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            The Causes, Consequences and Solutions of Haze

            According to the several studies conducted the exposure of continuous pollution may increase the possibility of individuals acquiring cardiovascular impacts like reduced development as well as heart attack.  The major health effects of haze are majorly caused by the effects of irritation by the dust particles on the skin, eyes, throat, nose and airways. The health impacts of haze differ in regard to the ability of persons to hold pollution.  Most individuals are faced with the issues of irritation, running nose, dry cough as well as sneezing caused by pollutants (Dinçer, İbrahim, Colpan, and Kadioglu, 131)

            The concerns pollutants of haze include several particular matters. This matter includes nitrogen dioxide, ozone, Sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.  This therefore causes exposure which causes unhealthy living as Sulphur dioxide may result in eye irritation, throat and nose to those that are healthy.  Haze causes effects on the lungs and the heart especially on people with chronic issues such as chronic pulmonary disease and asthma (Bice, 197).

            The current health issues can be treated easily because the irritation of eyes caused by applying saline eye drops. Haze results in increased cost of revenue because it requires the government to utilize most of the revenue on treatment (Zhao, 56).  This therefore has great effects on the economy as it slows down development and technological improvement. This additionally affects the environment that results in unhealthy living. This largely affects agriculture since the environment fails in facilitating the development of agriculture as the surrounding fails in incorporating plantation.  The habitats are also affected since increased pollution results in increased rate of mortality on the general level of habitats (Zhao, 56).

            Technological adaptation would be effective in ensuring that the haze effects are eliminated or reduced at an increased rate. This would additionally ensure that development is facilitated as individuals would be able to utilize innovativeness in generating pollution issues (Khoo, Angeline, and Khoo, 123) Technological advancement is purposed to ensure that the health issues as well as the surrounding issues are reduced. Economic improvement is promoted through the adoption of technology. This ensures that the government saves much money on development rather than on solving issues. Technological advancement is thus crucial in ensuring that development is ensured and the haze effects are eliminated (Canadell, Pataki, and Pitelk, 94).




Bice, Bill. Momentary Haze. Place of publication not identified: Lulu Com, 2014. Print.

            Canadell, Josep G, D E. Pataki, and Louis Pitelka. Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Internet resource.

            Dinçer, İbrahim, Can O. Colpan, and Fethi Kadioglu. Causes, Impacts and Solutions to Global Warming. , 2013. Internet resource.

Khoo, Angeline, and How S. Khoo. Matthew and the Horrid Haze. , 2015. Print.

            Zhao, Jingzhu. Ecological and Environmental Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050. Berlin: Springer, 2010. Print.

472 Words  1 Pages

In this digital era, information theft has become a frequent thing, with hackers coming up with ways of getting access to the information that might be private. Even big cooperation suffers from this as others tend to lose millions in a night. There are several ways that hackers use to get information about their targets.

The use of Trojan horse is the most common. A Trojan horse is a virus that most hackers can use to get information about the employees. Once a Trojan is installed, most of them are programmed in such a way that they record anything that you type in, this include passwords, work details or even personal information. Most of the time these viruses are disguised as phishing email that when a person clicks to read it is automatically installed to the single computer or the whole work space computers if they share a common network. One way to stop this breach of security is to educate all the employees of such viruses and make them knowledgeable about these. The employees should be taught not to simply anything that they find on the internet. Another way is an up to date security software that can detect and stop any Trojan before it is installed.

Another method used by hackers is by bypassing passwords. Most people use overly easy passwords such a s their names, their birthdates, or even the name of their pets as their passwords. The worst part is most of these details are left open for every in their social media accounts making them even more vulnerable to getting ways to stop hackers from bypassing your passwords you should use passwords that is not easily known. Also when answering security questions, you should just give random answers that are not even related to the questions asked. By ensuring that your password and security questions are not too obvious then you protect your computer from hackers.

It is important that every organization understand the legal ramifications that come with handling data. The HR function is to ensure that the country, state and province regulations are followed to the letter. If the operation is across international borders, there will be expanse legality and the HRIS system should adhere to it. For instance, the European union prohibits intercounty data sharing of personally identifying information. Knowing such limitation is very important for any HRIS in ensuring they follow the legal requirement (Kavanagh, Thite & Johnson,2015).


Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, R. D. (2015). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions.

“Massive cyberattack strikes Anthem” video. Retrieved from: anthem?videoId=363104985&mod=related&channelName=cybersecurity


441 Words  1 Pages

            White Horse Ferries Company Development Methods

            If we talk about web applications, Despa (2015) stated that they need specialized software development approach. Despa (2015) defined the software development approach as an Endeavor to a unit group of processes and procedures that are vital to software development life cycle. He is illustrating an approach called ‘Innovative Software Development Framework’ or shortly as ISDF. This approach is improved depended on the previous procedures of Information Technology (IT) projects ‘managed by him in the previous 5 years.  It is argued that current Software Improvement approaches are divided into heavyweight and lightweight. Both of these two types are analyzed with a focus on their general framework, advantages, disadvantages, and the project category they are appropriate for. Heavyweight approaches relate to waterfall model and depend on deep planning, hard-efforts features, and itemized design. In this model, the project implementation phases go from top to bottom which means that each of steps between the second and last step is only done after the previous step has been finished. The result of the previous step will be the input for the next step. The model mainly depends on the project plan. This model includes a lot of costs and endeavors for writing and accepting documents. Moreover, it has the difficulty in reacting to changes and sudden quality dilemmas. In addition, further problems of schedule surpass due to late performed project examining and low ‘project owner feedback’. In fact, the systems that depend on this model do not show current needs. Waterfall model also delays the hard and danger part to the project end, make the project sophisticated, and provide un-trusted schedule and estimates. The waterfall is ideal for projects with low changes and lower levels of sophistication.

            In my own opinion, the waterfall model will not be suitable for the White Horse Ferry Company because the booking procedures do not show any level of simplicity. Moreover, the booking includes many methods, payment with cancellation restrictions, and the difference in price brand and vehicle types. The description that was given to the ferry company cannot be developed through the waterfall model.

            Back to Despa (2015), and on the other hand, the lightweight approaches relate to the Agile model and enable fast react to changes and ‘customer response’. The agile mold was assembled to be selected, elastic, and hasty with a focus on cooperation and communication. It covers competition through supporting invention and excellence.  The main advantage of Agile is that it depends on repeated and gradually development and highlight on people not ‘technology or techniques’. The model mainly represented through the project owner. The disadvantages of this model are many. One of them is the depending on incomplete architectural planning. The other one is the extra concentrating on the first result. Moreover, it provides low levels of documentation and test area. It is found that if the organization size goes larger, the possibility of implementing the agile approach become harder. Furthermore, it provides limited help for spread improvement teams and decreases the outsourcing ability.

