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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Aim: To reflect on and rigorously appraise the process and nature of your independent learning on the course, with a particular focus on the extent to which you have become a critically reflective scholarly-practitioner

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Critically reflect on the extent to which you have become a critically reflective scholarly practitioner and how the learning of research methods has impacted on your personal and professional development.
Submission Requirements:

A 500 word Critical Reflective Review (+/- 10%)
A Turnitin Similarity Report
We would like you to reflect on your progression through the course and evaluate the extent to which you have become a critically reflective scholarly practitioner, and how this has impacted on your personal and professional development. We would like to write in a narrative style that informs your manager as to your development, thus the focus is a practitioner audience.

Whilst the report is an independent piece of work, you are required to progress the development through action learning methodology, whereby you provide and receive critical peer feedback and support.

Although the structure will vary according to your learning and experience, we would expect to see reference to personal learning, practitioner learning and organisational learning, along with the intertwining impact on your own professional development.

Your work will be assessed in a holistic manner and will focus on the degree to which you have engaged in critical reflection on your learning experience; the quality and succinctness of the narrative will also be assessed.

Key Specifications and Requirements

You may refer to any of the materials and tools introduced on the course but must:

Identify what you have learnt about giving and receiving feedback, both from peers and tutors.
Identify what you have learnt about writing for an academic and practitioner audience.
Identify which elements of the course have had the greatest impact on your learning.
Explore how you will action the learning from the course to enhance your research journey.
Write in a succinct manner that clearly conveys your understanding and application of your learning.
Set your work out in a “narrative” essay style.
Ensure that your work has an introduction and a conclusion. Be clear about the use of paragraphs.
Use the first-person (e.g. “I wanted to undertake this type of change because...) as this is a reflective piece of work.
Label any diagrams used (e.g. Figure 1), give it a title, and credit the source.
Use Harvard referencing accurately.
Remember, the report/essay should be written in your own words. If you use a quote or directly insert words used by others then these must be placed in speech marks (“…”) and be followed by the author(s) family name, year and page number(s). If you are just using an idea then you should still acknowledge (reference)the source, but no page numbers are needed.
Ultimately, remember, you are “navigating” the reader through ideas/thinking and evidence and you are coming to a position. As such, there must be considerable “you” in the work. The work cannot simply be a collection of others people’s commentary. You should be comparing, contrasting, evaluating and then ultimately proposing a conclusion.
Write 500 words (+/- 10% not including references) and include a word count at the end of the assignment.
Marking Criteria

Your work will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Critically appraises own learning from the process involved.
Demonstrates ability to articulate and critique: personal, practitioner and organisational learning.
Utilises and integrates sources and specific examples effectively to support and develop points made.
An ability to produce a concisely focused written narrative and present this in an organised manner.
Submit your material by Friday 12pm (midday UK time) of Week 8 of this course.

You should first upload any written materials to Turnitin and download your Similarity Report.

Upload your final submission documents along with your Turnitin Similarity Report to the assessment area.

When uploading your work, make sure it is to the correct section of the Assessment area, either Summative Assessment 1 or Summative Assessment 2.

Please note that if a Turnitin report is requested as part of the assessment specification, failure to complete and submit the Similarity Report to the assessment area will result in an assessment grade of zero. If you are unable to access Turnitin please alert your Programme Coordinator.

726 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Exercise II - Persuasion & Influence: 

Imagine that you are the home furnishings production manager.  The Carter group at Webster Industries has decided that it is in the company’s interest to terminate your position. Clearly, it is in your personal interest to keep your job. Assume that you have an opportunity to convince the Carter group that they have made the wrong decision. How would you convince them of their error? Describe what influence tactics you would use and discuss how you would tactically deploy them.

Page limit:  2 pages (double-spaced pages with 12 point font and 1” margins).

Some Helpful Advice

Refer to and use conceptual tools and frameworks explicitly. This will help convey your understanding of the material and will economize on space.

