Who or what is the God you believe in or don’t believe in?
I believe in the God who is the father, creator of heaven and earth. God came to the earth in the form of a person and he was born by a woman and was called Jesus Christ. He grew and attended the church with other people just like a human being. He passed through all the problems that human beings go through before he finally died on the cross so as to save the Christians by dying for their sins. God therefore gave his own life and lived as a person among other people in order to be able to act and see the challenges that people encounter in their daily lives.
God therefore cares about his people and He is ready to do anything in order to see His people living a good life. Furthermore, God is a jealous God who only wants people to worship Him but no one else. According to the bible, God loves people who give freely and open heartedly. Thus God loves those people who are kind and they are ready to help others. On the other hand, the bible also shows that God loves humble people and the bible says, God lifts up those who humble themselves, and He humbles those who lift themselves up. Furthermore, God loves a cheerful giver and blesses those who bless others.
Therefore God is a supernatural being, who Has power over the earth and all the creations. God also dictates how the world operates hence those who believe in God will never suffer but they will live peacefully according to the way God wants his people to live. Therefore God provides his people with their needs and He also protects them against any temptations. God is consequently a God who protects his people and makes sure that they do not suffer hence His people lead peacefully lives. When Jesus was born, He died and rose on the third day. Thus he had power over death, furthermore, he also had power over nature as he calmed the wind which almost made the boat to capsize.
Did learning about the compatibility of faith and reason and the possibility of dialogue between religion and science influence your thinking about religious faith or on the relationship between science and religion? If so, how?
This really influenced my thinking particularly how science and the religion conflict each other. I wonder why scientists have not yet proved wrong the religion since they have their own theories about how the world came into being and the way people change from time to time. According to my point of view, I think scientists are looking for ways of proving the religion wrong but they do not have concrete reasons to explain why people should believe them and not the religion. On the other hand, whatever the bible prophesises will happen come to happen after a certain period of time. Whereas scientists will often predict things which sometimes don’t happen because they are not factual.
Scientists are mainly looking for ways of making sure that people believe in what they say and not on what the bible stipulates. Thus this has really led to confusions and at some point I was not able to determine between the religion and the scientists who is right, but in real sense, scientists are not always sure I whatever they say or do. Scientists had in the past recorded nine planets including Pluto, but they came to realize that it does not exist. Hence they come out with results which cannot be depended upon. Whatever the religion says has either happened or will happen in future. Thus I can only depend and follow the dictates of the religion since it explains and provides examples and reasons as to why some things have to happen.
Regardless of whether or not you would describe yourself as a person of religious faith or even a “spiritual but not religious” person, what do you see as the most pressing challenges for people of religious faith in today’s world?
The main challenges affecting religious people in the new technology and lack of a fall up on the religion. Most religious people only seek God in order for their dreams to be fulfilled. After their dreams are fulfilled, they tend to forget about the dictates of the religion hence making it hard for them to be able to remain faithful to God. This consequently annoys God since God love those people who maintain their beliefs in Him and not those who are only following God to get favours.
The new technology and the ever changing face of the world has also led to confusions among religious people. Most religious people tend to fall on the trap of the technology which blinds them to the point of forgetting to pray and to praise God. This therefore distances them from God and hence making it hard for them to remember God. New gadgets such as mobile phones have made most people to get addicted to them and hence they may even forget about God. Furthermore, most people have downloaded bible on their mobile phones which they rarely read since they are usually distracted either through chatting or playing games. Hence they cannot be able to read the bible as they were used to doing in the past. Most people are also into the technology and they often use their free time dealing with the technology and not worshipping and praising God.
Theological Explorations: Challenges to Religious Faith.
This life is controlled by a power higher than the human can understand and thus people should set out to understand the meaning of it. The meaning of life is to live today as ones day. One should try to live fullest for now, since today is the good day, and thus one should have the most fun for today and not be worried about tomorrow. Tomorrow should be remain another day whose worries should not be allowed to interfere with the fun one is having today. One should rejoice in that they were fortunate to be born because if they would never have been born, they would be ‘an isn’t’ (Seuss, 1999). Each day should provide opportunities for learning and even though one can get help in the learning process, they will have to learn a lot by themselves. The learning process involve fantasy which is an important component in this life. Fantasising is a means of viewing life through a telescope, using its wrong end, and this enables one to laugh at the realities of life and thus face them with courage. If one is willing to keep their eyes open, they will learn a lot of wonderful stuff in life. By shutting their eyes, they miss the best things this life can offer and even if questions regarding such things are difficult sometimes, the answers to them are very simple. In the process of learning, a person should read widely so as to have great knowledge and this comes with an assurance of going to many places. A person should also involve his thoughts in this desire to learn so that he can think left, right, low and high. There is so much they can think only if they try and in every place they will find funny things that will brighten their day.