            The agile model is perfect for undersized teams as in other mass squads the communications decrease the practices’ influence such as personal physical communication and appraise conventions. The requirements for a software development approach in invented projects was launched through the fact the ancient heavyweight approaches cannot produce development in a short time without balancing the quality while lightweight Agile are described by incomplete certification, frail body, and need of risk running. The software expansion approach must be explained in quality and quantity standards, causing similar results in the case of repeated usage, applied within acceptable success level, and explained in a simple way. It must involve human factor, roles, dexterity, teams, equipment, techniques, processes, norms, quality measuring equipment, and team values.

            The central frame of any software approach is the improvement life cycle. This improvement life cycle that is used in ALPHA projects and shaped in ISDF approach is composed of many components. These components are ‘research, preparation, intention, prototype, expansion, testing, organization and maintenance’.

            Few details must be mentioned about the responsibilities of project manager, project owner, and project team. The project owner responsibilities are to construct the needs and hand to project executive. The project executive assesses these needs and raises a team with the vital group of experience and skills that are needed to execute the project. The project team responsibility is to assess the needs technically. In ALPHA development, the uppermost time acceptable for building a model is 3% of the whole paced scheme time and only two models were created.

            The quality aspect in ALPHA project includes set of calculations. An example is a way of calculating the ‘Compliance Degree’ where it is equal to ‘the number of lost functionality added to the figure of defective functionality, alienated by a figure of intended functionality. These three numbers are added to the figure of extra functionality alienated by the figure of definite functionality and the five statistics are divided by three’. Giving considerations to Intellectual property rights like patents are important in the software development life cycle. This step is to assure that any invention or innovative procedure that can be part of the development process is assigned and recorded to the person who came up with it firstly. The time is a major concern for most of the organizations when starting a project or even within a project. Usually, there must be a timetable for each of the general phases of the project and any further details.

            Agile Approach

            It is a modern approach for software development aimed to be chosen by the large organizations. Forrester Research (2014) claimed that the reason of that is the feature of Agile for faster delivery of the product or services. Usually the questions of where, what, and when are asked before adopting the Agile techniques instead of If. The graph is showing that the Agile methodologies are mostly used by multi-tier, the web, and mobile applications other than traditional and Hybrid methodologies. In contrast, the Hybrid is used more than the Agile in the packaged and mainframe applications. There is a noticeable following for the Agile approach between many types of organizations.

            The automation is vital for starting a perfect Agile methodology. The Agile processes must be carefully established order to prevent the possibilities of failure. There are many ‘engineering techniques and Infrastructure capabilities’ to move the application delivery quickly. Without the automation, the Agile is almost stopped from being productive. The fast delivery depends on preparing a fast response delivery production line consisting of the basic environment, continuous integration, automotive examining, and automotive publishing.

            If you reach the speed in delivery range, then you need to make a change in the organization by terminating rules and simplifying processes.  The perfect Agile delivery consists of:

1-All the time integration:  That enables the organization to get the last updated feedback on the changes included in the code. Without this, you will not know if the changes are effective or not.

2-Automated examining:  that is vital for quick delivery because, without this component, you cannot move the whole development cycle with expected speed.

3-Seperated architectures: this is important because sometimes the change is needed only on the part of the application, not the whole of it.

4-Service visualization: that reduces the money spent of Devin tests environments and also makes those environments execute quicker.

5-Automative publishing:  this is the immediate delivery of the application after being consistent with the previous components.

            Usually, if these components were implemented in the perfect way then all the changes will be done to the smaller issues or problems that contribute fast to the big change that makes the application delivery faster and more accurate.

            Spiral Method

            The cooperation can adopt the spiral method. The spiral methodology is defined as a life cycle sophisticated model that gives priority to early establishment and reduction of risks generated from projects (BURAGGA, & ZAMAN, 112, 2013).  A spiral method would be effective for the cooperation as it begins by exploring risks on small scale, develops plans on how the cooperation can best handle the risks and develops decisions on whether the proposed project should proceed for the next spiral iteration spiral methods is beneficial because it derives speedy benefits of development which are not generated from the project increased speed but from the continuous process of risks reduction level. This has an impact on time necessitated in delivering the projects. The success of the spiral method will entirely depend on conscientious, knowledge management and attentiveness (BURAGGA, & ZAMAN, 113, 2013). The spiral method is additionally advantageous because it can be utilized in all kinds of projects and the focus on risks reduction is essential in development.  Since the white horse ferries  are associated with complex projects that are characterized with innovativeness in order to grow the market base the spiral method is appropriate  because  its high level of benefits delivery. 

            Several benefits and disadvantages of the method should be considered to ensure that the method is effective.  Spiral is advantageous because it is associated with high-risk analysis amount which helps in avoiding risks occurrence (DOOLEY, 32, 2011). Additionally it effective in large and complex projects which the white horse ferries would benefit.  The methods hold strong documentation and approval control with additional functionalities which can be incorporated later. The most benefiting feature of the spiral method is that it is introduced in the early life of the cycle of software thus making it easy for assessing the developments (DOOLEY, 34, 2011).

            However, the spiral method is disadvantageous because it is an expensive method of the evaluation of high risks requires expertise and the white horse company should consider conducting estimation before its evaluation (DOOLEY, 42, 2011).  In addition, if the phase of risk analysis fails to be successful then development may not be achieved. The cooperation can introduce the spiral method into operation by evaluating the requirements of the methods by obtaining details, defining the required prototype, evaluate the prototype by defining the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths as well as threats. Second the cooperation is required to design and analyze the prototype which is then followed by conducting attest before the initial implementation.  After the evaluation process, the company is required to develop a maintenance routine that will ensure that the projects are continuously assessed and maintained in order to prevent the occurrence of failures which will result in minimizing organization downtown (DOOLEY, 48, 2011).

            Since the world today is characterized by innovation which makes it a competitive world of the internet the white horse ferries company should  design software’s that are suitable for its business.  The development should, therefore, incorporate the method effective software development methodologies to generate maximum benefits.  The software methodologies should be capable of functioning in solving the needs of the organization because the organization requires fresh functionalities in the existing software.  The development should, therefore, evaluate to ensure that it generates the given functionalities in the developed software’s (BURAGGA, & ZAMAN, 124, 2013).

            Iterative Method

            The iterative model can additional be adopted by the White Horse Ferries. The iterative model is not focused on attempting to start on the general specification of software development requirements (BURAGGA, & ZAMAN, 126, 2013).  The development model begins by implementing and identifying the specific part of the general software that can be evaluated so that the additional requirements can be identified and analyzed.  Then the process is followed by petition which results in the production of a fresh software version for every model cycle.  The iterative model helps in the creation of a highly featured design level of system application before the beginning of product building and solutions development.  The model is effective in tracking defects while still in the early stages because it aims at improving products on steps basis. This helps in avoiding down the flow of effects that would hinder software development effectiveness.  The model generates reliable feedback to the user thus enabling them to draw assumptions on the effectiveness of the model. Moreover, interactive model utilizes less time on documentation and adequate time of provision of designs. However the model is expensive since it requires architecture to develop the sketches and the phases are rigid since no overlapping can be done (BURAGGA, & ZAMAN, 128, 2013).