Make a point AND provide reasons/evidence to support it. Do NOT simply describe (i.e., provide a narration of what happened in the case), but seek to analyze (i.e., provide an explanation of why it happened or what effect you hope to elicit) using specific information from the case and/or analytic and conceptual tools from the course.  NOTE:  you can do this effectively and still be succinct—explicitly using course terms, concepts and frameworks actually facilitates your ability to do this.

Demonstrate your ability to apply the readings, lectures, and class discussions in accurate, selective, and creative ways to diagnose, analyze, and remedy organizational problems. ACCURATE means using the conceptual tools in a correct and consistent manner.  SELECTIVE means using the conceptual tools that give you the most leverage, rather than core dumping all possible ideas.  CREATIVE means extending or applying the material in new ways.

Make sure to cite your sources (i.e., case or course readings). Feel free to use footnotes or end notes to reference readings and source material rather than inline citation if this helps you to economize on space.  APA style citation format is required.  Links to websites with instructions and examples of this style are provided in the Pages section and Course Resources module on Canvas.

Policies & Constraints

You may employ any of your course notes, slides or readings which you find useful, or feel to be appropriate, when answering the exam questions. NO additional research about the company or case is allowed.  You may successfully complete the exam by relying solely on the case itself and course materials.

Each of your responses must be completed individually and must be an original piece of work that you have written and created solely for this course.

Your answers may NOT exceed the indicated page limit or formatting requirements for each exam question. Be advised that any arguments made beyond the page limit for each question (however meritorious) will bear NO  I will neither read nor consider such text when grading your exam.  This is to ensure fairness of opportunity for all students, in terms of making a compelling argument in the space allowed.

You are expected to uphold standards of academic honesty and integrity in the completion of your exam. Students who fail to do so (i.e., engage in plagiarism, cheating, etc.) will receive a score of zero on the assignment.  In order to meet these standards, you are expected to abide by the academic standards that apply in this course, please review the course syllabus for more detailed information.

91 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Aim: To familiarize yourself with the action learning approach, explore the value of the process and identify potential obstacles to the approach within the context of this course

Duration: 2 hours

We would like you to spend some time considering the action learning approach and thinking about how you feel about the process. You may have previously been involved in Action Learning Sets so might reflect upon these experiences, or if you have not participated in an Action Learning Set before, you might consider what obstacles and benefits you foresee in utilising the approach.

Now, think about your eight-week timeline for your project and consider whether your estimates still seem realistic. Consider how you are going to approach this course’s Action Learning Sets and consider how to engage with the process to get the best results for your intended project.

We would like you to spend some time exploring some examples of active learning activities. The website provides numerous examples of types of active learning activities that are best suited to different group sizes. Try to identify those that you feel might be most applicable to your role and project.

We would then like you to consider the following questions:

How do you think the Action Learning Sets in this course will benefit your learning?
How do you intend to gain the maximum benefit from the Action Learning Sets in this course?
What obstacles do you foresee in the action learning process within this course and how might you overcome them?
How do you think Action Learning Sets might be of value outside of the MBA (Global) programme?
We would also like you to consider the elements of action learning that you think may be most challenging in relation to your project and identify any areas of concerns that might have arisen from your personal reflections.

We would like you to take this opportunity to share any thoughts you may have about the action learning approach of this course in the Tutorial area for discussion with your tutor.

349 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Research information on Lean Operations and do an article review on this topic. Article review should discuss how companies are using Lean and the kind of gains they are achieving with Lean practices.

44 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How does this knowledge impact innovation sustainability?  What are the other ancillary impacts of the theory of change?

