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Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

National budget simulation:-

Open the link above, calculate your federal budget using the simulated budget by following the links. when you have reached your target, take a  clear screen shot of the results. answer the questions on the national budget simulation Worksheet, and in 1-2 pages, write an explanation of the decisions that you made and the justifications for those decisions.

74 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Research and develop a paper that provides a "Compare and Contrast" of two related Homeland Security Intelligence topics. Your paper should be a 8 to 10 page research paper in APA (6th edition) format.  Please post to your assignment folder no later than the suspense date and document your name on each page of your paper.

  Select ONE of the following topic areas for your paper:

  1. Compare and contrast the merits of technical versus human intelligence collection

  2. Compare and contrast the threat of domestic versus international terrorism to U.S. homeland security

  3. Compare and contrast the need to collect intelligence information verus the need to protect the rights of privacy

  4. Compare and contrast the intelligence processes of the United States versus Great Britain

136 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a 350word letter to the City Council in neighboring Glimmerville. In your letter, explain the situation with the Grass Carp and some of the challenges faced in restoring balance to Sparksville's aquatic ecosystem. Since Glimmerville is experiencing a similar situation, provide advice on how to restore their lake ecosystem. Include the following points in your letter: 

    1.What is ecosystem balance? Describe two ways in which the invasive species and native species impact ecosystem balance. 
    2.describe how native and invasive species might affect succession.  How might an invasive species impact the natural selection of the native species within a habitat? Describe how native and invasive species affect the flow of energy in an ecosystem? 
    3.Describe four possible solutions to the Grass Carp invasion problem. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage for each solution. 
    4.As you learned, the flow of energy, species interactions, and natural selection change over time. Since ecosystems and species are in flux, why should humans strive to restore and maintain ecosystem balance?

178 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Is it time to abolish the Electoral College? What are the advantages and disadvantages? How could it be accomplished? What are the chances of success?

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Please explain how the Constitution provides for a system of separation of powers and checks and balances. Provide a fully developed essay of at least 500 words, and cite sources used.

40 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Describe how a bill becomes a law at the national level, in a fully developed essay of at least 500 words. Support your work with cited sources, references to Lecture Notes, or URLs where you obtained your information.

47 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

What are the differences between the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate? Discuss:

  -eligibility requirements

  -policy jurisdiction

  -legislative rules

The best place to begin is by reading Article I of the United States Constitution:

51 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Compare the powers of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation to the powers of the federal government under the United States Constitution. Refer to specific aspects of the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. The focus of the question is the powers of the federal government, not its structure or processes.

64 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Written Evaluation of Portfolios:  This is a research paper. Portfolio assignments, written papers, briefs and general essay papers or exams must display correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Analytical reasoning must be effective and founded in credible, accurate information.  A paper, brief, argument, essay or exam that is false in application of the law or politics and instead is full of general opinions that are not supported by accurate credible evidence, will receive an F/0/ no points received/ no credit.  Assignments need to be complete, at least 11/2 -2 pages in length per writing, doubled spaced, college caliber, to receive credit.  MLA format is required in citing sources. Any paper that has been plagiarized, wholly or in part, will receive a score of zero, with NO option for rewriting.
The following criteria describe the expectations associated with each grade:
A: The work exceeds the minimum requirements in many significant ways. An A is reserved for excellent and superior analysis of political issues, credible information, references are strong, and grammar is college caliber.
B: The work exceeds some requirements. Lacks proficient grammar, political analysis, and information is lacking in analytical reasoning and poor use of sources.
C: The work meets the minimum requirements for acceptable completion of the assignments. You have performed at an acceptable level. 
D: The work falls short of minimum requirements. Grammar and analysis are poor quality.
F: The work fails to meet requirements in many ways.
The 1000 word-writing requirement is met by completing writing assignments including writing applications of the study of American politics.  Examples include conducting opinion polls, media evaluations, political critiques, and group writing assignments.  If absent, and therefore unable to participate, student’s grade will be lowered..

Who gets What When Where and How?


3-Federalism, State and Local Government






9-Political Parties

10-Interest Groups

11-Campaigns, Voting and Elections

12-Civil Liberties

13-Civil Liberties

323 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Address the Federal Reserve’s primary functions, describing the effect its policies have on financial markets and institutions, including the effect they have on interest rates.

34 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

 Describe the key roles and responsibilities of the federal government, the state and local governments and private industry.  

27 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This assignment will give you practice on writing clearly and succinctly with attention to the construction of each paragraph.  After reviewing all the Lesson materials, write a short article on some portion of your research topic.  The structure should be:

    Title Page
    Introduction and Thesis Statement (3 main argumentative points)
    Body of the Paper (based on the thesis statement main argumentative points)

Please cite your sources in the text (superscript) of the assignment and provide complete citations at the end (footnotes).  Always ask the instructor if he/she requires an Endnotes page.

102 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Purpose, to inform on the importance of a regional military approach to counter Boko Haram.  Why should we care about Boko Haram?  What is Boko's impact to international security?

Audience is military leadership overseeing Africa region.

Three main points for paper:
1.  Assistance proved to the government of Nigeria--mainly advisory support and intelligence sharing.
2.  Actions taken against Boko Haram and the continued efforts to counter Boko.
3.  What's on the horizon if we don't eliminate Boko?

Attention getter
Purpose & thesis statement
Main Point 1
Main Point 2
Main Point 3
Restate purpose, thesis and main points

Milgram’s obedience experiments suggest that in the face of authority, people

Type of paper:

Critical thinking


Psychology and Education

Format or citation style:



142 Words  1 Pages
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