            The white house ferries company can utilize the interactive model when the requirements of the general system are defined clearly and understood completely to avoid the occurrence of inefficiency.  Additionally, if the company intends to venture into a big project the iterative model is essential and all the major necessities must be defined clearly and the rest of the details may evolve with time. The basic thought of the iterative model is developing a repeated cycles system and in incremental portions (GARCÍA DÍAZ, CUEVA LOVELLE, & PELAYO GARCÍA-BUSTELO, 87, 2014).

            RAD Method

            RAD is a software development model that utilizes minimal planning in preference of rapid prototyping.  The prototype can thus be described as the model of working that is equivalent in terms of functions to the element of the general software product. RAD is an incremental model type in which the functions are established in a parallel mode like mini projects. The model is essential as it is speedy in providing the consumers with something to view in order to provide quick feedback in regard to delivery and requirements.  This is because RAD developments are presented in time boxes that are delivered and later assembles in working prototype (GARCÍA DÍAZ, CUEVA LOVELLE, & PELAYO GARCÍA-BUSTELO, 89, 2014).

            The white horse ferries can apply the RAD model by utilizing the following phases.  Business modeling involves defining information flow between different functions of the business.  Data modeling is then concocted where information is collected from the model of the business and is then utilized in defining objects of data that are required for the business.  Process modeling is additionally essential as it involves the defined data objects being converted in order to achieve flow of business information objectives that are specified. The description of the conversation are generated and then created for data objects CRUD.  Application generation then follows where the tools are later utilized in converting the models process into the actual system and code which ends with the turnover and testing of all the fresh interfaces and the generated components (GARCÍA DÍAZ, CUEVA LOVELLE, & PELAYO GARCÍA-BUSTELO, 93, 2014).

            RAD model is advantageous because it results in reduced time for development thus increasing reusability of components.  Speedy first reviews occur thus allowing the users to utilize the feedback in the generation of solutions (RECH, & BUNSE, 66, 2009).  The model is also effective as it solves issues from the beginning of the integration thus elimination integration issues.  However, the model requires strong performances from individuals and teams in identifying the requirements of the business. The white ferries company can, therefore, ensure that individuals take part in the identification of requirements fully by incorporating skilled developers as the model is highly dependent on the skills of modeling (RECH, & BUNSE, 66, 2009).

            Incremental Method

            Incremental model is a building method of the development of software’s where products are designed tested and implemented until the time that the products will be finished.  The methods incorporate both maintenance and development (RECH, & BUNSE,44, 2009).  The development of a product is completed when the product is capable of satisfying all the requirements. The model is thus effective because it utilizes the elements of prototyping and the elements of the waterfall model. The decomposition of components while allying the methods allows partial usage of products which ensures that the long time development is avoided.  The methods additionally avoid the beginning outlay of capital and the long subsequent period of waiting. 

            The development of the methods helps in easing the traumatic impacts of introducing a whole fresh system at once. However the model is associated with several issues because the resulting costs may be over the organization’s costs and since the method involves adding more functions to a product it may lead to the generation of more issues which are related to the system since they were not designed initially in the development of the system (RECH, & BUNSE, 66, 2009).  The white horse Ferries Company can utilize the model because it is associated with fast deliveries that are linked to low costs which would help the cooperation to identify additional requirements. This allows the company to review the presented results from the feedback that is collected from the customer and this may lead to essential changes.








BURAGGA, K. A., & ZAMAN, N. (2013). Software development techniques for constructive     information systems design.

DESPA, M.L. 2015, "Formalizing the ISDF Software Development Methodology",             InformaticaEconomica, vol. 20, no. 2/2015, pp. 66-80.

DOOLEY, J. (2011). Software development and professional practice. New York, N.Y, Apress.

GARCÍA DÍAZ, V., CUEVA LOVELLE, J. M., & PELAYO GARCÍA-BUSTELO, B. C.           (2014). Handbook of research on innovations in systems and software engineering.               N=883284.

HPE TECHNOLOGY. (2014). Agile Software Development Methodology: Foundation For          Successful Adoption By Forrester Research. Retrieved from

RECH, J., & BUNSE, C. (2009). Model-driven software development: integrating quality            assurance. Hershey, Information Science Reference.


2871 Words  10 Pages


Like any kind of network, for effective working there is the need of ensuring that a Cisco network is properly configured. When revolving around the Cisco IOS (interworking operating system), a person will come across multiple prompts (1). They are the ones which changes as one moves from one configuration mode to another. So as to achieve this, the configuration modes to be used in configuring the network need to be well known.  In addition to that, a person needs to be in the position of understanding how to configure an interface, configuration of a switch management interface as well as configuring an interface which is to be used in DHCP in his network.

Moreover, there exist five commands which every Cisco network administrator have to know. The reason for this is because they are the main administration commands which assist in noticing all that is happening within the network (2). With this, it then means the Cisco router provides a greater flexibility – with extra regular controls unlike the NETGEAR or Linksys hardware which is mostly used in home offices- in case a person desires to expand his setup for the purpose of including things like MS ISA firewall on its back end. 

            Site details and challenges I) Cisco networking configuration modes As stated above, one moving around the Cisco interworking operating system (IOS), a person will come across various prompts. These modes keep on changing as a person shifts from one configuration modes to the next. This modes include; User EXEC mode _ Whenever a Cisco device is connected to the network, the resulting configuration mode is the user exec mode. With the presence of the user exec mode, it then means that it is possible to view all the settings found on that device although no changes can be made on it (3). A person will then know that he or she is in the User EXEC mode because of the display of a ">" by the IOS prompt. Privileged EXEC mode _ In order to be in the position of making any changes in the Cisco device inserted into the network, there is the need of navigating to the privileged EXEC mode. The reason for that is because it is this section that an input password is required. There after navigating it, it displays “#” in the prompt. Global Configuration mode _ the global configuration mode is the section in which global changes are made to the Cisco router as the hostname (3). For the essence of navigating from the privileged EXEC mode to the global configuration mode, one will be forced to type “configure terminal” or “conf t”. The reason for that is because after that it when it will allow the “(config)#” prompt to be placed. Sub Prompts _ there exists various types of sub prompts from the global configuration mode which can be used for navigating for instance the interface prompt. The main objective is the modifying settings on a certain interface or for aligning prompts used for modifying various ports on the Cisco device (4).  II) Configure an interface for the Cisco networking Basically, what this means is that there is the need of first configuring the entire network interfaces whenever working with not only the Cisco routers but also with management interface on switches. In return, this will either match with virtual interfaces or interface ports just in the form of a virtual LAN (VLAN) interface, typically when dealing with switches (5) For the case of the router interfaces, the sample below will be used for setting speed, duplex as well as configuring data for the interface FastEthernet 0/0. When it comes to dealing with routers, the no shutdown command is used to enable the interface in the final step, i.e. interfaces found on switches are usually enabled by default. On the other hand, depending on the framework model, the Cisco ACE XML Gateway hardware stage might consist of one to four interfaces which aid in handling service traffic (5). Moreover, Cisco ultimately supports either 10-Mbps Ethernet, 100-Mbps fast Ethernet or 1000-Mbps Gigabit Ethernet. This support is largely supplied on different Ethernet network interface system or cards as shown below;