29 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


4.3 Guidance
4.3.1 Choosing a topic
Your choice of research topic should be relevant to your Masters degree.
Once you have chosen a topic, you need to consider what type of project is acceptable. There is a wide choice and the following list shows some of the more common types:
· An empirical study of a management, corporate, or financial market practice(s) where you base
the investigation on some theory or theories and then collect some data in order to test the theory or theories. You might use quantitative data, qualitative data, or both. You might collect primary data directly from firms and/or analyse published data from e-databases or documents such as annual reports. Please note that access to people and organisations for collecting empirical data can be difficult and you would be wise to consider alternatives in case you have problems.
· An exploratory investigation that seeks to develop some theoretical or conceptual insights that does not involve testing some pre-existing theory.
· An extensive and critical evaluation of specific academic theories associated with a particular topic or issue. While such a project does not involve the collection and analysis of data, it is important that the issues associated with research methodology and methods (see below) are addressed explicitly and explored through the existing theories .
It is your responsibility to choose a topic and a working title for your dissertation. Your working title should be clear and specific and should reflect your aims and objectives of the research. Examples of their research interests and suggested research projects are on StudySpace [Blackboard]. You may find it useful to put your ideas on paper, as this can help you think rationally and provide a focus for discussion. Do not be afraid of following false trails at this stage; it is inevitable while you are becoming familiar with the literature.
When talking to the academic staff about your ideas, you may think you have identified a potential supervisor, but the allocation of a supervisor will be made by the module leader once you have submitted your preliminary literature review. Where possible, any expression of interest made by a potential supervisor will be taken into consideration (see section 4 for details of the role of the supervisor).
4.3.2 Searching and reviewing the literature
The purpose of your literature review is to show that you know the main literature on your research topic and that you have the intellectual capacity to evaluate it.
· Start by selecting only the material that is relevant to your topic and group the material into
themes or categories. Use these themes to suggest subheadings in the main body of your
literature review.
· Your introduction should provide a brief overview of key ideas and themes.
· In the main body of your literature review, compare and contrast the findings of key research
studies, and comment on their methodological strengths and weaknesses. If the opinion of experts is relevant to the topic, distinguish between anecdotal data and empirical data. Narrow down to the studies that are most relevant to your research and set the context for your study. The main body of your literature review should lead to the identification of your research question(s).
· Your review of the literature should lead to the rationale for your study and the research question(s) you will address in your dissertation.
· Cite all your sources and show the list of references at the end of the assignment using the Harvard system of referencing.
Your preliminary research proposal will form a major part of your research proposal, which in turn will become part of your dissertation.

4.4 Assessment criteria
– Research Methods

The assessment criteria for this assignment incorporate the characteristics identified by Hart (1998, p. 198) that a literature review should:
· Demonstrate a clear understanding of the research topic
· Identify the major studies relating to the research topic
· Draw clear and appropriate conclusions from prior research
· Clearly state the research problem or issue to be investigated
· Demonstrate the relevance and importance of the research problem or issue.
It should also demonstrate your proposed methodology and data deriving from literature

722 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe McDonald's today in terms of marketing, business expansion and line extension, human resources management practices, operational practices, and responsible business practices

33 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Read “Guide to Strategic Management Case Analysis” on pp. 442-450.

    2. Read case study as assigned by the instructor. See instructions on class moodle.

    3. Prepare a 1-2 page paper on the assigned case study (page limit does not include title and reference pages). Your paper must be in APA format and include three (3) reference sources (one of which may be the course textbook). Again, the page limit does not include title and reference pages.

    4. Submit essay response as detailed on class moodle.
96 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, analyze the mini-case study provided in the following one-page article.

Specifically, examine how the organizational culture changed within the company featured in the mini-case study. 
Describe the organizational culture both before and after the change. Within your discussion, integrate concepts from the Unit I readings in your textbook as well as concepts presented in the Unit I lesson. 
Apply the socio-cultural learning model to explain how the chief operating officer (COO) led the organization to change its culture.

92 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Chapter 10. Case study 10.5: Netflix: How does this movie end? Pages 715 – 719. Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 719. Use appropriate terminologies. Minimum required length 2 pages. (Does not include Title page, Abstract and References)

Case Study Questions 
1. What are three challenges that Netflix faces?
2. What are the key elements of Netflix’s strategy today? 
3. What are the implications of Netflix’s new strategy for the cable television sys-tems like Comcast? 
4. Why is Netflix in competition with Apple, A