A person has to belief in themselves and their abilities. Since they have brains in their head, guarded with shoes in their feet, they can steer themselves in the direction that they are willing to take. This self believe will be necessary especially when they are faced with failure. Since one is on their own most of the time, and they know what they know, they are the best fitted to choose the direction they should go. Self- believe will enable lead one to self-awareness such that they can also realise the experience of love which is basic to human existence. They will know that they are in love when they cannot afford to fall asleep, and love becomes a reality that is finally better than their dream (Seuss, 1999). Self-believe means that one should be who they are, and say what they feel and not allow others to define them through their perception. One should choose their associates rightly since those who seem to mind about them may not really matter and those who matter usually do not mind about their shortcomings. However, in the case of failure a person should not cry because the opportunity is over, but should smile that they had that opportunity and it happened. The self-believe gives hope that will set one off to great places, and something big will be waiting for them. While still at it, one should step with great tact and care having in mind that life is like great balancing act that offers an opportunity to succeed after failure. Thus if things should starts going wrong, there is no need to worry or stew, but one should go right along and they will start happening too.
Unless the believer is caring a lot about his own wellbeing and that of others, nothing is really going to get better. In a troubled world, where everybody is “troubled with troubles” at every moment, the believer has a responsibility to care about others through sharing in in their challenges. Since human and the world are a bit weird, one should find someone with weirdness that is compatible to theirs and thus, the mutual weirdness should bring about love (Seuss, 1999).
This religion fits well into a society in need of great guidance and direction in the midst of many challenges and worries about the future. It is a religion that can be incorporated into the lives of growing children to build in them a positive perception in life right from tender age. Human beings grow up with various faith that involve religious traditions and this religion helps them to confront their worries and failures with a positive attitude. A religion is important if it provides a peace of the mind since human life is full of struggles in the midst of uncertainties and insecurities and may feel helpless at times (Nahid,2016). This religion encourage and consoles a person in the time of crises such as failure. Its emphasis on love provides a means of getting emotional support especially from those people that matter to them and who do not really mind about their shortcomings. It can also provide a model for living in this world such that one choses to be disciplined through hard work by learning and focusing on the fun side of life.
This religion relates a lot in common with the Christianity that teaches on the importance of wisdom and knowledge and the effects of imagination or fantasies. Religion is a crucial way of envisioning and opening up about the future. While this religion sees the significance of fantasies in recognizing the realities of life, Christianity stresses on the need for envisioning a great Kingdom of God (United Church, 2004). The former gives the believers the courage to face life challenges while the later gives the believers the courage to hopefully await for a brighter future. A religious life is not only concerned with visible things but also focus on how things should be, a form of religious endeavour that needs a lot of imaginations or fantasies. By being open to imaginations and fantasies, one can manage to focus Both religions hold the view that life is not just about work but there is a provision for taking time off work and having fun or resting. While Jesus introduced ways on how to rightly act on the resting day, this religion based on Dr. Seuss wisdom shows the need to have fun apart from working to acquire knowledge. Thus these religions are sensitive and concerned about the conscious and unconscious facets of this life.
This religion can be spotted in the whole world, especially in the efforts by the modern world philosophers to find the meaning of life. The religion becomes more relevant in the modern world that has many challenges in the society which makes people worry too much about their future wellbeing.
In the bible, women and sinners have received a significant amount of attention as was seen in the life and times of Jesus and more so in the Gospel of St. Luke. In the readings, women were expected to be submissive, lead simple lives and perform traditional tasks around their homes. Because of this, they tended to be seen as lesser compared to men and relied on them. Their opinion was not highly regarded which often forced them to keep to themselves. Despite this, Jesus often engaged with women, using them as examples of what being a devout Christian required and also the power that God had through the miracles that Jesus performed on women. Despite being considered as lesser people, women played an important role in helping people to understand Jesus’ teachings. Their importance is demonstrated in the lessons Jesus taught based on women’s experience, the miracles he performed on women considered to be unclean and the way women are portrayed by Luke.