               Router1>enable               Router1#configure terminal               Router1(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0               Router1(config-if)#description Private LAN               Router1(config-if)#speed 100               Router1(config-if)#duplex full               Router1(config-if)#ip address               Router1(config-if)#no shutdown III) Configure a switch management interface for Cisco networkingFor the purpose of ensuring that the switches have enabled the IP address on the management interface, the is the need of making use of something more or less similar to the above example. By considering this example, what it means is that management of the interfaces is to be performed over the VLAN 1- the default VLAN (1). This is to mean that when it comes to switch management, it is essential to make use of dedicated VLAN. Conversely, in the switching world, the logical interface for this VLAN is termed as the switch virtual interface. Whenever the switch is to be configured, these interfaces will be represented as a vlan interface. It should be noted that the VLAN interface can also be assigned as a bridge group, an IP address, interface description as well as a quality of service guiding principle.  Typically, by having a VLAN interface will provide two devices which have the capacity of communicating with other devices at three layers (6). VLAN interfaces are usually used by Multiple-Layer switches for the purpose of enabling multiple-layer routing functions on just a single switch. The switch remains to be its own router-on-a-stick. For the case of Multiple-Layer switch network, various switches for instance Cisco 3550 or Cisco 3560 makes use of the VLAN interfaces as the default gateway for not only the PC’s but also for majority of machines found on that network just for the purpose of communicating with other IP networks.  What this means is that layer 2 only switches at times can only consist of a sole active vlan interface at any given period (6).   IV) Configure an interface to use DHCP for Cisco networking

In case a person desires to configure a switch or a router for the purpose of retrieving its IP configuration data, then example below indicates the commands to be induced. This is what allows the configuration of information from the network DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) (1).  This is to imply that the DHCP offers a framework needed for the passage of configuration data to the host on the TCP/IP network. Furthermore, it should be noted that the DHCP client is basically an internet host using DHCP for the essence of obtaining configuration parameters for example the IP address.

The figure below indicates the main steps which occur whenever the DHCP client sends requests to an IP address from the DHCP server. Host A, the client, majorly sends a DHCPSISCOVER broadcast information for the purpose of locating a DHCP sever.   In return, the DHCP server provides the required configuration parameters for example the lease for the IP address, MAC address and IP address, to the client found in the DHCPOFFER unicast information (7).

               Router1>enable               Router1#configure terminal               Router1(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0               Router1(config-if)#ip dhcpBelow is the Cisco networking configuration the sample




  1. Tetz, E. (2011).Cisco® networking all-in-one for dummies®. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. McMillan, T. (2012).Cisco networking essentials. Indianapolis, Ind: John Wiley.
  3. Cannon, K., Caudle, K., & Cannon, K. (2008).Complete guide to Cisco routing and switching fundamentals. Clifton Park, N.Y: Delmar Learning.
  4. Sequeira, A. (2013).Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices part I (ICND1): Foundation learning guide. Indianapolis, Ind: Cisco Press.
  5. Menga, J., & Safari Tech Books Online. (2003).CCNP practical studies: Switching. Indianapolis, Ind: Cisco Press.
  6. Cisco Networking Academy Program. (2014).Routing and switching essentials companion guide. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press.
  7. Ogletree, T. W. (2002).Upgrading and repairing networks. Indianapolis, Indiana: QUE.


1311 Words  4 Pages



            Civic technology basically involves the information technology that allows involvement and engagement of the public in enabling stronger development, better communication among citizens, developing the states infrastructure and generally advancing the greater public good. It involves public applications, government bodies’ platforms as well as institution and other enabling software towards the civic technology goals. Technology in the United States over the years has made some increases and certainties (Sanford & Samuel 50). The US has put more emphasis on the advancement of technology to virtually every other area as they regard it as important. Vast advancement has occurred ranging from the invention of cellular phones to the advancement of the same into cell phones to smartphones and the latest being the tablets. Other technological advancement are witnessed in the computer sector where group of people are advancing the software, hardware and the computer programming thus enabling the public to have an easier access on the computers (Rainie et al 3). The famous of all technological advancements in US is the social media platforms where different companies such as the Facebook, Google and twitter have enabled the global information sharing amongst US members and other citizens globally. Technology therefore is part of the US citizens’ modern life.

            Civic technology has gained so many critics from a number of people who believe that the amount of time spent on the civic platforms such as the social media have acted as distraction of the community’s morals and has led to procrastination. However, this is partly true and partly a lie. Though many of the people may be found so much addicted to social media, the computers and the phones they are not wrong at all since this is the best news update platform for all.

            With the advancement of mobile applications that allow this kind of social platforms, the information is easily accessed from the source anytime at any place thus making the delivery of the information to be instant. This has helped to save emergency cases as people are able to locate an emergency issue once it is posted on the social media using the hash tag technique thus allowing people to assist at that time.

            Civic technology has greatly impacted the lives of many those in US as well as those in other parts of the world. Politically the civic technology is greatly used as the internet enables easier conduction of political activities (Mossberger et al 20). The internet provides information about the different political aspirants thus making it easier for the political parties and aspirants to mobilize the citizens so as to take the political action. Some of the political activities such as the registration of voters can be easily done on the internet. Other activities such as the political donations may be carried out in these platforms (Mossberger et al 20). Also people with the same line of thinking and with a similar goal are allowed to form a group where they can share their ideas and be able to help one another. For instance so may professions like doctors, engineers have formed groups where any update on the area of profession is informed to the group and some of the skills are also passed on to others through the sharing of ideas and incases of any question it is deeply discussed in the group thus giving the best answer. Socially people meet in the social media thus we can all agree that technology is of greater public good.






Mossberger, Karen, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Ramona S. McNeal. Digital citizenship: The Internet, society, and participation. MIt Press, 2007.

Rainie, Lee, et al. "Social media and political engagement." Pew Internet & American Life           Project 19 (2012).

Sanford, Samuel. Civic Life in the Information Age. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print.


633 Words  2 Pages

Barriers to The Adoption of Wearable Technology


            Wearable technology can be termed as the clothing and the accessories that incorporate computer devices and highly developed electronic expertise. The design of these wearable devices is often practical and integrates certain features (In Szopa et al, 2015). It is vital to note that wearable devices such as the activity trackers can be said to be a model of the internet of things because they are a network of physical objects that are implanted with electronic devices (In Szopa et al, 2015). These electronic devices are able to exchange data and information with the manufacturers or to other connected machinery without the aid of human beings. It is also evident that these wearable devices can be used to track individuals or objects as long as the connection is present (In Szopa et al, 2015).