In the Netflix online television comedy-drama series, Orange Is the New Black, the lead character is Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling), a recently engaged blond New Yorker sent to a federal prison for a crime committed years before. Critically acclaimed, and widely followed, Orange Is the New Black follows in the footsteps of Netflix’s earlier successful online TV series House of Cards, a political insider’s tale of Washington politics. House of Cards was the first-ever online television series to win an Emmy award (for best director). Orange won three Emmy creative awards in 2014. In 2014, Netflix racked up 31 nominations. Besides returning award-winning series from previous years, first-year dramas like Stranger Things and The Crown earned 32 nominations alone. Netflix is quickly becoming the non-cable alternative to cable TV. By producing its own content, Netflix is able to differentiate itself from cable TV shows and attract new sub-scribers looking for new shows, not retreads from the cable networks. However, original productions are much more expensive to produce than licensing existing content. And there are plenty of other streaming services this year with very large budgets, among them Amazon and Hulu. While Netflix does not release the number of viewers for any of its original TV shows, executives credit these shows with driving the streaming service to a record 103 million worldwide subscribers by the fourth quarter of 2016 (50 million in the United States where 60% of its subscribers come from). In 2017, Netflix operates in all foreign markets except China. Its subscriber growth rate in the United States has slowed considerably in the last few years because its market penetration is so high. Netflix shares have increased by over 8,000% since it first went public in 2002, and in 2017 its shares have advanced 36%. It is cur-rently selling at over 200 times its projected earnings, much more expensive than Google, Facebook, or other tech companies because it is still perceived as a growth company. In 2015 investors were paying 300 times earnings, so the estimates of future performance have declined. Revenues in 2016 were $8.8 billion, up 31% from 2015, but profits were a paltry $186 million, less than half the previous year. Netflix’s profit margin is 2%, far less than a retailer like Walmart (4% margin). Netflix got its start as a mail order company renting DVDs of older Hollywood movies using the postal system. Founded by two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings, in 1997, the company started by renting individual copies of 900 DVD movie titles and delivering them to customers by postal mail. In 2000, it switched to a sub-scription model where customers could receive DVDs on a regular basis for a monthly fee. By 2006, it had delivered its billionth DVD and became the largest subscription provider of DVDs. In 2007, Netflix began a video-on-demand streaming service of movies although it still retains a DVD subscription business. In 2017, Netflix is the largest player in the TV series streaming market, and consumes over 35% of the U.S. Internet bandwidth to serve its customers. Netflix is one of those Silicon Valley stories that might make a good movie, or even a television series, because of its potential for disrupting the American television and movie landscape (or what’s called premium video). It’s a dream-come-true story of accomplish-ment, pluck, innovation, and Internet technology. In a few short years Netflix created the largest DVD rental business in the country, then created the largest streaming video service. Today Netflix accounts for 50% of digital movie streaming revenues, while its chief streaming competitors, Apple (19%), Amazon (14%), and Hulu (11%), make up most of the remaining market. Netflix has created the largest database on consumer video preferences and built a recommendation system that encourages consumers to see more movies. Netflix is as much a technology company as a content company: it has developed its own proprietary video encoding system and distributes its video using over 1,000 servers in the United States located close to its customers to ensure high speed and quality delivery. Netflix discovered that older TV series had strong niche followings and built a new model of “binge watching” where consumers could watch all the episodes of a series in several sittings. Netflix has entered the content creation business by developing original TV series. For this reason, Netflix is an example of convergence in the media industry where an Internet company becomes a media content producer. Other pure media companies have taken notice and begun to develop their own streaming services, but what they lack is a database of viewer preferences that Netflix has developed over a ten-year period and which helps Netflix make recommendations to subscribers. In the movie and TV business there are only two ways to make money: either own the content or own the pipes that deliver the content. All the better if you can do both. Netflix has become recognized as an important pipeline to a very large audience. For instance, Netflix has a deal with the Weinstein Company, a major American film studio and producer of ten Academy Award films, to become the exclusive subscription TV home for the film studio’s content, beginning in 2016. This move puts Netflix into the same league of premium channel distributors and in direct competition with other cable networks like HBO, Starz, Showtime, and A&E for the rights to show movies about eight months after their theater run is complete. Netflix also has a deal with Warner Brothers to be the exclu-sive Internet distributor of the Batman prequel Gotham, and with Twenty-First Century Fox in 2016 for the FX series American Crime Story. In one possible ending scenario for the Netflix movie, the company challenges the much larger cable television industry, which is based on an entirely different technology and business model, namely, selling expensive bundles of hundreds of TV channels that few people watch, then raising monthly fees faster than the rate of inflation. In 2017 for the first time the number of people using OTT streaming services exceeded those using cable TV streaming services. Given Netflix’s large national audience of streamers, the company makes new friends in Hollywood and New York that are looking for ways to distribute their shows to a new online, mobile, and social world; Hollywood stretches the distribution window so that Internet distributors like Netflix get the same treatment as cable systems by allowing them to show the latest movies and shows at about the same time as cable systems. And the cable television industry is forced to retreat from its bun-dling practices and offer customers the ability to select just those channels they actually watch. Cable industry revenues plunge as a result. In this dream scenario, Netflix goes on to challenge the cable networks by producing its own original TV dramas, and adds comedy and documentaries to the mix. A story with a happy ending for Netflix! But happy endings happen mostly in Hollywood. The outcome of this movie depends on how well Netflix can deal with some consider-able challenges. For instance, one source of Netflix’s poor profitability is that the costs of content are very high, both purchased older series as well as new content, which is far more risky. The owners of older cable TV series and Hollywood