competencies held by managers as well as leaders (THORNE, 2016, 8). Managers and the organizational leaders are required to use strategies that are directed by career management on a consistent basis.  However with the growing changes in the workplace surrounding the competencies and skills of the leaders and managers needs to be increased through development. Management development mainly focuses on the managers of an organization getting a deeper understanding of the management aspects like execution, prioritization, and control as well as planning.  The development of a leader is mainly based on the growth of the manager or leader understanding as well as self-awareness. The development of leaders is mainly  based  on social  leadership  dimensions that  engages  issues  like  skills, inter individual  awareness  and commitment strategies (THORNE, 2016, 9).

In an organization management and leadership development may utilize different forms. Management, as well as leadership development, happens in complexity and dynamism. There are different dimensions that the concepts utilizes which are structural transformation, diversity, knowledge grounded economy, and globalization (CARMICHAEL, 201, 143).  In the context of globalization, it necessitates that all the managers are adequately skilled in order to make actions that are decisive. Through leaders and managers development, the engagement of the manager is enhanced more. Managers and leaders are highly necessitated to be able to fully respond to significant changes and demands in a rapid nature.  The development helps in ensuring that they are empowered more to recognize the need to recognize and reward employees so that they can grow productivity effectively without fail. Leaders, as well as managers, hold a key role in supporting and developing the culture of an organization. Therefore providing development strategies that are based on knowledge is the most important in creating social capital. It has been noted that leadership training and management development that holds more value are those that are developed with the objective of encouraging learning and skills development (CARMICHAEL, 201, 144).  With the rise of diversity leaders and managers are required to hold different skills.  Lack of adequate management of diversity can lead to underperformance of the employees.

The business game has transformed greatly in the recent years and is expected to continue changing even further due to the economic global changes (BUSH, 2008, 32).  It is thus very imperative for all the particular leaders to follow and accept the leading principles if they truly want to be a measure of success.  The leadership and management rule emphasis and states that leadership is the general procedure of learning and thus cannot be considered as a position.  This implies that those occupying the positions need to learn more with time to fully be able to handle the rising changes.  In general, leaders are considers as learners and the ability to achieve goals and objectives of an organization lies in learning.  Leadership is a general association amid individuals who desires to lead others and those that opt to follow the leading.  Management and leadership effectiveness depends mainly on the relationship quality that is created amid those following and those that lead (BUSH, 2008, 34).

In particular leadership development helps in development of important skills like complex world collaboration, organization values generation, sustainable development, team development and increased and effective communication (BUSH, 2008, 37).  on the other hand  management development  helps in the growth of several competences  like  conflict management,  proper delegation,  effective  teams encouragement,  developing communication as well as  increasing knowledge on how  challenges can best be overcome.  The ability to develop important skills   requires time and knowledge and therefore training for leaders and managers is very crucial.  From the recent development the managers and leaders development programs that tend to be the most beneficial are those that are grounded of an increased duration span. This may require more resources from the organization but the results are worth in the general ground (HANNUM, MARTINEAU, & REINELT, 2006, 440).

Both leadership and the involved management development programs are associated with numerous values to the organization, individuals involves as well as the organization.  To start with the development leads to increased productivity (HARRISON, 2005, 225). The accurate and consistent management or leadership can result in the growth of productivity of all the employees. In the primal level leading and managing is more about understanding the general emotions of those that surrounds. This therefore implies that emotional intelligence is essential for every leader.  Emotional intelligence generally entails the ability to be smart in regard to others emotions as well as the utilization of sympathy in engaging and empowering all the employees.  Management and leadership that basically encompass emotional knowledge help n motivating individuals within the surrounding without fail.  In addition the development helps to retain people through the investment of training thus decreasing high costs that are involved in recruitment (MABEY, and FINCH-LEES, 2008, 28).  Moreover they help in nurturing future leaders as the larders become more strategic. Without the presence of strategies the roles of leaders are often provided to the individual who holds qualities that are dominant.  Through training managers and leaders are able to identify and nurture those with adequate qualities to lead thus increasing the capability of the organization to retain employees.

Increasing the general engagement of employees is an additional benefit of leadership as well as management development (NORTHOUSE, 2013, 12).  Through effective communication feedback sharing among the employee’s increases and thus the qualities of being a successful leader are increased. Via  training  of leadership  more effective  ways  helps in  the  provision  information sharing that  helps in developing the skills as well as motivating  the prospective  leaders as well as managers.  In addition leaders or managers, development helps in the implementation of effective styles to lead.  Through the training, it becomes easier in the implementation of appropriate styles of leading as well as organizational planning.  This particular training can additionally assist in the development of individuals personal skills in responding to the existing matters (NORTHOUSE, 2013, 14).