Problem statement

            It is vital to note that wearable technology is interrelated with ubiquitous computing and also with the history, growth and development of the wearable computers. These wearable devices have aided to make technology invasive and insidious by incorporating it in the day to day life (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). The pioneers of wearable technology have been trying to enhance the functionality of this system by ensuring that the clothing and accessories used are able to provide surveillance or the recording of activities by the use of small portable devices that are able to track movement, record the pace of the heart and also used to follow the metrics performance of a sporting activity (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). An example of this wearable technology is a Bluetooth dress that was designed by the affiliation of Sony Ericsson and the London College of fashion in the year 2009 (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). This dress would light up when a call is made.

            This paper will help to analyze the reasons as to why wearable technology has not become popular and also the hindrances that lead to this. The current state of wearable technology will also be discussed and the issues that need to be overcome with this kind of technology. It is vital to note that wearable technology can be divided into two; personal usage and business usage.  However, no matter the usage of the devices the functionality is normally similar (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). Some of the most common functions of wearable technology are”

  • It may be a fashion statement or fashion icon (McCann et al, 2009).
  • It may be used as a fitness tracker (McCann et al, 2009).
  • Some may be used for treatment purposes like for the case of the patients with the Parkinson’s disease especially for speech and voice ailments (McCann et al, 2009).
  • Can be used as a tracker in sporting events (McCann et al, 2009).
  • Can be used as a channel to orchestrate and coordinate data and information to other devices (McCann et al, 2009).
  • Can be used as a monitoring gadget in health issues (Holland, 2016).
  • Can be used for communication or navigation (Holland, 2016).

Benefits of wearable technology

            It is important to note that the use of wearable technology has been on the increase both for personal and business use. For instance, the sale of smart wrist bands has been accelerating since 2013. Statistics show that every one out of five American adults has a wearable device in their daily life (Holland, 2016). The use of wearable technology has helped to ensure positive reforms in the health care sector; for instance the tele health is one of the health care distributions which use the wearable technology to reduce the costs associated with health in the United States. It has also enhanced the professional sporting activities where these devices can be used to monitor real time responses for the athletes (Lymberis et al, 2004). However, extensive research and development is required to make sure that data and information is created and produced effectively and also to ensure a good quality of the information that is gathered. The research and development will also help to ensure that the users gain confidence in the wearable technology (Lymberis et al, 2004).

            One of the most captivating segments of wearable technology is the aspect of monitoring systems or the elderly and the disabled.  The wearable sensor helps to ensure adequate monitoring and also the applicability for biomedicines (Lymberis et al, 2004). This has caused the researchers to shift their focus from the collection of information to the growth and expansion of intelligent logarithms that ensure that valuable data is gathered using statistical classification and neural networks (Lymberis et al, 2004).

Barriers to wearable technology and their recommendations

            Nevertheless, there are various barriers to the growth and development of the wearable technologies. According to a research that was conducted in 2012, wearable devices are faced with the risk of explosion but the market is still expected to advance from $4.5 billion in 2015 to $54.3 billion in 2019 (In Follett, 2014). For this technology to be successful there are various things that need to fall in place like the aspect of limited battery life. This is one of the key issue facing wearable technologies.  Most of the devices require charging for quality functioning and statistics show that the chances of people putting them back after removing is minimal (In Follett, 2014). This is mostly done by people who do not require the devices for health issues. As a result of this, the use of the devices is not achieved. It is also evident to note that mot wearable gadgets that are being produced today put much emphasis on the technology rather than the wear ability. This is the reason as to why most gadgets such as the wrist watch has so much technology embedded in it to a point that the battery life is minimal (In Follett, 2014). It is also evident that the gadgets can face destruction due to poor charging processes. This can be seen also from the charging of phone batteries; poor charging can lead to the batter being destroyed. It is also critical to note that the batteries can be overcharged thus leading to explosion (In Follett, 2014). This can cause great risk to the people who use them thus most people lack confidence in them. This is one of the reasons as to why the growth of these has been limited.

            Associations such as the advanced self powered systems of integrated sensors and technologies have been on the process of solving this problem. This is done by improving the technology to ensure production of wearable gadgets that are battery free and are powered by the body (Holland, 2016). This can be achieved by using the human body as a source for the power and energy that is required by the devices. This is because most of the devices use the wireless transmission and also through the fact that the human body emits a lot of energy that can be used for the wearable devices (Holland, 2016).   It is evident that materials from the organization are implanted in a textile and can harvest power and energy through the difference in temperature between the skin and the extern environment. Research shows that as at now the organization is working towards the manufacture of a pace maker that is not operated by the use of batteries (Holland, 2016).

            Design has always been a very critical factor in ensuring the success if mainstream electronics (In Follett, 2014). This can be explained by the fact that nobody would want to walk around with a computer that feels like an anvil or with a wrist watch that one would not want to stay with it the entire day. However, wearable devices that are implanted in the body are more innate and therefore create a connection (In Follett, 2014). It is therefore important to note that implanted gadgets reduce privacy especially if they are used for personal surveillance. This therefore means that one is required to be very cautious when using the gadgets. It is also critical to note that these systems can be used negatively especially if the information is received by unauthorized personnel (In Follett, 2014).

            As discussed above the design of the wearable gadgets need to attract the users. For instance glasses that acts as sensors, recorders or for surveillance need to be modified in such a manner that even people who do not wear the glasses are persuaded to buy them (McCann et al, 2009). It may also take time for people to be comfortable with wearing such gadgets in their bodies. This is because gadgets especially those implanted in the body are against the normal functioning of the human body and therefore it may take time for the consumers to be comfortable with this idea (McCann et al, 2009).

            It is vital to note that the adoption rate of the wearable devices is going to decrease if the gadgets are not able to provide more meaning and perspective on the measures to improve health, fitness and the general life in relation to the goal and objectives of the individuals (McCann et al, 2009). In order to ensure effective connectivity of data and information, the devices must communicate through and application programming interface (McCann et al, 2009).

            The aspect of safety and reliability is also a key barrier to wearable technology. As at now the state of the wearable devices is at a grey area because there is no assurance or guarantee in the safety of such gadgets (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). Patients using the wearable devices to monitor health could face the danger of negative consequences of increased monitoring. Statistics show that most diabetic patients who monitored their glucose levels did not show improvement because they felt that the disease had become repulsive, disturbing and obnoxious (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). Through this, it is evident that the effectiveness of the wearable device is linked to the personality of the individual. This is to mean that the attitude of the device user plays a very instrumental role in attaining the usefulness of the gadget (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014).

            It is also evident that the reliability and the validity of the wearable devices is a concern. These devices are often sold with the notion that they will improve the general health and fitness of the people (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). However, most of these devices have no empirical evidence of the success of the gadgets. This is because the results obtained from the wearable devices vary greatly and this shows discrepancy. It is also evident that the use of the wearable devices affects behavior of the individual (In Szopa et al, 2015). This can be explained by the fact that such people have to operate in a certain way that they didn’t operate before. For instance some may be forced to change the way they talk or walk in order to ensure efficiency of the device (In Szopa et al, 2015).

