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Implementing change—A Funding Conundrum: Choosing to Fund Over or Under Nutrition

Implementing change—A Funding Conundrum: Choosing to Fund Over or Under Nutrition

Good nutrition is the basis of child development, health and survival since children who are well-nourished can grow and learn hence contributing to their communities’ welfare. It would be more sensible to address the undernourished children since they are more susceptible to diseases, are more likely to suffer stunted mental and physical growth and are likely to die young (UNICEF, 2015). When such children survive, their opportunities in life hampered in terms of attaining quality education and chances for decent employment (Young, 2013).

It is important to note that under nutrition is a political issue, and at times little can be done by parents of such children to correct the situations if they are economically and socially disadvantaged. As such it is important to have a funding program for the under nourished individuals by offering them means of accessing right food choices. The reasons for under nutrition can be beyond the influence of the affected individual and this call for intervening on their behalf and empowering them on how to obtain balanced diet especially for children or offering them the nutritious foods (Young, 2013).

On the other hand, over nutrition is not about lack of funding but result mostly from personal choices which can be adjusted to address the issue.  While under nutrition is as a result of lack of enough nutrition, over nutrition is about eating the wrong food choices due to lifestyle changes (Young, 2013). It is not about political choices and personal choices and it takes less effort to address it if the affect households are educated. Hence choosing to support under nutrition is evidenced by the need for outside intervention.


Young, M., (2013).Food and Development. Routledge.1-5

UNICEF, (2015).Unlocking children’s potential. Retrieved from:



304 Words  1 Pages
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