The development of leadership mainly involves mentoring, encouraging as well as incubating potential leaders.  In most of the organizations today, the HR department in collaboration n with the management   plays part in the identification of capable employees thus ensuring that they are motivated and given encouragement at all times while performing their duties (COLEMAN, & GLOVER, 2010, 87).  This form of coaching for the potential  leader’s is usually conducted via the  commitment of the organization where the  employees are engaged in training  programs to ensure  that they are equipped with  the necessary  competencies to lead.  It is  thus essential to note that  leadership development does  not  mainly involve the need of the organization  to groom the potential leaders  but  also for the employees in demonstrating  an aptitude  to  be leaders.  This means that leadership development is process that must be accomplished by the potential employees and the organization.  Leadership development is a platform which helps in illustrating the general roles of mentors. It is based on qualities as well as the experiences of those that are involved.  In  the context  of the actual  world  it is obvious that  most  prospective  leaders holds the needed  traits as well as ambition but they  hold zero knowledge in regard  of  leading successfully (GOLD, THORPE, & MUMFORD, 2010, 67).  Leadership development is a procedure that incorporates patience, sacrifice, commitment as well as skills.  Without the commitment of the potential leaders to hold lack and stay then grooming them holds no meaning.

It is widely assumed that one that is a good leader is also a better manager but this is wrong.  The both concepts are very distinct and understanding the distinction can best be achieved through leaders and managers development. This helps to gain better understanding of what leading successful entails (COLEMAN, & GLOVER, 2010, 76).  Management is a much smaller concept as   compared to leadership which encompasses both.  Leadership basically focuses on the general needs, principles and goals of an organization. For all the organizations individuals who are particularly best at management and leadership are bound to gain success.  This is mainly because the operation is based on strategic tactics and this requires to be executed on a well-developed plan without fail. Leadership or management development helps in developing better decisions. This is mainly  because the  potential mangers or  leaders who  functions  at increased  emotional intelligence level  holds the ability  of developing  intelligent as well as  informed decisions (COLEMAN, & GLOVER, 2010, 76). This can thus help the organization in gaining opportunities that other organizations have not established. This increases the profitability of the nation since the generated revenue volume is increased.


Management as well as leadership development depicts an essential HRD function that an organization undertakes.  Provided with the dynamism and  complexity  of  the external surrounding in which  organizations work in,  development of both leadership and management activities  can thus be termed  as  vital in  enhancing the  general managing and  leading  abilities. The strength of the management is a depiction of a significant competitive advantage source and mostly organizations utilize several leadership development and management development tactics to grow the pool of human resource. Investing  in  both management and  leading development is mainly influenced by a major  belief  that  mainly confers  the important advantages  to the  leaders as well as the  organization.  This benefits the individuals through equipping them with the general benefits such as confidence, developed interpersonal relations and increased perspectives in regard to different matters. In an increased nature leaders as well as managers are required to take the task of development with the use of strategies such as reflection, correction learning, and questioning which are self-guided. On the other hand, the tactics that are driven by the organization and tend to be more effective in developing skills for leaders and managers within the development programs are several.  This includes mentoring,  job assignments that  are planned,  in-house  programs  that are formal based, the utilization of acceleration  centers  and  feedback gathering  from  different sources. Management, as well as leadership development, can be stated as a challenging activity. The utilization of traditional tactics proves to be more challenging in the application in the growth of activities that can be described as tangible, lack accurate objectives to learn and that are not defined in a clear way.










ARDICHVILI, A. (2017). Leadership development in emerging markets. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN.

BUSH, T. (2008). Leadership and management development in education. London, Sage Publications.

CARMICHAEL, J. (2011). Leadership and management development. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

CIMADAMORE, A, LIE, G, MITTELMARK, M, & GWANZURA OTTEMÖLLER, F. (2016). Development And Sustainability : The Challenge Of Social Change, London: Zed Books, eBook Collection

COLEMAN, M., & GLOVER, D. (2010). Educational leadership and management: developing insights and skills. Maidenhead, Open University Press.

GOLD, J., HOLDEN, R., ILES, P., STEWART, J., & BEARDWELL, J. (2013). Human Resource Development Theory and Practice. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

GOLD, J., THORPE, R., & MUMFORD, A. (2010). Leadership and management development. London, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

HANNUM, K., & MARTINEAU, J. (2008). Evaluating the Impact of Leadership Development. San Francisco, Pfeiffer.

HANNUM, K., MARTINEAU, J. W., & REINELT, C. (2006). The Handbook of Leadership Development Evaluation. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons.

HARRISON, R. (2005). Learning and development. London, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

MABEY, C. AND FINCH-LEES, T. (2008). Management & Leadership Development, London: Sage.

NORTHOUSE, P. G. (2013). Leadership: theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, SAGE.

THORNE, R. (2016). Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development. CRC press.



3369 Words  12 Pages
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