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127 Words  1 Pages

91 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


Objective: Define the role and interconnected relationship of marketing, entrepreneurship and social media.   

Introduction: Although social media is new, due to the fact that it requires participation from customers it isn't considered "new" media. Social Media is a subset of new media.  


·        The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 750 words (excluding title and reference pages) that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( A minimum of three sources, at least two from the lesson, must be cited in-text and in the Reference list.  

Activity Details  

Perform the following steps:  

Step 1: Preliminary Research.   

Research Lesson Readings as well as external resources from the Cline Library and/or the Internet, books, journals, etc. about "new media marketing and social media marketing.    

Locate research describing how new media and social media can benefit a company's marketing campaign.  


Step 2:  Write a minimum of 750 words   

·        Begin with an introductory paragraph with a general description about the business use of "new" and social media marketing.    

·        Follow up with additional paragraphs that highlights the similarities and key differences of 'new" and social media marketing.    

·        Compare the benefits of "new" media and social media marketing.   

·         For the conclusion paragraph summarize what you have learned about the use and benefits of new media and social media.   

Step 3: Summarize your findings  

Summarize the findings of your research in 750-word paper to be turned in for grading.  


Use these writing guidelines:  

·        Include a cover page and references in addition to your required word count.  

·        Use correct APA format  

·        Double-space text  

·        Use size 12 Times New Roman  

·        Use section headings to organize  

·        Indent paragraphs  

·        Include in-text citations  

·        Use correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and verb tense

Stokes, R. (2012). Chapter 8: Social Media. In eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing (pp. 170–212). 

Hinchcliffe, D., & Kim, P. (2012). Social business by design : Transformative social media strategies for the connected company. 

367 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Communication is used to inform, to persuade and to analyze. In this assignment, you will write a speech that provides your audience information about a topic.

There are two (2) parts to be submitted in this assignment.  Your presentation should be submitted as follows:
•A Power Point presentation file that is like a visual outline, with bullet points and maybe images. This is what you would show your audience.
•A Word document containing the wording of the speech.  This is what you would say to your audience while you are showing them the Power Point presentation. 

You may add audio to your PowerPoint if you wish, but the script (Word doc) will still be required.  This allows us to process all assignments in Turnitin. 

Your speech should be between 1000 - 1250 words. It's important to stay within that range.  Good writers learn to adapt to size requirements of the writing they are asked to do.  You can use the word count of both files to calculate the total word count.

Your speech should include an introduction which identifies your main point, a body in which you provide support for your main point, and a conclusion that wraps up your presentation and says something about the significance of what you’ve presented, just as you would do in a paper.  The templates attached here give you good ideas of how the presentation and the speech script should look.

Be sure to look at the grading rubric for the assignment. There are specific limits on the amount of text on the slides. This is to help ensure that the font size stays big enough to be easily read.  You also need to provide a reference list as the last slide in your Power Point.
•PURPOSE:  To inform
•LENGTH:  1,000 -1250 words
•AUDIENCE:  A general audience of people interested in the topic, peers in the classroom
•SOURCES:  Total of 3, with 1-2 from the Library and 1-2 from discipline specific websites 
(The Unofficial Guide to Buying a Home Author:  Alan Perlis, Beth Bradley Date:  2004)

•FORMAT:  The citation style that is appropriate for your discipline and is appropriate for a speech
•DUE:  In ASSIGNMENTS by SUNDAY 11:55 pm EST of Week 3
•SUBMIT:  Submit your speech by uploading your Power Point file AND Word file to the Assignments tab.

WARNING:Remember that all work submitted is to be your own original work except where properly acknowledged and cited. Do not reuse work, papers, or speeches from previous (or concurrent) classes as this violates APUS academic integrity policies. (Make sure to note the section on self-plagiarism.) 

DISCLAIMER: Remember, originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

Direct quotes should not exceed 15%-20% of your paper.  Anything more than this amount will receive a deduction.


Any papers with plagiarized materials will be turned in to Academics. Then the student will receive a note that a notice will be placed into their academic file. Should the student avoid a similar error throughout his/her college career, the note goes away upon graduation. 

