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The student will identify his or her personal philosophy of nursing practice through defining personal view and interrelationship of the theoretical concepts of person, environment, health, and nurse. The personal philosophy of nursing section should dem

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Need help defining your personal philosophy of nursing?  Check the resources at this link: (Links to an external site.)

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Purpose:  The student will identify his or her personal philosophy of nursing practice through defining personal view and interrelationship of the theoretical concepts of person, environment, health, and nurse.  The personal philosophy of nursing section should demonstrate how the personal beliefs of the four theoretical concepts interact to form the personal philosophy. Further, the student will discuss how his or her personal philosophy of nursing either impacts or is impacted by the policy and politics in nursing practice. It is required that the student elaborate on the personal philosophy of nursing practice as the primary focus. The paper must meet the 750+ word requirement.  APA format is expected; abstracts are optional.

Discusses impact/influence of nursing policy and politics on personal philosophy (10 points)    
Define and state Personal Philosophy of Person (10 points)    
Define and state Personal Philosophy of Environment  (10 points)    
Define and state Personal Philosophy of Health (10 points)    
Define and state Personal Philosophy of Nurse (10 points)    
Personal Philosophy of Nursing Practice to utilize the definitions and interrelationships of the four listed concepts above. (25 points)    
Paper meets 750+ word requirement (10 points)    
Appropriate APA format (includes grammar & spelling)  (10 points)    
Submitted via Turnitin (5 points)    
Total Points (100 Possible)"    :

252 Words  1 Pages
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