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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Complete the following Module 1 Web Assignment for this module by the stated due date on the Schedule. Please submit in the Module 1 D2L assignment folder as a .doc, .docx, .pdf or .rtf file.

As you begin to think about the nature of Economics and issues within the realm of macroeconomics, this web assignment will guide you through perusing pertinent information on our economy at the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Begin by accessing the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

On the BLS home page on the menu across the top of the page, you will find Subjects. Click on Subjects and select one of these topics:

Inflation & Prices
Spending & Time Use
Pay & Benefits
As you will readily see, there are many links within each of these topics. Select the one that most interests you, and write a summary in three to four paragraphs. Include the following:

Explain what topic you selected and why.
Summarize the information you found on the topic you selected.
Describe what information was beneficial and if this information will help you in your future employment endeavors.
(One of the most difficult decisions you will make concerns what field of study you are interested in and what the job opportunities are in that field. Hopefully searching for information on this site will be helpful for making good decisions.)
You must cite your references properly according to MLA or APA guidelines.  Even if the source is mentioned in the assignment instructions, you still need to cite and include it within your document.

Submit your completed assignment to the Module 1 Web Assignment folder in D2L. Make sure you use correct spelling, grammar, etc. Please see the Assignments Rubric for grading.

308 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your Task: You will create a slideshow that explores the concept of “Generational Wealth” with a focus on what it looks like for African Americans and our own communities.
REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRESENTATION There must be at least 10 body slides. This means your presentation must have a minimum of 10 slides in total. You may use more if you want. Do not exceed a maximum of 12 slides. 
List of Required Points- Here are the mandatory points to be included in your presentation. You must use items from this list  but also feel free to include  items of your own.  (Quotes, Videos, Charts, Statistics, Song Lyrics, Video Clips etc…) Be Creative and informative, this is your work of art.

Slides 1 and 2 -Define the term Generational Wealth. I would like you to also personalize this definition by explaining  what it means to you.

Slides 3 and 4- Identify Historical and Current factors that have made it hard for African Americans to accumulate generational wealth. (ex: slavery)

Slide 5- What are some statistics and information on the differences in Generational Wealth between African Americans and other races? (Where is this information coming from?)

Slides 6 and 7 - List Suggested Examples of Ways to Gain Generational Wealth (Identify and describe at least 4 examples) (ex: Investing in businesses)

Slides 8 and 9-  (WILL SMITH**) Identify a current figure (Celebrity, Family, Mentor, Public Figure etc…) that has spoken on or encouraged the idea of  “Generational Wealth”
  What is their idea or advice for people of color? (Provide Quotes Or A Statement and summarize the message in your own words)  
  What action has this figure taken to create or spread the idea of generational wealth within their families, communities, or “People of Color”? What are some of their efforts and accomplishments?
  How successful has this person's attempts (advice) been? This can be measured in success (Statistics), tangibility, grassroots programs, movements etc…

Slide 10- A Conclusion/Your Closing Remarks

337 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a memo (3 to 4 pages) that explains the economic impacts of the policy below.

Marijuana legalization and taxation. Your job is to explain the impacts of a policy of simultaneously legalizing and taxing marijuana (using an excise tax). We have discussed the legalization aspects of this policy. The diagram attached below depicts the impact on the marijuana market. You will probably want to additionally say something about how the tax revenue will be shared between consumers and producers, which you should be able to figure out yourself. You also know how to analyze the impact of a price change on the markets for substitutes and complements. Your job is to explain the impact of the policy on price, quantity, consumer and producer surplus, complements and substitutes, and anything else that you think you may be able to shed light on using the tools we have been learning. Provide minimal background. (Primarily because I don't want you to waste time on the internet learning about the real-world marijuana market.)

A large part of the analysis has been done for you, and appears in a single diagram SEE DIAGRAM BELOW
Your explanation must make sense to a reasonably well-educated non-economist. Keep in mind, you must write it so that a lay person without economic background can understand it. To do this, you must first understand the analysis very thoroughly yourself. Test your explanation on friends and family. Note: DO NOT include a diagram and DO NOT search online.  
Do not do any additional research on the issue. The purpose of the memo is to come up with the best way to explain the impact of the policy on society.
No executive summary.
Minimal background (If it isn't strictly necessary for understanding your memo, cut it out.)

•    Assume that there are no secondary impacts from either growing or consuming marijuana such as environmental impacts, health and safety impacts, etc, and that there are also no secondary impacts from consumption or production of complements or substitutes for marijuana. These things will be the topic of section 5 of the course.
•    Assume that consumers have complete information and perfect rationality with respect to the short and long-run effects of consuming marijuana and any other substance they might consume. 
•    Assume that if there are impacts on complements or substitutes, there will be no change in consumer or producer surplus in those markets, even if there is a shift in demand. (If you want to understand why this is a reasonable assumption, take my Benefit-Cost Analysis class.) This doesn't, however, mean that a policy maker would not want to know about effects in these secondary markets.
•    Assume that alcoholic beverages of various kinds are substitutes for marijuana.

471 Words  1 Pages

58 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

the future of digital currency litigation and the implications for taxation. What are the pros and cons? How will this ultimately impact the business world?

