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Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In our course this week, we continued our exploration of equality of opportunity. Today more Americans, including women, POC, and members of the LBGTQ community, have greater freedom to exercise their rights than at any time in modern history. At the same time, Americans are increasingly sharing their fear that the American Dream has left them behind. As we have learned from our readings, we are equal in our rights but not necessarily equal in any other ways, including athleticism, intelligence, genetic advantages, family structure, economics, or historical privilege.

For your journal entry this week, discuss an example in your life, whether at work, home, school, or during a time of relaxation when you victoriously exercised equality of opportunity and achieved a significant personal or moral victory.

Operational Assignment Details:
This assignment is due on Sunday at 10 p.m. CST. Your substantive comments are due the following Tuesday at 10 p.m. CST. Each journal entry should be a minimum of 300 words. Your journal entry narrative is subjective and can be written in the first person. Citations are not required, but the inclusion of the assigned reading articles is strongly encouraged. Be sure to proofread your entry and use the Grammarly app before posting. Please keep in mind that others will be reading your journal.

This Weeks Required Reading / Videos

249 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

All Primary Assignments include a thesis statement, a bibliography (APA style), and the use and citation of three assigned reading articles from the current week and one assigned reading article from a previous week.

A Case Study in Equality of Opportunity
Learning Objective: The theme of equality of opportunity is examined through the specific lens of a case study.

For your assignment this week, research two groups in American society. Use research to provide support for your persuasive argument. For your research, you can use data from peer-reviewed sources, PEW, Gallup, Brookings, or a Federal Agency such as the U.S. Census Bureau. Devote at least 250 words to each group.

1.    Identify a group in American society that has been, at any time since 1633, treated with less than an equal right to opportunity. This group might identify by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, cultural or historical background, handicap, sexual preference, geographic location, education, job, immigration status, and so on. However, over time, this group has overcome many of the obstacles that have restricted their rights. Use research to find an example of this group’s success.

2.    Identify a group in American society that has been, at any time since 1633, treated with less than an equal right to equality of opportunity. This group might identify by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, cultural or historical background, handicap, sexual preference, geographic location, education, job, immigration status, and so on. However, over time, this group has failed to overcome obstacles that have restricted their rights. Use research to find an example of this group’s lack of success.

3.    Conclude your research with a 100-word discussion of why one group has been successful while the other group continues to struggle. What did you learn by comparing and contrasting these two groups? What is our role as individuals to help obtain equal rights for others?
For additional assistance on conducting research, review the following.

•    Conducting Research, Bellevue University, 2019

This Weeks Required Reading / Videos

Previous Week Required Reading / Videos

396 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Week 5 Primary Assignment

American Values
Learning Objective: Through collaboration, reflective inquiry, analysis, and critique, several American values are analyzed.
Please note: Additional requirements for the Primary Assignment can be found by clicking on the Course Assignment Comments headline (above).

Option 1: Analyze a Topical Story.
We often hear of “American values.” For this assignment, choose a current news story (last three months), from a media outlet that is “more trusted than distrusted” (see image), that demonstrates a positive social value. Use the assigned articles to connect the real world to the values explored in the course. Be sure to include a link to the news article in your assignment. Analyze how the value makes a positive contribution to society.

(If you choose Option 1, please see attached document)


Option 2: Two Party Opera.
For this assignment, review the political cartoon series, ‘Two Party Opera’ by Brian Carroll. Finds a cartoon by Carroll that pertains to one of the specific values explored in this course. Analyze how the cartoon demonstrates the value and whether it presents the value in a positive or negative light. Do you agree with the cartoonist’s caricature of the value? Why or why not?
Two Party Opera, Brain Carroll -

Option 3: The Congressional Medal of Honor.
Examine an incident in which a member of the American armed forces earned the Congressional Medal of Honor; our nation’s highest award for bravery in battle. Identify the values this person exhibited and explain how their example should inspire us.

This Weeks Required Reading / Videos

Previous Week Required Reading / Videos

323 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discuss the history and development of modern criminal law you chose.  Are there federal laws on it or just state laws?  If state, how do different state laws compare/contrast?  How does the law you chose affect the daily life of an average American?  Be sure you are focusing on the law and not just examples or case studies, though brief ones may be used to highlight elements of the law you are discussing.

84 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Do you think that people's diets can influence their behavior? Can unhealthy food have a negative impact on a child's physical and mental development? Explain your findings. 

38 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discuss the potential ways felony disenfranchisement and voter identification laws affect perceived legitimacy of the criminal justice system. Then, analyze the split Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder (2013) that struck down portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Did the Court reach the right decision? why or why not? What implications has this ruling had in the state of Georgia? What possible remedies, if any, would you propose to address any issues or problems you identified?

Your learning journal response to these questions is limited to 1,000 words

104 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 1,100- to 1,750-word paper that compares and contrasts the differing roles of government versus private security employees. 

Include the following in your paper:

A comparison of the legal, ethical, managerial, and economic issues of public and private agencies
An evaluation of public and private agency daily practices
A discussion of the future merging of government and private security agencies

74 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The impact of the residential school system has affected many generations of Aboriginal people. Explain the origins of the system, and examine its effects on Aboriginal children, parents and communities. Is it fair to say that the residential school system has contributed to Aboriginal peoples’ over-representation in the criminal justice system? Explain. (in Canada)

65 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Examine the traditional roles of men and women in Aboriginal communities and discuss the position of Aboriginal women before European contact. Describe the impact of European settlement on Aboriginal women, and on their position within their communities. How has this history affected contacts between Aboriginal women and the criminal justice system? What can be done to address the situation? (in Canada)

72 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Donald Marshall, Jr., spent 11 years in jail for a crime he did not commit. Describe the points in Marshall’s case at which the criminal justice system failed him. What evidence of racism does this case provide? What can be done to overcome systemic racism in the criminal justice system? (in Canada)

63 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 850-1250, word paper in which you evaluate liability, accountability, and economic impact in concert with discretionary authority exercised by personnel in the criminal justice system. Be sure to answer the following question in your paper:

What role does a civilian oversight committee have in ensuring authoritative powers are not abused as it applies to policies, procedures, liability, economic factors, and discretion?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. 

81 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

18th street gang

-type and structure
-criminal activities/violence
-attraction of being in a gang and gang life
-consequences for being in the gang
-current status
-ways that national law enforcement and communities are addressing the problem of the gang

53 Words  1 Pages

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In this assignment, you will identify, describe, and analyze an issue regarding the U.S. government’s post-9/11 response and the implications of establishing a culture of secrecy. In 2–3 pages, address the following:

Identify and craft a clear Problem Statement on a security versus privacy issue. Introduce the issue and why it is important.
Research and develop some further discussion and background to your identified problem to outline some of the key issues that frame the problem.
Outline 3 potential solutions or initiatives that can mitigate the effects of your identified problem.
Conclude by recommending a course of action to remedy the situation.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

123 Words  1 Pages
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