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Online dating lowers self-esteem and increases depression, Studies Say

 An article related to a psychological disorder

Online dating lowers self-esteem and increases depression, Studies Say

Marateck (2018) reports that the emerging technology has improved the romantic interactions since people are using dating websites or apps to make a connection. Before the emergence of dating apps, people could meet their future spouse in bars and clubs (Marateck, 2018). Today, singles are benefiting from online dating platforms such as, Tinder, OkCupid, and others.  However, despite the massive growth of online dating, people are suffering from low self-esteem and depression. The main ideas of the article are that people experience dating app rejection and this occurs when someone fails to reply to a message. A person feels not only socially rejected but also experiences physical pain.  Also, people develop depression and anxiety in that as they became addicted to dating they are distracted from productive work.

A study that involved 1,300 college-age students was done, and the findings showed that online dating affects the self-esteem.  In the study, participants who used Tinder reported that they felt depersonalized and disposable (Marateck, 2018). Since Tinder is a matchmaking app where users upload photos, some people feel rejected when their photos are disliked.  They end up damaging their self-esteem as well as the psychological well-being.

Another volunteer-based study found that 15% of single people reported that they were addicted to dating after using  The study also found that those who developed addictive-style behaviors developed anxiety and depression. This occurs when people use cell phones and other electronic devices to react to a stressful situation, and as a result of overusing the phones, the pleasurable activities and behavioral activation are affected leading to depression and anxiety (Marateck, 2018). The study finds that in online dating, people have a behavioral addiction and they use the technology as a coping mechanism. This may help them avoid the negative emotions or feelings, but later the behavior affects the mental health.






Marateck Juliet. (2018). Online dating lowers self-esteem and increases depression, studies say. CNN

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346 Words  1 Pages
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