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Paper instructions:

I would like you to discuss two similarities and two differences between the French and Russian Revolutions.  Write an essay of a minimum of 600 words (Three pages) that addresses the following ideas, uses specific examples from you textbook(Jackson J. Spielvogeel Western Civilization Volume C: Since 1789 8th Edition) and class lectures, and include your own thinking and point of view.

70 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

ONLY need a Peer review report of suggestions to make the Term paper better. Make comments on each sections as the below outline says.

Section 1.  Introduction 2-3 pages 

Section 2.  Planning    2-3 pages 
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Section 3  Responding 2-3 pages 

Section 4  Mitigating 2-3 pages 

Section 5  Recovery 2-3 pages 

Section 6  Reference Page  - no less than four (4) scholarly references that directly support your research writing. 

Section 7: Attachments - Pictures, diagrams and or graphs 

90 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

A Cultural essay covering Iran the I have included a outline that I have wrote up all the subtopics in the outline need to be covered. A minimum of 5 references and a work cited page. The outline needs a conclusion. I have attached a slide show of how the essay should flow.

SSG Turner, Wesley, D.
SSG Boyer, Andrew, C
Class# 501-15
20 July 2015


Iran’s Quest to Become a Superpower 
Thesis: Over the years Iran has slowly but surely earned their way to becoming a formidable and capable country. Although their social structure may hold them back from gaining powerful allied countries. Their vast economic resources, constantly growing military capabilities, and perfect geographic design allow them to have great potential as a formidable foe or a highly capable alley. 
I. With one fifth of the worlds crude oil reserves the country can easily be one of if the not the richest country on the planet.
    A. Per capita Iran has one of the largest oil reserves for export.
    B. Iran has struggled to find a willing buyer of resources due to selfish and unwilling government. 
    C. The harsh environment hinders Iran’s capability to mass produce crops.
II. Iran has easily become one of the worlds strongest a capable military powers.
    A. Iran’s constant conflicts with surrounding nations has given them years of experience throughout history.
    B. Iran is one of the few countries in its region to have every aspect of a military ground, air, and sea.
III. Sitting in between two countries that have been in constant conflict over the past 15 years one of Iran’s greatest defenses is geographic design.
    A. Three thirds surrounded by mountains and another third by water it is almost impossible to launch a mass attack from any direction.
    B. A war of attrition is hard to win.
    C. A smoldering desert surrounded by a rough and vigorous mountain terrain makes it hard to sustain life of any form.
IV. A country once based off of a religious mindset has quickly corrupted the people due to its greed of money and power from its most coveted resource.
    A. One of the few Muslim nations to form a republic.
    B. A nation that has always had a strong sense of social status based off of the more money you have the more power you have. 
    C. A sense of entitlement from the past actions of Persia destroys their ability to adapt to current customs of other countries.


426 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

What do you think of the opportunities for citizen participation written into the Texas and U.S. Constitutions?  You may focus your paper on protest/expression or voting and more direct participation.  Do you think the national and state constitutions give citizens the appropriate amount of input in policy making?  If so, how? If not, why?

64 Words  1 Pages

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Paper instructions:

Although there is a diverse set of theories that seek to explain European imperialism, most fall into one of two categories: 1) European states “pushed” toward imperial expansion as a consequence of mostly domestic forces (expansion of capitalism, a “martial spirit” etc.); or 2) European powers were “pulled” into imperialism because of the competitive structure of the international system. In your essay, develop an argument for which category of explanation you find most convincing; that is, in your appraisal, were European powers “pushed” or “pulled” into imperialism?

97 Words  1 Pages

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Paper instructions:

To what extent have theories of International Relations reflected developments in the real world?