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Fiscal v Monetary Policy Essay

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

If a firm has created value, is it also always able to capture that value? How does a firm create value and then what must it be able to do to capture that value? In your answer, provide an example of a firm that has been able to create value. Then discuss whether or not you believe it has captured that value and if so how it was captured and if not why it was not able to do so.

91 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

eBay is the largest online auction site. Sellers pay a small fee to list their items in eBay. Items can be sold at fixed price or auctioned. Generally, auction lasts for several days and the bidders submit electronics bids. The highest bidder receives an email after the auction closed and get three business days to contact the seller. eBay provides ratings on buyers and sellers based on positive and negative comments on them. eBay has created a set up policies to guard against ‘feedback manipulation’ and ‘feedback abuse’. eBay encouraged buyers to pay through ‘PayPal’ and ‘PayPal’ provides $2000 free insurance in case the buyer doesn’t received the product or the quality of product is poorer than expected. eBay’s safety staff investigates alleged misuses at eBay such as fraud, trading offense and illegally listed items. Potential resolution is banning a seller from future trading on eBay. 

Based on the above situation answer the following questions:

1. What potential contracting problems exist on eBay? Explain.
2. What are the contracting costs at eBay? Explain.
3. eBay claims that they have small problems on fraud and misuse of the system. Does this apply that it is overinvesting in addressing potential contracting problems or underinvesting in addressing apotential contracting problems? Explain

219 Words  1 Pages

96 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Imagine that you are working as an economic advisor for the Australian Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reducation. He has asked you to prepare a briefing document on the economics of reducing Australia's emissions by replacing hydrocarbon fuels (such as coal and oil) by hydorgen extracted via renewal energy sources such as solar and wind power. Like batteries, hydrogen can power electric vehicle; indeed, manufacturers such as Honda, Toyota and Hyundai already make vehicles that run on hydrogen. However, the process works rather differently, via fuel-cell technology that generates electricity for the electric motor, with water being the sole emission. Hydrogen might also have other applications as a fuel. There is potential to export hydrogen, much as Australia exports natural gas, so long as the challenges of storing and transporting such a low density product can be overcome. CSIRO is working on solving these challenges by developing a system that makes ammonia (which is easy to transport) from hydrogen and then extracts hydrogen from ammonia via a metal membrane.
Imagine also that the minister is coming under fire from members of the parliamentary opposition, who say that, just as with battery-powered electric vehicles, Australia's investment in hydrogen energy is running way behind other nations that are far less well-endowed with renewable energy sources. The opposition are claiming that a hydrogen-based future could generate thousands of jobs, more than offsetting jobs lost if traditional fossili fuel production is wound down. It is against this backdrop that the Minister has asked you to write the briefing document. He has asked you to focus on the factors that could determine the uptake trajectory of this technology if the government plays no active role, and he also wants you to offer suggestions about what economic role there could be for government policies in this area.
Your expertise in the evolutionary/complex systems approach to economics is the reason that you in particular have been asked to write this briefing, since previous advice has been informed by traditional economic thinking and the Minister is keen to know whether your approach leads to different perspectives on the potential significance for Australia of hydrogen as a fuel over the next couple of decades.
You have been asked to limit the briefing document to 4000 words in total. This total includes references and a one-page executive summary, and the entire document is to be typed using double-line spacing.
Criteria & Marking:

it is very important to go through the content of the course!!! and Grasp of theoretical issues & Insight, critical thinking and creativity evident in applying theoretical perspectives to the topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

write your answer in a way that drew on ideas covered in this course, using these ideas as the backbone of what you were writing and showing your capacity to apply them.

Marks will be awarded for:

(i)  Evidence of the extent of relevant reading that has been undertaken, both in terms of breadth and depth, especially from the scholarly literate rather than merely referring to media reports and sources that have not been peer reviewed (12 marks);

(ii)  Grasp of theoretical issues/absence of mistakes in explaining key concepts (10 marks)

(iii) Insight, critical thinking and creativity evident in applying theoretical perspectives to the topic (15 marks) ;

(iv)  Quality of writing and presentation, given the  target audience (6 marks);

(v)  Accuracy and consistency of referencing (2 marks).

In relation to (iii), note that if you are merely reporting what others have said and showing you have understood it, then you will be unlikely to score more than 8/15 on this criterion;  we want to see evidence that you can make original connections and/or display critical insight by using the theory yourself.

In relation to (v), it is recommended that you put your reference list together using EndNote and use the default APA format.

Using graphs, charts and statistics
Charts, graphs and figures provide ways of offering evidence in support of what you are arguing, so they are important to include in a report of this kind. Charts and graphs can also say a lot without using up the words it would take to describe what they show. However, do make sure that you don’t include them without explaining why the are there ― e.g. ‘As can be seen from Figure 1, the global demand for slab steel has ….’. Generally, charts and graphs are more useful  individual statistics or a couple of data point. Do indicate the source of any graphs or charts that you use. It’s fine to use screen shot of them, pasted into your document

775 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The Effect of Corporate Tax Rate changes on UK Employee Earnings and Welfare

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How would your projected financial performance change if sales fall 20% short of or are 20% higher than your base assumption? What does your analysis of these two scenarios imply for the proposed investment? Justify your response

48 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Australian food is losing nutritional value due to poor soil nutrient management.

23 Words  1 Pages
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