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  • Indicators of nutrient deficiencies
  •             The most common indicators that show there is nutrient deficiency in this region are the soft or brittle nails among the patients. This is an indication that there is magnesium deficiency among many of the affected patients in the community. The other indicator of nutrient deficiency is the dark rings under both eyes that indicates there some allergies and failure to access enough food in this region. There is also persistent diarrhea that indicates there is both the magnesium and potassium deficiency in this region.
  •             Other indicators of deficiency in this region include persistent infection that indicates vitamin c deficiency. This may also be an indication of zinc deficiency in this region. There is poor health growth that indicates deficiency in iron.

  • Borderline Personality Case
      1. Major symptoms of the disorder discussed in the case
                                      i.            Anger
    •                               ii.            Depression
    •                             iii.            Anxiety
    •                             iv.            Engaging in impulsive behaviors like careless driving
    •                               v.            Self destructiveness and mutilating
    •                             vi.            Vacillating self-image
    •                           vii.            Little confidence and increase in self doubt
    •                         viii.            Manipulative and aggressiveness
    •                             ix.            Patients express a profound fear of abandonment
    •                               x.            Splitting, this means that patients quickly switch from idealizing friends to despising them
      1. Briefly describe the client’s background

Muscle Fatigue

          Fatigue of the muscles entails the reduction in power to conduct any other activity on the body (Place et al., 2010). This is mostly caused a prolonged or muscle activities that tend to take for a longer period. On their research, Place et al., (2010) indicated that prolonged exercise plays a crucial role in minimizing fatigue on the muscles. Prolonged exercises tend to minimize the fatigue compared to voluntary contraction that an individual may force on the muscles.

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