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Distraction Avoidance in Crew Resource Management

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your crew will select a discussion topic.  The topic must be an element or sub-element of a defined CRM model. Any model.  For example, you could pick the topic of Group Dynamics (which would be excessively broad) or you could pick the topic Leadership (which would be more manageable).    

Your crew will research the topic as if preparing to write a research paper.  As a Crew you will become an expert on your selected topic. For example, if your crew chose Leadership as your topic, you should be able to discuss various leadership styles...Theory X, Theory Y, the effects of leadership style on captains authority, the effect of various leadership styles on inquiry, advocacy, and assertion, the effects of leadership styles on crew other words - the relationship and dynamics of your chosen element to all other elements of CRM.

156 Words  1 Pages
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