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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discussion 2: External Consequences of Addiction
Not all consequences of addiction are internal. In many cases, the consequences of addiction are external and highly visible. External consequences are those that are tangible, noticeable, behavioral in nature, and usually unable to be hidden by choice.

There is no single experience that causes people to seek out treatment for their addiction. Individuals might begin recovery for a variety of reasons, though their motivation is likely to be related to internal consequences, external consequences, or a combination of the two.

For this Discussion, review the week's resources and consider the external consequences of addiction. In addition, explore strategies that may be useful to clients who are faced with external consequences. Finally, consider your thoughts on whether internal or external factors motivate individuals to seek treatment sooner.

By Day 4
Post two examples of external consequences that may result from clients with problems with addiction. Explain one challenge with overcoming external consequences. Then explain two strategies that you might use as a future addiction professional to address external consequences. Finally, explain your position on whether individuals are more motivated to seek treatment as a result of internal or external consequences. Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

217 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

discuss how standard-setting and defining mastery contributes to effective test results. Relate your ideas to academic, clinical, and personality testing. Reflect upon the following questions:

What standards of classification would you need to set in a clinical setting?
How would “mastery” be depicted in personality testing?
Are there any differences in conceptualization between any two of the types of testing?

75 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explain the importance of education and Career/Technical programs

19 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Research Proposal Instructions
Understanding applied research will enable you to be more effective advocates of programs you
are supporting in working or volunteer capacities. Outside of the behavioral health fields,
understanding good research methodology can be applied to any industry to help better identify
and tell the story of community need and impact of services, while supporting quality
improvement efforts. For this multi-part Research Project, you will identify a research question
relevant to the field of psychology, analyze qualitative and quantitative methodology, and write
an executive summary that proposes the research plan

Part 3: Qualitative Methodology
Write an analysis proposing and justifying which type of qualitative methodology could be
applied to answer the research question. Address the following elements in the proposal
● Briefly restate the research question for a qualitative research.
○ Resource: IM Qual vs Quant (available on overview page)
● Propose the qualitative methodology by
○ Explaining your methodological approach
○ Describing the method to collect the data
○ Describing the method to analyze the data
● Evaluate and justify the proposed methodology based on at least two scholarly resources.
You may use your textbook as one resource.
● Word count: 250-500
● Citation Requirements: 2 (MUST BE SCHOLARLY) 
● Plagiarism ChecK

217 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions: What is an educated person? What should an educated person know and do?
24 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Effective strategies for protesting demeaning stereotypes; use of signifying and masking in postbellum texts.

25 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Examine how to care for patients of abuse/neglect. Choose two types of abuse and discuss interventions to provide emotional support and a safe environment to the patient.

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The prompt: Imagine that you are departing on a 10-year voyage, leaving behind your preadolescent child. Your task is to compose a letter to help your child cope with the changes that will occur in your absence'

Write a 2-3 page paper discussing the biological and cognitive changes your child should expect and provide advice to your child as to how to cope with these changes. Please see the rubric for the specific discussion points we will be looking for in your paper. You can organize the paper however you like, as long as you include all of the points in the rubric.  This is not meant to be a difficult paper, it is a chance for you to reflect on what we have learned in the last two chapters.

*You do not have to cite the information you get from the book, but if you get any information from outside sources or make claims based on any information not covered in the book, you need to cite your sources in text and attach a reference page with APA formatted references.

(please review attached rubric, it is crucial for the assignment)

I have also attached the power points from the class, with the information pertaining to the assignment.

219 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

think about instances of previous group work, or approaches to collective action, for some ideas of situations which can arise and of how they can be navigated successfully. Think about principles, and also about practicalities – how you’ll enact those principles. 
celebrating success.
Do you think it would be useful to regularly return to the groupwork guide as a group self-check and to adjust it as you progress in your case study project? - 

85 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly assignment is to enable you to understand the revision process and revise your paper with the help of a writing specialist.


Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following:

Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment.
Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen.
Brief argument supporting at least two solutions to the global societal issue.
Conclusion paragraph.
Must document any information used from at least five scholarly sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) Note that you will need at least eight scholarly sources for your Final Paper in Week 5.
Step 2: After you have completed a rough draft of your paper, submit that draft to the Ashford Writing Center by using the instructions found in the Paper Review (Links to an external site.) page. Your paper will be returned within 24 hours, so give yourself enough time to complete and submit it prior to the due date.

Reflect: Carefully review the summary feedback found in the email from the tutor and the margin comments that you see on your returned paper. Consider each of the suggestions provided to help you to revise your paper.


What You Need to Submit to Waypoint:

Upload the document that contains the feedback from the Writing Center specialist.
Submit the journal assignment answering the following questions in at least 400 words:
Identify the top three issues your writing specialist focused on in your rough draft (e.g., paragraph structure, proper use of quotations, thesis statement, etc.).
In what ways were those issues surprising?
Describe what you learned from some of the feedback your writing specialist provided as explanations.
Was this feedback helpful?
Evaluate the usefulness of the paper review tool.
In what ways did this activity improve your academic writing skills?
Will you use the Ashford Writing Center to review your work in the future? Why or why not?
Identify Writing Center Video Tutorials (Links to an external site.) that you find most useful and explain why. Also, identify tutorial(s) you found least useful and explain why.
The journal part of the assignment does not need to be formatted in APA style; however, correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is required.

412 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

How to handle exams stress and anxiety

College Life How to handle exams stress and anxiety write about the problem and two solutions in a four-paragraph essay

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explore your community and provide descriptions of two types of services you see that go beyond deinstitutionalization. Answer each question in 100-150 words. Use two to four resources to support your explanations.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Type of Service or Program #1:
Website Link:

1. Summary of the services provided or how the program works.

2. Describe the target population and how many people are served by the service or program.

3. Explain the positive outcomes of the program.

4. Explain challenges for implementation.


Type of Service or Program #2:
Website Link:

1. Summary of the services provided or how the program works. 

2. Describe the target population and how many people are served by the service or program.

3. Explain the positive outcomes of the program.

178 Words  1 Pages

506 Words  1 Pages

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