            The factor of cost is also another that is affecting the use of wearable devices all over the world. It is evident that the wearable devices are often very expensive and can only be afforded by the rich people (In Szopa et al, 2015). It is also clear that as more advanced wearable devices are being produced the higher the costs and therefore locking the poor from the market. If the manufacturing companies would be keen to work on the prices then the wearable devices would be available to all people and therefore increase the market shares for such products (Lymberis et al, 2004).

            As technology is growing, the wearable technology is also needed in order to match with the technology. This therefore calls for increased research and development in this form of technology in order to attract more consumers and also increases safety and reliability (In McCann & In Bryson, 2014). Awareness is also critical as it will ensure that people are conversant with the wearable products in the market as their different functionality (In Szopa et al, 2015).


             As discussed above, there are various barriers to wearable technology but these are factors that can be amended through research and development. From the information provided, wearable devices are very crucial in the day to day living as they help to make work easier and also increase efficiency. However, the users should be informed on how to interpret the data that is received from the gadgets. It is also evident that the wearable technology has helped to revolutionize the medical sector for the better as people are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and also keep track of their health.






Holland, J. (2016). Wearable Technology and Mobile Innovations for Next-Generation     Education.


Follett, J. (2014). Designing for emerging technologies: UX for genomics, robotics, and the     Internet of things.


McCann, J., Bryson, D., & Textile Institute (Manchester, England). (2009). Smart clothes and     wearable technology. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.


Lymberis, A., & International Workshop on "New Generation of Wearable Systems for    eHealth". (2004). Wearable eHealth systems for personalised health management: State        of the art and future challenges. Amsterdam [u.a.: IOS Press.

Szopa, A., Karwowski, W., & Barbe, D. (2015). Competitive strategies for academic             entrepreneurship: Commercialization of research-based products.


 McCann, J., & Bryson, D. (2014). Textile-led design for the active ageing population.



2235 Words  8 Pages

Computer based treatment

            As is common for all human beings, there is the tendency of falling ill and seeking medical treatment. While most ailments can be cured using the various types of drugs developed to cure specific ailments, there are other types of ailments that cannot be cured with drugs. Patients suffering from depression, for example, require the intervention of an expert qualified in helping people deal with depression. Over the years, people have relied on face to face interactions with their therapists who guide them on the things they can do to deal with their depression. However, with the advancement of technology, the trend in curing depression is taking a turn to the side of internet or computer-based treatments (ICT). This has raised the question of whether ICT treatment is effective and if it should be considered a substitute of face to face interaction when treating depression.

            Compared to person to person therapy, ICT is just as effective when dealing with cases of depression. It incorporates the use of personal computers that are used to deliver a full treatment plan where patients rely on computer based treatment to help them deal with their depression. With the continuous advancement in technology, software that uses features such as animations, video and high graphics will be used to enhance the efficiency of ICT as a substitute to face to face treatment method (Gahm & Reger, 2009).

            Since there is no significant difference between patients who get clinical contact on a face to face level compared to those who do not get any form of clinical contact in their ICT treatments, it shows that ICT is just as effective as the traditional practices employed. Compared to having no therapy, ICT is highly effective and people who get help in the form of ICT therapy have a higher chance of recovering from depression compared to those who do not get any form of therapy (Gahm & Reger, 2009). Even though contact with a therapist is not really necessary when using ICT to help patients deal with depression, there are aspects that can only be implemented by a therapist. Therapists ensure that the patient is compliant with the treatment routine and are able to follow up on patients that have a likelihood of harming themselves to ensure that they get the help that they need.

            Computer aided therapy should therefore be considered as a form of therapy despite the lack of a therapist. Even in the absence of a therapist, the ICT ensures that patients have access to the psychological services they need. It also ensures that they are able to overcome barriers that may be caused by issues such as mental health issues, medical complications or physical disabilities. This is because the patients do not have to travel to their therapists’ offices but rather access the services through the ICT systems at their convenience (Gahm & Reger, 2009).

            The benefit of computer aided therapy is that it offers anonymity and is accessible through the interment. Patients are therefore able to get the help they need to deal the issues of depression without having to go to the therapist’s office. They not only remain anonymous but are also free of the stigma that is associated with going to see a therapist (Cuijpers et al, 2007). Another advantage is that ICT enables patients to get medical assistance at their convenience. People can access the materials as often as they want at any time or place provided there is a computer and internet connection.

            However, there is a disadvantage in that ICT has no control over how the patient participates in the treatment sessions. Since the patients decide when and how to access the ICT treatment, they may end up postponing sessions and thus not receive the appropriate help that they need. Another flaw is that ICT’s tend to be impersonal and this may result to the session taking longer than necessary (Cuijpers et al, 2007).


Cuijpers P, Keyzer J, Nyklicek I, Pop V, Riper H and Spek V, (2007) “Internet-based cognitive   behavior therapy for symptoms of depression and anxiety: A meta-analysis” Psychological Medicine

Gahm A and Reger A, (2009) “A meta-analysis of the effects of internet and computer based       cognitive behavioral treatments for anxiety” Journal of Clinical Psychology

713 Words  2 Pages

Introduction to Computer

            There are very many people who believe that in order to succeed at workplace; one must have the basic skills of a computer. One can never use a computer not unless he/she have the knowledge of how it works. Being a multipurpose electronic device that stores, processes and receives data, computer is used in many societies as a tool together with the internet. Computers consist of many components inside them and they are all used to serve different purposes. These components have to work together in order for the computer to work. Knowing how to use a computer makes it easier to use it and it responds with ease.

Documents distribution and sharing option

            Word does not include features that can allow it to share and distribute documents directly. This can only be achieved if one sets the word to the public on the Google drive. This option gives the URL that one can share.  The internet fax can also be used to share the word. The combination of the word with the live sky drive and addition of an App for the word web enables one to share word in the internet (Duffy et al 38).

Security issues to be considered

            Before sharing or distributing any given file created in the Microsoft word, there is need to consider security and privacy (Duffy et al 38). This is because sometimes the word files contains file paths, names, earlier versions of documents or hidden comments and texts that can be damaging or even embarrassing if they are viewed by third parties.

Document sharing over the internet

            Sharing the word document over the internet is not bad. There are many people world wide that do this through the Google Docs since it is of great essence in their jobs (Duffy et al 38). If maybe one is not comfortable with that, he/she can select specific people who can access the document and those who can modify it. If not, password use is much recommended when it comes to such cases.















Work cited

Duffy, Jennifer A, and Carol M. Cram. Microsoft Office Word 2007: Illustrated Complete. Boston, Mass: Thomson Course Technology, 2008. Print.


