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Planning and Decision Making

Planning and Decision Making


Our agency is delighted to present this fund grant proposal for your evaluation.  I am a safety administrator of a large public safety agency which has several target locations that are high-risk terrorism based on the report given by the City’s FBI. However, based on the complexity and size of the target locations which are primarily public facilities such as a water park and an oil refinery the agency is not well equipped to handle a large-scale terrorist disaster.  Based on the identified terrorists target locations might occur sooner we are hoping that the federal agency would be pleased to fund our activities since the attacks potential is very high.  The primary objective of writing the proposal is to ask for a federal funding that will assist in alleviating some of the financial issues in purchasing items needed in responding to the terrorist incidents.

Based on Hess & Orthmann, (2011), the federal agencies are responsible for funding counter-terrorism activities as well as homeland security. Due to the development of technology, most of the terrorism aspects are continuously changing ranging from communication which increases the probability of even higher damages.  Ensuring that safety, as well as security, is provided to all the citizens are the primary objective of the agency but the objective cannot be attained with the presence of resource insufficiency. The agency lacks adequate communication Devices which slows the mode of communication leading to inefficiency.  Communication gadgets are therefore crucial for every agent in the agency in order to ensure that there is effective and speedy communication since the attacks hold high damage potentials.  In addition, the agency requires to research thoroughly on the matter which necessitates funds for acquiring researching resources as well as hiring expertise on the matter.

In order to prevent the occurrence of the terrorist activities, the agency is required to identify the nature of the organized terrorist’s activities as well as their capability.  This can best be accomplished through thorough investigation, intelligence, and analytical operations in order to result in some prosecutions.  This, therefore, necessitates the agency to have strong collaborative associations with other organizations but there is the lack of responsive equipment to enhance the agent’s safety. The lack of adequate resources by the agency, therefore, presents high vulnerabilities in ensuring safety as well as public security. Public safety requires adequate equipment as it involves dealing with complexity as well as changes due to the continuous development taking place. Your financial funding will be appreciated highly as it will help in acquiring the missing and essential resources.

In summing up, the primary objective of the agency and the government is offering protection as well as safety to the home community citizens and beyond.  This implies to the general protection of the physical security, values, and all the public institutions at any offered cost. Combating terrorism demands more capability from the agency which is achievable through the provision of funding to purchase the required equipment for the activities success.  Offering funds to the agency will enhance its reliability, capability as well as the public’s wellness. We highly believe that it will be your interest to fund us to alleviate some of the existing financial issues.

Thank you.








Hess, K. M., & Orthmann, C. M. H. (2011). Police operations: Theory and practice. Australia: Delmar Cengage Learning.




559 Words  2 Pages
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