527 Words  1 Pages

59 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Prepare a project portfolio including the following: 
•    -  The client brief 
•    -  The checklist filled during the venue visit* 
•    -  Gantt Chart or Network Diagram, including specific milestones 
•    -  Detailed Budget, including a calculation of the break-even point and recommendations for the ticket price 
•    -  A Request For Proposal to the venue 
•    -  A sample contract with a supplier 
•    -  Supplier brief for at least one of the primary suppliers 
•    -  A registration form for event attendees – including payment options where appropriate 
Each item in the portfolio will be justified using the relevant literature. The word count for the justification is 2,000 words maximum. There is no word count for the portfolio items.

134 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Social media crises often are a result of marketing and yet the solutions need PR intervention.
    2. Find an example of a brand’s reputation being endangered because of a social media crisis
    3. The example must have occurred in the last 3 months. That means it must be dated April 1, 2020 or later!
    4. How did the brand respond to the situation?
    5. What is your opinion on their reaction?
    6. Could the situation have been avoided?
89 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Bioglass, Inc. specializes in sales of a wide array of glass products. One area of the company, the commercial sales division (CSD), specializes in selling high-tech mirrors and microscope and photographic lenses. Sales associates in CSD are responsible for selling the glass products to corporate clients. CSD has four levels of sales associates, ranging in pay from $28,000 to $76,000 per year. There are also page 545four levels of managerial positions; those positions range in pay from $76,000 to $110,000 per year.
Tom Caldwell has been a very effective sales associate. He has consistently demonstrated good sales techniques in his 17 years with Bioglass and has a large and loyal client base. Over the years, Tom has risen from the lowest level of sales associate to the highest. He has proved himself successful at each stage. An entry-level management position in CSD opened up last year, and Tom was a natural candidate. Although several other candidates were considered, Tom was the clear choice for the position.
However, once in the position, Tom had a great deal of difficulty being a manager. He was not accustomed to delegating and rarely provided feedback or guidance to the people he supervised. Although he set goals for himself, he never set performance goals for his workers. Morale in Tom’s group was low, and group performance suffered. The company felt that demoting Tom back to sales would be disastrous for him and present the wrong image to other employees; firing such a loyal employee was considered unacceptable. Therefore, Bioglass decided to keep Tom where he was but not consider him for future promotions. It was also considering enrolling Tom in some expensive managerial development programs to enhance his management skills.
Meanwhile, Tom’s replacement, although successful at the lower three levels of sales associate positions, was struggling with the large corporate contracts that the highest-level sales associates must service. Two of Tom’s biggest clients had recently left Bioglass for a competitor. CSD was confused about how such a disastrous situation had developed when they seemed to make all the right decisions.
Based on this application and your reading of this chapter, answer the following questions:


1. What is the likely cause of CSD’s problems?

2. How might CSD, and Bioglass more generally, make better promotion decisions in the future? Be specific.

402 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

the impact of social media on social and public relations. What kind of change will social media case imply to future relations? How did daily lives change in regard to online communications?

43 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

As you have learned in this course, politics are an inherent part of government and every citizen's life. In this unit, we discussed the domestic, economic, and foreign policies utilized by the United States. In addition, we discussed how these policies affect the United States, both domestically and abroad. This is evidenced in part by the concepts of isolationism and internationalism.

In the Unit VIII Final Project, you will accomplish the following:

Select one type of policy covered in the unit, describe its purpose and goals, and explain the role each of the three branches of government in the development of the chosen policy.
Discuss how the policy you chose affects U.S. implementation of isolationism or internationalism, and describe how the media influences such action and decisions.
Explain how each level of government is or is not affected by the type of policy you have chosen.
Describe how one's political party affiliation can affect his or her beliefs about the type of policy you have chosen.
Locate at least three academic articles that support your position.

Your paper should consist of at least three pages. Be sure to include an introduction in your paper. Any sources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting.

72 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Compare and contrast the three distribution strategies (Intensive/Selective/Exclusive distribution) of your choice of product/service [Target Corporation], giving examples of products that might be distributed through each strategy.

38 Words  1 Pages

140 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Blockchain technology

13 Words  1 Pages
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