movies charge Netflix for the privilege of distributing their content as much as they do established cable TV networks. In 2016 Netflix reported streaming content obligations to content producers of $12 billion! With $6.7 billion in gross revenue, it paid out $5.7 billion in payments to content owners (mostly cable networks) and production studios for original content. Netflix barely makes any profit. Netflix is, after all, mostly a database and delivery plat-form, and the company is in a constant bidding war with both cable and Internet giants all looking for the same thing—popular TV series with a built-in or potential audience. But content owners have wised up to the value of their backlist TV series and have raised their prices accordingly. Series just a year old are very expensive or not available. Netflix is paying hundreds of millions to Disney, Paramount, Lionsgate, and MGM to license hit shows and movies. As a result of content owners charging more for older cable shows, Netflix has taken the more risky option of developing its own original series. But this is very expensive as well. The critically acclaimed House of Cards cost Netflix $100 million for 26 episodes, $4 million an episode. Newer shows like Between, Narcos, and Bloodline are running around $20 million a season. In 2017 Netflix will spend $6 billion on new original content alone. It’s possible that Netflix does not scale, and that the more subscribers it has and the more it attracts them with original expensive content, the less profit it makes because the cost of doing business rises faster than revenue. A second challenge Netflix faces is the risk of creating new content. It’s not as if wealthy Silicon Valley entrepreneurs can fly to Hollywood or New York with lots of cash and simply purchase new content. As one pundit noted, this might lead to a mugging, but not a successful TV series or movie. Silicon Valley is generally not the place to go if you’re looking for story tellers, writers, producers, directors, talent agents, and cinematogra-phers. Algorithms don’t come up with new ideas for novels, plays, movies, or TV series, and they have not proven to be good at guessing what series will succeed in the future. Older series are proven series, and Netflix can identify which of its customers watched the series in previous years, and estimate the audience size, and whether new subscribers will be attracted by the re-plays. But when it comes to new TV series, Netflix has tried to use its algorithms to predict what new series its customers might be interested in with mixed results. Netflix has produced some real winners according to critics, but it has also produced some losers that did not get critical acclaim like Lillyhammer, Hemlock Grove, Bad Samaritans, Richie Rich, and Mitt. There has been only one tech company in history that was successful with content production for movies or television, and that is Pixar, which pioneered computer-generated animated feature-length movies. It is impossible to know how well Netflix’s original content is performing because the company refuses to release this data. Nielsen has begun a rating service for Netflix shows. This service is paid for by the content producers who will base their charges in part on how many Netflix subscribers stream their shows. While Netflix stands out as a powerful Internet brand today, Netflix has many power-SOURCES: “Disney Unveils New Streaming Services, to End Netflix Deal,” by Erich Schwartzel and Joe Flint, Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2017; “Netflix Is Winning the Streaming Race—But for How Long?,” by Mathew Ingram, Fortune, March 10, 2017; “How YouTube TV Will Stack Up In The OTT Market,” by Trefis Team, Forbes, March 7, 2017; “Netflix Fuels a Surge in Scripted TV Shows. Some See a Glut,” by John Koblinaug, New York Times, August 9, 2016; “Netflix and 20th Century Fox Television Distribution Announce First Global Agreement,” Netflix Media Center, July 25, 2016; “Netflix Stock History: What You Need to Know,” by Dan Caplinger,, July 11, 2016; “Netflix to Be Exclusive Global ful competitors. Netflix does not have unique technology. In fact, streaming technology is widespread and well understood. The success of Netflix’s streaming model has attracted Amazon, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and content producers like Hulu and HBO to the fray. In 2017 Disney announced it was starting two of its own streaming services, and removing its content from Netflix. In 2015, Verizon announced a free, ad-supported mobile streaming service called go90, aimed at Millennials who routinely watch video on their smartphones. Some of these firms are tech firms with very large Internet audiences, strong brand names, and a good understanding of what their millions of online customers want. Apple is the leader in downloaded movies where customers own or rent movies, and of course, it owns iTunes, the world’s largest online media store for the purchase of music, videos, and TV series. HBO, founded in 1972, is the oldest and most successful pay televi-sion service in the United States with over 140 million cable TV subscribers worldwide, and the originator of a long list of highly successful original TV series and movies such as Sex and the City, The Sopranos, The Wire, Game of Thrones, and True Blood. If Netflix has a direct competitor on the creative front, it is HBO, a more traditional programmer that does not use computer algorithms to design its content, but instead relies on the hunches and gifts of editors, producers, and directors to produce its content. Netflix’s competitors have very deep pockets. This means Netflix also has competi-tors for talent and the production of new content, and perhaps price pressure as well. Along with Hulu, Amazon has emerged as the biggest competitor to Netflix streaming. For instance, Amazon offers free streaming to its 60 million Amazon Prime customers,and has taken on HBO TV series to stream to Prime customers without additional fees. Amazon has also moved into original series production with The Man in the High Castle, Transparent, Mozart in the Jungle, and others, winning 16 Emmy awards in 2016. Apple iTunes and Amazon have far larger databases of subscribers and their preferences. Google is actively pursuing long-form content creators for its video channel program. There is no cost to Google users because the service is ad supported. So another possible ending for the Netflix movie is that ultimately it can’t compete with Apple, Google, Yahoo, Hulu, and Amazon, or the content producers like CBS and HBO Now, which have started their own streaming services. Generating a negative cash flow of $1 billion a year, Netflix may run out of investors who make up the difference. Netflix can be imitated by its competitors, and its profitability reduced to less than shareholders can tolerate. Apple’s 2016 revenue was a staggering $215 billion, 30 times larger than Netflix, and it has a cash reserve of $260 billion in 2017. It is entirely within Apple’s capabilities, or Amazon’s or Google’s, and others’ to develop a competing streaming video service. Equally worrisome, major cable networks like CBS and NBC have started their own streaming networks for their original content. Netflix may have created a new world of streaming, bingeing, and content production, but it may not be able to survive the world it created. This show is not over until the last episode is finished. Stay tuned. 