363 Words  1 Pages

Professor Should Use Technology in Class or Not

            Technology is almost used everywhere in our daily lives, home and communities. Many schools have also started exploring true technological potentials in teaching and learning. However some are still lagging behind in integrating technology in classroom learning. It is important to integrate technology in the daily learning and teaching practice (Scott, 1). Technology is necessary for students to help them acquire skills to survive in a current highly technological based economy. Thus, this paper will discuss why it is necessary for professors to use technology in class.

            Professors should let the use of technology in their system of teaching in class and this can help in improving the educational experience in a number of ways. Use of technology in teaching helps the professor to attain more experience in pedagogy. The professor will be required to learn on how to design and execute effectively and efficiently in class basing with the requirement of technology (Scott, 2). Use of technology may cause dramatic changes for example teaching with a flipped classroom. Therefore in getting well-versed with this kind of technology, professors can build a strong credibility with their students and colleagues. This kind of technology helps to deepen the learning of students for example through online collaboration where students are able to share documents with their instructors online hence helping students to learn more on themselves making the work easier for the professor (Scott, 2). Despite of this advantage of technology, it also has its negative implication. According to Waldorf School of the Peninsula, the system limits students to communicate verbally, creative thinking, human interaction, movements and attention spans. Students who learn using the technology tend to use technological tools in their assignments and this makes them have limited time to socially interact with others hence making the system disadvantageous (Scott, 1).

            Technology in classroom has numerous resources that help to improve education and make the learning more enjoyable, fun and effective (Scott, 2). There are various amazing tools from apps to e-textbooks to organizational platforms that can effectively help students to effectively get enhanced in their education system compared to the traditional system of education. These tools can help professors stay organized and help out students to achieve in this kind of education system (Scott, 2). Despite the effectiveness of this technology in enhancing education, not every student can afford to purchase these technological materials of learning for example laptops, computers, etc. Hence the system is discriminative of the poor students.

            Technology can help the professor’s tedious tasks be automated. This is through the help of engagement tools for example Top Hat which can automate grading for the professor and keep the performance of students on track (Scott, 2). In the same way, Top Hat can assist the professors in streamlining grading in writing assignments, participation, discussions and answering common questions which may seem daunting by nature. However, the professor faces hard moments in lesson planning with technology (Matt, 4). This is due to the fact that the progress in technology is a continuous process and it is changing every now and then which requires instructors to adjust to it accordingly.

            With technology in classrooms, students can instantly access information to supplement their learning experience (Scott, 2). This implies that the learning is handled hand in hand by the two parties that is the instructor and the students. Students can access the information online through their personal research which helps them to learn new things to add on what they get from their instructor. Therefore this indicates that the work of the instructor is more simplified through the use of technology. However, through research they may not find top-quality sources or information and hence they need thorough guidance on how to identify proper and unreliable sources.

            Professors should also use technology in class because it can help students learn some vital life skills for example online etiquette, how to use internet sources, writing emails. Additionally, it is necessary to use technology in class because the world we are living in is a digital world which recommends the use of technology everywhere (Scott, 2). And with this, students will be prepared for a future that is characterized with technology. These skills may be useful to the students in future by applying it at their places of work. Additionally, technology advocates say that computers will help students to favorably compete in the modern world of technology (Matt, 5). However some students misuse technology to the extent that they use it to practice evil in classroom for example cheating in class. Students with high knowledge of technology practice cheating and other associated evils that are not in line with the requirement of technology hence making it detrimental in the learning and also dangerous to the youths today hence rising a debate among parents in some schools (Matt, 4).


            Technology is an important aspect that needs to be handled with a lot of properness. When handled improperly, it produces negative outcomes whereas when handled properly, it produces the best as far as learning and teaching are concerned. Professors should use technology in class on condition that it is properly handled to benefit the learners and simplify their work as instructors. Therefore to sum it all, there is a lot that technology can do to enhance education as discussed above and this creates a big distinction between the traditional system and the current system of education



Works Cited

Matt Richtel, a silicon valley school that doesn’t compute. The New York Times Company, October.22.2011.

Scott Steinberg, technology for Schools and teachers: 5reasons Digital Learning Matters.


939 Words  3 Pages

Database and Data Warehousing Design

Data warehousing is basically more than just the database-like method which is usually used within the company for storing information. This then means that although the database merely holds information, a well designed data warehousing will comprise of three segments; staging which entails the storing and manipulation of the raw data by the developer (Corr & Stagnitto, 2012). In this stage, the role of the developer will be gathering of raw data from any broadly separated sources, standardize it as well as organizing it hence making it ready for integration. The next stage is integration which involves the categorization and storage of the raw data logically with respect to the end user’s needs thus allowing easy access. The last stage is accessing which ensures that the data is to be presented to the end user in a rational way which is much easier to understand and use.

In most cases, customers do make use of computer desktop apps in accessing as well as analyzing the data which the warehousing system provides. Although majority of companies are still on board with data warehousing, storage and the daily use of intelligence systems, others do find it hard to grasp it together with the benefits that arises from it (Corr & Stagnitto, 2012). Because of that, here are the pros which justifies the need for having data warehousing solution with the company;

 Improved user access _ with data warehousing can be easily read and manipulated through various programs for instance Oracle client or the SQL Query Studio although there still exists a considerable ramp for its end users to be in the position of using them. Therefore, warehousing databases there will be a better consistency of information. Developers will be working with this system once it has been received so as to ensure the standardization of the data contained in it (Malinowski & Zimányi, 2008). Only that information which will be uniform is the one which will efficiently be used for successful comparison. Other solutions which do not have levels of consistency will be eliminated.

Within the company, data warehousing will give it the ability of receiving data from various sources. This then implies that any system which will be within the company will contribute to its data. Although different business organizations do make use of different apps, for my company, the presence of efficient warehousing database solutions can necessitate the acquiring of data from various sources hence making the business to have a better picture view which is required for analyzing the business itself, track any form of competition, and make adequate plans and so on (Malinowski & Zimányi, 2008). Because of this consideration, the table below shows the efficiency of logical design as compared to the physical design






        Logic design                                 Physical (as tables-paces)






Integrity constraints

- Primary key

-Foreign key

-Not null


Materialized views













For the purpose of displaying future evidence, data warehousing solutions usually does to take into consideration the source of its data. This is because it has the ability of working with any raw data as well as massaging data with causes some troubles. By having a wider consideration on this, the warehousing database solution will ultimately outlast any changes in technology. For instance, the company will be able to make changes in the app in currently uses in gathering market statistics, choose whole new CRM solutions, overhaul its accounting system and all of this won’t matter its source (Bellatreche, 2010).

Nonetheless, the need for warehousing database for the company will arise from the desire for the advanced query processing.  This is because, in any business organization, even the availability of efficient database systems is largely bound to both a single server and just a handful of servers in a group.  Database warehouse is usually perceived as being a warehouse built solution for processing queries more efficiently and relatively much faster.  This will result to efficiency as well as increased productivity.

