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  • Research Proposal
  • The online auction website known as eBay was founded back in the year 1995. Its founder was a computer programmer living in California known as Pierre Omidyar. On 1996, the website managed to hire its first employee. On the same year, eBay entered into a licensing deal with a company known as Electronic travel action. The main objective of the deal was to sell plane tickets. The website also managed to sell other travel products through the deal. By year 2007 January, the website managed to host more than two million auctions.

  • New Product Testing For Football (Soccer) Occasions
  •             Pepsi is a non-alcoholic drink produced by a multi-national company known as PepsiCo. The drink that was first invented by Caleb Bradham tends to have a rich history of innovation on its advertisement trends. All this innovations have emerged in order to increase the sales of the product among many clients in various diverse fields. The most successful marketing area of all has been during various soccer occasions. This is because the game has a large number of fans.

  • How can apple maintain its market share among the top technology companies?
  • I. Consultant’s Brief
  •             In order for a company to be meets its targeted goals, it has to maintain a high market share in its field of operation. On this case, market share entail to the percentage of sales that an organization has to make in a certain market within a specific period. This means that the more an organization has a higher market share within the market, the more it has the ability to make more profits. For an organization to maintain a high market share, it has to build various different strategies with the aim of improving its operations and outdoing other competitors in the market (Lamb, Joseph & Carl 24). This particular study focuses on how Apple, which is company that manufactures different types of electronics, can manage to meet all its clients’ needs and manage to be the company with the highest market share within a competitive market that already exists in the technological field (Pride, Robert & Jack 366). In order to achieve this goal, Apple, ought to set various objectives that will offer effective outcomes in various areas of its operation. Some of these specific areas include implementing high technology in the production of all its electronic products in order to satisfy and maintain the already potential customers. The other specific area that the company ought to concentrate on is designing a market strategy that is completely different form its competitors in the market. Moreover, the company has to maintain a substantial growth in which it is eligible to increase its production units depending on the level of demand within the market area (Yarmosh 68). This study will focus on the effective strategies that Apple ought to develop and maintain in order to continue enjoying a high market share while still competing with various emerging and existing technological companies. At the end of the study, the researcher will make the findings, conclusions and provide a number of recommendations that the company ought to make in order to meet its targeted goals and maintain a high number of potential customers within the market.  

  • Riordan’s Manufacturing Supply Chain Process Steps
  • Introduction
  •             Riordan is an international company that deals with the manufacturing of plastics. The company is located in China. The management of Riordan successfully developed a new market where the company will be selling new line of bottles to a Canadian Perfume manufacture in Vancouver. In order for the business to be successful, the company managed to create a supply chain for the new line of bottles using the following process steps.

  • "Sales management: ethical selling at perfect solutions: the case of the delayed product (video case)"
  1. Describe the situation faced by both Scott Patterson and Larry Ingram?
  •             Players of the video case include Scott Patterson, a sales person representing “Perfect Solutions” and Larry Ingram who is a CEO of “Ingram Distributing”. Ingram has been a distributor for a period of over 10 years. According to the Video case, Scott signs a competitor of Ingram known as Barber Distributing. When Ingram manages to find out about this issue, he calls Scott to discuss about it. When both meet, Ingram notifies Scott that Barber had already managed to undercut their prices by 10% in order to get the DIS project. Ingram wants Scott to get him their bid price. In order for Ingram to be secure about his business, he pressures Scott to get him the best price for the bid.

Operations Management

Sustainable supply chains


             The article, “Sustainable supply chains: An introduction journal of operation management”, offers significant information about the relationship between sustainability and supply chains on environmental management of operations (Linton, et al., 2007). The researchers also provide crucial information through new questions and research directions on supply chain perspective. Most of the information offered by the authors relating to sustainability and supply chains is fundamentally interdisciplinary in nature. However, some of the research results presented on the article relates directly to operation management. The researchers also consider the challenges and implications of sustainability in a variety of fields where the interdisciplinary nature is evident. Moreover, the researchers also address the issue of interaction between sustainability and supply within the growing sustainable supply chains.


New Jersey Economic Development Authority

             In order for the “New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA)” to solve the communication problem, which is bureaucracy involved before a company is granted funding, the organization has to communicate with the following key publics in urban areas of New Jersey.

NanoMe Sprays

Executive Summary

                Through focusing on various strengths, the potential customers, and all the necessary underlying values, the company will be able to make recommendable sales in all its years of operation. Moreover, the company will be able to maintain a high gross margin on sales. The gross margin will also be high on cash management. The company will also have an advantage of maintaining a reliable and recommendable gross margin. The business plan is the key element that will help in enhancing that the company meets all the above-mentioned issues. With the business plan, the company will be able to focus on its vision and strategic focus. This will help in adding value to the company’s target market segments. The business plan also will help in providing a systematic strategy that the company will to use in order to increase its sales and profitability.

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