2549 Words  9 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Six Sigma Project Charter(s)
Six Sigma projects are powerful tools for achieving breakthrough improvements. Improvement projects utilize the DMAIC methodology, while design or re-design projects use the DMADV methodology. Such projects can be undertaken for large or small initiatives, but because they require a fair bit of work in planning and engaging the team, are usually applied in situations where a significant change effort is likely to lead to an outcome well in excess of the work put into the project.
In the first two parts of your Operations Management Course Project, you have: (A) mapped and analyzed the value stream, and (B) organized Kaizen or Work-Out sessions to address improvement opportunities which do not require rigorous data analysis. Now you are ready to move forward with one or more projects that leverage the power of Six Sigma’s tools and rigorous data-driven analysis. A project charter is needed for each proposed Six Sigma project. Project charters enable management to understand, evaluate and approve projects for launch.
Use your work in Part A and Part B of your Course Project, and what you have learned so far in this course to identify a potential Six Sigma project that can benefit the value stream and your organization.
1) Explain the Six Sigma project(s) that you would recommend to senior management, and justify your
2) Develop a detailed Project Charter for your recommended project. The project charter must include the following:
a. Problem statement
b. Goal statement or Objectives
c. Project Scope.
d. Critical-to-quality requirements or CTQs of the processes within the scope of this project
e. Key metric Y (or key metrics Ys)
f. Expected operational and financial benefits of the project
g. Milestone dates for each phase of DMAIC (or DMADV)
h. Project team (titles of project team leader and members)
i. Champion (title of executive or senior manager)