Nevertheless, with the system in place the retention of history of the data will be convenient.  Mostly, the end user apps in general do not have the capability of maintaining much transactions history as well as keeping track of the various changes to the information. This then means that the warehousing database solutions will give the company the ability of tracking any changes to the data, provision of reliable history of all the alterations to the data, deletions, and additions (Bellatreche, 2010). Conversely, with the data warehouse in place, data integrity is also ensured or enhanced.

Consequently, a huge majority of the information which will be stored in historical or current data will ultimately be used in creating reports or revealing of trends. This happens so since it gathers information from nay different sources for instance finance, sales or marketing at once hence cutting down the time needed for tracing as well as analyzing important data. Moreover, unlike any other storage solutions which can be used in the businesses, solid data warehousing will be beneficial in that it will make all the operations done by the company to be easier and more efficient.










With respect to the above chart, it should be noted first that the management of the company data is of great importance as much the exchange, storage and retrieval of information is concerned. In connection to that, there also the need of protecting such information against theft or being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Therefore, when it comes to its application in disaster recovery, data warehousing system offers an advanced security to it (Imhoff et al, 2003). This happens so because once information from various desperate systems has been received by the data warehouse, it in return acts as a backup source before it is also backed up. This then comprises of four sites where the data will be stored i.e. original source, the backup site for the original information, the data warehouse, and its successive backup. This then becomes the unparalleled data security.

With respect to the above advantages which will arise from the efficient implementation and use of the system in the company y, it should be noted first that the data which is to be generated and captured by the company is one of the most essential assets which will be made available not only to the company alone but also to the employees to (Imhoff et al, 2003). Unfortunately, as the amount information being generated grows exponentially to the extent of overwhelming many positions, data warehouse will remain to be the only solution. Therefore, its main purpose will entail integrating or bringing together of data from different sources into a single centralized location. Below is the E-R diagram that can be extracted from the above chart and table;

In accordance to that, for the company to be successful and enjoy the economies of scale in the future, its management should make good decisions. In making good decisions will necessitate taking into consideration all the relevant data. In the long-run the relevant source of that information will only be through the use of a well-designed data warehouse.




Corr, L., & Stagnitto, J. (2012). Agile data warehouse design: Collaborative dimensional modeling, from whiteboard to star schema. Leeds: Decisionone Press.

Malinowski, E., & Zimányi, E. (2008). Advanced data warehouse design: From conventional to spatial and temporal applications. Berlin: Springer.

Bellatreche, L. (2010). Data warehousing design and advanced engineering applications: Methods for complex construction. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Imhoff, C., Galemmo, N., & Geiger, J. G. (2003). Mastering Data Warehouse Design. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.


1265 Words  4 Pages

Social Network Technology

            Social network is a set of connections which connects different people both at near or within far geographical locations allowing them to meet with each other using the net.  The world is globalizing with so much advancement in technology hence enabling the emergence of more and more social networking media. Today there exist several social Medias such as Facebook, twitter, Skype, MySpace, LinkedIn, Google+ account, Instagram, pinterest and snapchat.. Availability of these networks has resulted to change in the way people interact and communicate with some advantages but at the same time with several negative influences that accrue from using the social networking. Social networks main goal is to communicate with others; this has led to diversified friendship as people are making new friends from across the nations. This enhances the sharing of ideas with the different people of different personalities and way of thinking (INNS-CIIS et al, 2014).

            Businesses are also advancing into using the social networks as a way of advertising as this is cheaper and it is able to reach many audiences who according to businessmen might be potential customers. For instance the use of pop-ups and add-ons that usually appears the moment one logs in to any social network site. Other businesses has also created websites, Facebook pages where they are able to relate well with their customers by answering their questions and even updating them on the emergence of new products within their businesses. However, the social network has resulted to isolation as many people spend numerous hours on social media thus having less face to face contact. These sites do not offer privacy to their members hence a person’s personal information can be retrieved from the social media.  

The use has also resulted to greater exposure of immorality acts to children and young generation such as the use pornography; this has led to addiction and poor performance in school. It is therefore important for each and every individual to be keen while using the social networks.

















INNS-CIIS (Symposium), In Phon-Amnuaisuk, S., & In Au, T.-W. (2014). Computational intelligence in           information systems: Proceedings of the fourth INNS Symposia Series on Computational           Intelligence in Information Systems (INNS-CIIS 2014).

367 Words  1 Pages

Charge Description Master

What are the consequences of not utilizing current codes and charges? Discuss how using last year’s CDM will affect current year’s bottom line.

There are very many consequences of not using current codes and this may lead to overpaying, not paying and being underpaid thus leading to problems after auditing. This is because after auditing, it will result in problems such as investigations for fraud because of overpayment, underpayment and no payment at all. Thus using last year’s CDM will definitely affect the payment system making it hard to understand who paid or did not pay (Buck, 2013). This will therefore lead to a confusion and may also lead to lose of jobs. Due to the current economic situation which is not the same as last year’s this may therefore lead to huge losses since the previous year’s codes are supposed to be different from the current codes.

Will this create a positive or negative result for the health care facility? Explain your answer.
It will be of the negative result to the health care facility because it is likely to encounter losses. This is because the codes keep on changing on a yearly basis and in case of a mistake or a change in the products code, then the health care facility will be held liable (Buck, 2013).

How can facilities ensure that the current CDM is used?

They can ensure the current CDM is being used through changing the codes annually (Buck, 2013). This will make it easy for the health care facilities to be able to deal with the ever changing, revenue codes, and product codes. Thus ensuring that they are using the current CDM without any problems being encountered.


Buck, C. J. (2013). 2013 CCS coding exam review: The certification step with ICD-9-CM. St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/Saunders.


305 Words  1 Pages


First Sentence

Actuators should be used as the most essential tools in sustaining improvement of automation in various sectors in order to ensure safety of the machinists and security of equipments.

The Standard Form Argument

If is factual that actuators play a vital role in sustainable improvement of automation technology in different sectors. In the contemporary global market, customers exhibit great concern on the security of equipment which will guarantee safety and operational protection. Therefore, for the actuators, they ought to show reliable movement control in order to warrant safety associated with motion risks.  A good example of security concept in application of actuators is accurate positioning and synchronous parallel functioning. Additionally, the actuators ought to give an alternative for application of other types of operation such as hydraulic and manual operations. Actuators should be able to control damage that might arise from mechanical blockage or overload. Lastly, they should be able to detect causes of damage such as high temperatures above the specified limits.


P1: actuator is operated using typical electric current, pneumatic pressure, hydraulic fluid pressure as sources of energy which can be converted to motion.

P2: substitution of other actuators with electric linear actuators during the control of the motion is necessary

P3: lack of security concepts in application of actuators can lead to costly spares maintenance, productivity loss and oil leaks

Normative Premise/Conclusion 

P4: if security concepts are applied in actuators, it will help in preventing both energy (electric) and technical failures


247 Words  1 Pages
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