Part 1
Luke may be considered to have been supportive of women and could be regarded as a Christian feminist in his time. This is especially because of the various stories about women that are featured in the Gospel of Luke as compared to other gospels in the bible (Ringe, 1995 p10). His tendency to focus on women in his gospel may be seen as a result of being influenced by his traditional society where the community was led by women. However, despite the frequency in which the women are featured, they are described as having engaged in the basic traditional roles meant for women. Their major responsibilities were to keep houses tidy, serve at tables and bear children. Even though Luke cast a spotlight on women, he still portrayed them as common people who were in a way lesser people than men. Since they mainly engaged in household chores, the women were forced to rely on the men since they were the providers.
Women’s roles mainly revolved around the homes and it was the duty of the men to provide for the needs of the family. The men therefore had control over them since women relied on their husbands for food and security. The women did not have a say especially in matters where men were involved and often had to remain silent because their opinion was considered to be of little or no importance. Even though they got a lot of attention in Luke’s Gospel, it did not take away from the traditional belief of the roles and position given to women. Even when Mary gave birth to Jesus, the son of God, she slowly faded to the background and seized to be of importance (Ringe, 1995 p11). Her crucial role of giving birth to the savior did not raise her into higher standards in the community. She is seen as just another woman not only by the community but by Jesus himself. This is seen when Jesus told a crowd that his family is anyone who obeys the word of God after he was informed that his mother and brothers wanted to talk to him (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1005).
The various occasions where women were mentioned indicate that, despite women being regarded as lesser than men, they were better at receiving the gospel and were better at understanding what Jesus taught. Even though they were assigned to traditional duties and their opinion was rarely considered, they served a big role in helping people to understand Jesus’ teachings and what was expected of Christians. In the case of Mary and Martha, the two were used to explain both what is expected of women and the role they play in the spread of Christianity (Ringe, 1995 p11). In the story of Mary and Martha, the two women were expected to abide to their traditional roles and serve Jesus and the rest of the men in the house. Though this is what Martha did, Mary decided to listen to Jesus instead. This can be seen as an indication that, even though performing their duties was important, the gospel that Jesus was teaching was more important than house chores, and this led to Mary being praised despite abandoning her womanly duties. However, despite the praise, she is still described as being different from men who received Jesus’ teachings. Unlike cases where men listen to Jesus’ teachings for the purpose of preaching to others, Mary is said to have sat and listened like a mouse at a corner, her intentions not being to spread the message received but to only listen (Ringe, 1995 p11).
Though this may be the case, the sitting and listening is of great importance and this further strengthens the role that women played in Luke’s Gospel. Even though they rarely became prophets or spread Jesus’ teachings, women served important roles in strengthening the belief in Jesus Christ and his teachings on Christianity. They are used as themes that help create a better understanding of what Jesus was teaching and this is seen through his interaction with them. Even though the women remain in the background, they help to spread the gospel and create a better understanding of Christianity and this is seen in the manner in which Jesus associates with them (Ringe, 1995 p11).
In the times of Jesus, sinners were considered to be inferior people who were looked down upon and were not considered as worthy members of the community. As a result, they were banished from society and described as being unclean. Those in society considered themselves clean and free form sin and anyone seen associated with the sinners would be shunned and believed to be contaminated with sin. Despite this, Jesus had no issue associating with sinners and he often engaged with them either when delivering his teachings, when performing miracles or on his way through a crowd. Women played both positive roles where they were either used to show true devotion or to show that even sinners could be saved.
Part 2
Women were used in parables to show the impact that the word of God would have on the people. Since women’s main duty comprised of house chores, the parable of the baker in the gospel of Luke narrated how a baker used a small amount of yeast to knead flour that would eventually bake bread to feed an entire village (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1006). Other than indicating the role that women play in doing God’s work, the baking of the bread could be interpreted and seen as a representation as the word of god and its ability to change the lives of a lot of people even if it originally came from a single individual. Another example is where Jesus used the example of the window who gave offerings at a temple. While the rich gave what they thought was appropriate of them, it had little meaning because it had little effect on their financial status. They had a lot of money to give and they could easily give offerings without feeling any stress (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1006). However, there was a poor widow who gave two coins as offerings because it was all she had (Luke, 1991). This is another scenario where Jesus used Women as a tool for teaching and what it meant to be a true Christian. By giving the two coins, the widow was giving everything she had. The act showed that the woman was willing to give everything she had and surrender all earthly possessions in the service of God (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1006). For one to be a Christian, they had to abandon all worldly things and abide by Jesus’ teachings. Even though the rich men were giving offerings as required, the offering from the widow was more than what they gave because it was all she had.