23 Words  1 Pages

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Daniel Drezner, Theories of International Politics and Zombies

17 Words  1 Pages

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Unit 3 - Individual Project 
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Type: Individual ProjectUnit:  Systems of Religion and Politics Due Date:  Sun, 1/24/16 Grading Type: NumericPoints Possible:  150 Points Earned:  0 Deliverable Length:  3-4 double-spaced pages, not including cover page and reference page View objectives for this assignment
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Assignment Description
Select a country from the following list, and do some research into both the political history and the religious history of the country:

North Korea
Write an essay in which you complete the following:

Explain the general evolutionary lines of both the governmental and religious cultural histories of the country, giving probable reasons for evolutionary trends that you see.
Analyze the ways in which the two lines of cultural tradition—government and religion—interact with each other. What influence does one have over the other?
Discuss the significance of religion and government on other characteristics of the country’s culture.
What influences and impacts do you see on the overall culture, both social and business, of the religious and political interactions?
What have been the primary influences on the people and their culture?
How do you think recent events affecting the people of the country have their roots in what you have learned about historical cultural trends in religion and government?
It is not necessary to follow APA document format, but you must use APA reference and citation format, for the sources you use to support your explanations and arguments.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Please submit your assignment.

Grading Rubric

Purpose of Assignment and Content Development

Demonstrates an outstanding use of appropriate, relevant, and compelling content with excellent expression of topic, main idea, and purpose.

Demonstrates exemplary knowledge or analysis of human perspectives appropriate to the assignment’s purpose and context.

Graphics accurately reflect the assignment requirements.


Organization, Grammar, and Presentation

Organization is clear.

Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment.

Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable).

Audience, style, tone, and perspective are consistent and appropriate to assignment.

Format is consistently appropriate to assignment, and follows assignment requirements.

Few if any errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.


Information Literacy and Research

Demonstrates outstanding selection and use of high quality, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate to the assignment.

Sources are consistently cited according to required style sheet (e.g., APA), with no errors beyond punctuation. Manuscript style is completely correct, according to style sheet guidelines.


Critical Thinking

Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to analyze assumptions and evaluate evidence, complexities of issues, and alternatives. Where required, demonstrates outstanding or exemplary ability to use creativity and originality in problem solving.


Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.

Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric

512 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Polling and lobbying are two strategies common to advocacy initiatives. However, other ways are available to garner support for a cause. What are these strategies, and how can they be leveraged to sway others? 

List and define several alternative advocacy strategies appealing to you.
Provide an example of each strategy and the outcomes of its use.

65 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Do you feel that the world will ever be politically unified? Why or why not? What are some of the consequences of politics on modern-day life and on your life? Be sure to use examples to justify your answer. 

48 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write on the issue of equality or political participation by sexual minorities.  For example, you can take an historical approach to discuss the marriage equality issue; you might discuss the political issues relating to sexual minorities; or you might want to talk about political participation by sexual minorities.  

No outside sources other than these listed here:
Sexual Minorities and Politics: An Introduction by Jason Pierceson 978-1442227682
Issues in Race and Ethnicity: Selections from CQ Researcher CQ Researcher  978-1483317045

88 Words  1 Pages

Write a 300 word essay from the main points of my actual essay. Please focus on mainly Deborah Flints. 

More about Deborah you could use. 
Deborah Flint, the CEO of the LAWA, was the individual in the lecture series that stood out to me the most. Flint presented herself as a poised individual from the moment that she stepped in the room. To learn from successful women is always inspiring, because I feel that it is sometimes harder to achieve positions of power when female. So, to learn of women that overcame this obstacle and still hold positions of power gives me much hope for the future. Such impressive feats from Flint inspire me to create my own path to power. I learned that while I might not know exactly what I would like to do for my career in the future, as long as I am ready for the opportunity when it presents itself I can find myself in a position that I enjoy. One of the key aspects that she highlighted was creating a professional network through internships and various positions. My internship at the Senator's office will help me create a professional network, prepare me for my next position, and give me credibility in the professional world. It feels good knowing that I have already begun this process, but I know that I will have to constantly work to build up my professional credibility.

239 Words  1 Pages

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Paper instructions:

South China Sea causing tug of war between US and China

20 Words  1 Pages
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