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The other Migrant Crisis

Thousands of migrants risk their lives just to be in the United States. Most migrants from Africa and Haiti have decided to use all means in order to enter into the US. Yolanda, who is 7 months pregnant together with her husband, have passed through very many countries over the last three months. This was in a bid to gain easy entrance into the US without any complications at all. They have passed through Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru and Panama, even though they are not passing through those countries tourists (Sasha, n.p). They have therefore boarded a lot of buses, and walked for very long distances in order to be able to move to the US. Yolanda is originally from Congo, but now they have been stuck in Costa Rica, in a border town commonly known as Paso Canoas, as they wait for their travel documents.

The high living standards and high employment opportunities in the US have really attracted most migrants who move into the country in such of greener pastures. On the other hand, most African and third world countries are currently experiencing economic pressures, high rates of inflation and high rates unemployment (Sasha, n.p). This consequently makes life unbearable thus forcing their citizens to move to developed countries, such as the US in such of a better life.

This problem can however be solved, if developing countries are able to sustain their economies and increase the rates of employment opportunities (Sasha, n.p). Sustaining the economy and increasing the rates of economy will consequently help in changing the living standards of the people in developing countries, and thus making them to work hard and achieve greater heights while in their home countries. In addition, the US should also work with developing countries, in a bid to provide a solution to this issue.

Work Cited

Sasha Darlington. The other Migrant Crisis: Thousands Risk Journey through Latin America. 2017. Print. Retrieved from:

335 Words  1 Pages

Question number 4


Thesis statement

            According to Mills, Social contract provides powerful sense of lenses based on observing the society and the federal government.  The Native Americans, African Americans and the Fourth world political opinion focused on issues on colonialism, race and racism, slavery and cultural legitimacy. 

            The natives’ history is charming in many ways.  An estimate of millions of natives settled America at the era of the European onset.  They left their land for many years before the whites invaded their country. During the ice era, they had moved from Siberia to Alaska.  They had steadily traveled crosswise the land and southward into Mexico and ahead of.     

            In America, Natives are referred to as American Indians, Indigenous Americans and Indians are those citizens who moved from the pre-Columbian original residents of the land with the American’s current borders.  These inhabitants were based on different ethnic group and racial groups and they currently survive intact nowadays as partially monarch nations.  America takes them as not real residents of their former homelands.  This is because currently, Americans view the past policies as similar with the modern policies.  Ever since the end of the 15th century, the relocation of the Natives to America has caused an increase in populace, intellectual and farming change amid the ancient and the modern societies.  This American progression is identified as Columbian substitute (Charles, 62). 

            They have preserved their history by Oral traditions and artwork.  At their first contact with the Americans, the native societies were diverse from those of the proto-industrial and generally the Christian settlers. Most of the Native American people sustained their tracking areas and farming domains for utilization by the whole tribe.  At that time, Europeans had incomplete customs that had advanced notions of personal possessions rights with reference to the land that was more diverse. Even before they migrated to the United States, the natives experienced high losses from the contamination with the European disease that extended in America to Spanish where they had no immunity.  After the thirteen settlers appalled against Great Britain and founded America, President George Washington came up with the idea of enlightening the Native Americans in research for the incorporation as U.S people.  Incorporation turned into an ongoing strategy through the American government (Charles, 65) 

            In addition, Native Americans have an exclusive connection with America, as they are members of the nation, family or groups with dominion and accord privileges. The literary activism has upsurge since the 1960 has augmented the opinionated contribution and has increased hard work to educate and conserve the original languages for the younger people and to develop a huge educational communications.  Natives have found the sovereign reporters and online media such as the earliest Nations knowledge and the First local American TV channel.  The terms that referred to the Native Americans have been divisive presently.   The ways Natives refer themselves differ by area and invention while many elder Native Americans identified as Indians or the American Indians, while the younger Native Americans are identified as aboriginal (Charles, 76). 

            In the 18th Century, America wanted to enlarge and to extend the agricultural and resolution in innovative regions in order to gratify land desire of the colonizers from New England and the new settlers.  The federal administration planned to buy the Native American territory by agreements.  The policy of the America towards the Native Americans developed after the American rebellion while the president at that time took the Native Americans as equals but their society was substandard.  Washington made several policies that increased civilization including; the fair justice towards the Native Americans, promotion of businesses and punishing those who violated Native American Rights.  Later on, Washington supported the plan of education the native children and adults in plans of civilizing or developing the Native Americans to a larger society.  The Civilization funding policy promoted the civilization by funding to the groups who worked on improving the life span of the Native Americans (Charles, 96).

            In 1817, the Cherokee became the first Native Americans to be recognized by the American citizens.   Several factors led to the citizen recognition that included land allotment, Patient issuance, marriage to an American citizen, and making them soldiers in the American armed forces. After the American civil war, all the native children that were born in America were declared as citizens of the United States.  Since the increase of the self-awareness for the Native Americans, they highlighted schooling of their kids at schools where they lived. As a result, many nationally familiar races have taken processes of such schools and words preservation to reinforce their society.  At the start of the year 1970, these tribes also established colleges at their places that the Native Americans work in for them to educate the young natives for occupations as well as sustaining their cultures (Charles, 100). 

            Citizenship was contracted to the Native Americans who had hand out the World War 1.  President Calvin marked an Indian nationality operation that prepared all the Native Americans innate in America and its regions a one nation.  With this, almost two-thirds of Native Americans were already citizens in America through marriage, military service and land allotments (Charles, 113).

            All Native Americans has all rights given in the United States Constitution as they can vote in elections and run for a political seat.  In 2009, the American government gave an apology to the Native Americans that included the defense misuse act.  The apology stated that the American government apologized on behalf of the people of United States to the Natives for many instances such as the mistreatment and discrimination that the citizens of America imposed to the Native people. Migration of the Native Americans to the urban areas in America increased where they addressed the kind of problems that they faced in the rural areas such as unemployment, racism, gangs attacks and many more.  The efforts on supporting the urban Native populations are underway and intends in bringing the people together (Charles, 132).

            Many Native Americans and their advocates’ stresses that the American national government plans to recognize the dominion of Native Americans decreases, given that America wishes to rule the Native people and take care of them as those under the American law.  The advocates’ highlights that esteem to the Native Americans needs the American administration to compact with the Native American people in the equal way as any other independent state handles issues connected to associations with the Native Americans (Charles, 165). 


            People still consider Native Americans as flexible.  The 1924 Indian act gave official citizenship to the tribes of the Native Americans. While most of these people live in fears, they consider the locations as some of the poverty-striven areas in America. As many of these Natives has been defeated and suffered from outbreaks, they have tried through many centuries to civilize.  The national government of America wants to see the indigenous people experience and have a taste of freedom.  This will deliver them from power of darkness and still succeed in their lands and communities.   Mill helps us understand the idea of social contract that has been the main approach of the Western political theme for understanding and reviewing the world. 















Work cited

Mills, Charles W. The Racial Contract. , 1999. Print.

1211 Words  4 Pages
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