322 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Strategic Management
You are required to select an Organization in the United Arab Emirates and conduct the following analysis:

1-    What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm make most of its profits?)
2-    Identify the major goals of the company. What are its short-term versus long-term goals? What resources must the firm acquire to achieve its long-term goals?
3-    Identify the internal environment that effect businesses in the global environment.
4-    Discuss the external environment that effect businesses in the global environment.
5-    Compare and evaluate the vision and mission statements of a company.
6-    Evaluate and investigate any two main functional issue of the company.
7-    Explain how a strategic goals of global companies can be developed, Give an example.

138 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, you are required to write a Leadership Research Essay.

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Times New Roman 12 font with double-spaced lines) leadership essay defining your leadership philosophy with one or more of the leadership theories we have studied.  Each page should be approximately 350 words, so the total word count (not counting the reference page and the title page) should be at least 1750 words.  Papers with fewer than 1750 words will have deductions for lack of content.  Quotes should be limited and if necessary, cited appropriately. For this assignment, the use of first person is allowed.

No abstract is necessary.  Include a clear and concise introductory and concluding paragraph.

Research: Additionally, using the APUS Online Library, conduct research and incorporate at least two (2) additional sources other than your textbook and course articles to support your essay. Use the APA Style to cite your “in-text” references and to list your references on a reference page.

Your essay will address these questions:

A. What leadership model, style, or theory best describes you as a leader?  Why?  Give examples using the terms and concepts in your textbook.

1) Skills Approach

2) Situational Approach

3) Behavioral Approach

4) Trait Approach

5) Path-Goal Approach

B. What are your most distinguishing leadership traits?  What traits do you strive to learn to develop?

C. As a follower, what leadership approach do you prefer from your leader?

D. What leadership model or theory best describes how you influence others? Give examples.

E. Based on your self-assessments, your current leadership and motivational skills, and the knowledge you have gained from the course materials, what goals will you set and what plan of action will you implement to improve your (1) leadership and (2) motivation? Include the type of leadership theory or model you intend to implement to achieve your goals.

F. Explain the steps you need to take to complete each of these self-improvement goals?

Save your essay as Last Name_Leadership Research Essay_MGMT312.doc (e.g. Smith_Leadership Research Essay_MGMT312.doc).

When you are ready, upload your essay for grading.

Paper Format:

A. Title Page - Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, and date.

B. Introductory Paragraph - Include an introductory paragraph that ends.

C. Font and Spacing - Use Times New Roman 12 font with double spaced lines.

D. Length - Write a 5 to 7 page essay not including the title page and citation page.

E. Reference Page - Include all sources including your textbook on a Reference page

1. Utilize the APA Style for documenting sources. Remember to include at least 2 sources other than your textbooks. Finally, remember Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly source.  Quotes must be properly cited.  Limit quotes to less than 10% of your paper if you must have any.

2. Punctuation, essay format (thesis, supporting paragraphs with transition and topic sentences, and summary) grammar and documentation count toward your grade.

518 Words  1 Pages
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