Despite their small roles in society, women were also portrayed as the greatest sinners having committed the worst sins. The beheading of John the Baptist, for example, was as a result of a plot planned by two women, a mother and her daughter. Herodias, the wife to Philip hatched a scheme together with her daughter that led to John the Baptist being beheaded. This was after he denounced her marriage to Herod Antipas (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1006). Another woman that is considered a sinner and unclean is the sinful woman that wiped Jesus’ feet. Jesus had gone to visit the Pharisee who had offered to dine with him. While at his house, a sinful woman came in, knelt at Jesus’ feet and as she started to weep, her tears fell on his feet and she wiped them with her hair before kissing Jesus’ feet.
The Pharisees considered themselves as being clean and free from sin. As a result, any person who had been labeled as being unclean after committing a sinful act was not allowed to enter the house of a Pharisee (Green, 1997 p235). Despite this, the sinful woman not only entered the Pharisee’s house but also went up to where Jesus and his host were seated. When the Pharisee saw the response that Jesus had to the sinful woman’s touching and wiping his feet, he begun to doubt who Jesus claimed to be. According to him, Jesus should have been able to know all the sins that the woman had committed and would have therefore shunned her like other clean men. The Pharisee therefore drew the conclusion that Jesus was not the prophet he claimed to be and that his association with the sinful woman made him just as clean. Jesus however addressed the issue by posing a scenario to them and showing them that a person who owed more debt would show more gratitude than a person with a lower debt if the person to whom the debt was owed decided not to request payment. He compared this to the sinful woman, teaching the Pharisee and others that it is the people who had the most sins that needed forgiveness (Green, 1997 p232).
He also showed that, despite being shunned and considered as not being good enough by the community, the sinful woman had offered Jesus more hospitality than the Pharisee host. While he head on offered a table and the means to wipe his feet, the sinful woman had personally wiped Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair, and had not stopped kissing his feet since she arrived (Green, 1997 p233). While the Pharisee who saw himself as being free of sin was busy questioning Jesus’ claims, the sinful woman demonstrated the highest amount of faith because she believed that Jesus was the son of God and that only he could forgive her sins. She was used as an instrument to teach others that Christianity requires people to fully devote themselves to God and have faith in his teachings.
Like the sinful woman, the bleeding woman was also shunned by the community and considered to be unclean due to her bleeding problem. On his way to Jairus’ house to aid his daughter who had recently passed away, Jesus came across a woman who had bled continuously for 12 years (Brown, Green and Perrin, 2013 p1007). The woman reached out and touched Jesus’ cloak as he made his way through the crowed and her ailment was healed immediately. Jesus felt the woman’s touch and stopped to address the crowd, telling them of the faith that the woman possessed and that it is her faith that had healed her. Once again, a woman is put in an awkward position and is used as a lesson to teach people what Christianity requires of them. The woman, even after trying all other ways to cure her illness, believed that just a touch of Jesus’ clothes would heal her and this is the type of faith that all Christians should possess.
Throughout these readings, women are considered as inferior to men and their duties involve taking care of the home, serving men and their guests and bearing children. Other than that, most of the women mentioned are either considered to be sinners or unclean due to some form of ailment or disease. This led to the women being shunned and forced to live a life of solitude because the clean did not want to associate with them out of fear of being unclean. Despite the low regard that women were held in, Jesus showed that these people who society looked down upon were the best examples of how a true Christian should act. Even though some scenarios painted women as sinners, they were able to overcome all this and embrace Jesus’ teachings.
The lives that the women lived played a significant role in Jesus’ teachings. The widow’s offering for example, taught the importance of abandoning all worldly pleasures while the sinful and bleeding woman taught the importance of having faith. Even though women were considered as being inferior to men, they are the ones that best understood what Jesus was teaching. Though portrayed as passive witnesses, women are used to testify on behalf of Jesus Christ. Even after Jesus was crucified, it is women who saw the empty tomb and remembered that Jesus had told them that he would rise on the third day. In the 21st century, people ought to be like the women that were talked about in Luke’s Gospel. Despite the hardships they went through, they never lost faith in the word of God and this faith led to their redemption.
Brown K, Green B and Perrin N. “Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels” Inter Varsity Press, 2013
Green, Joel B. The Gospel of Luke. New International Commentary on the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997
Johnson, Luke T. The Gospel of Luke. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1991
Ringe, Sharon H. Luke. Westminster Bible Companion. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995.
The question in which people are trying to find answers for is whether God really exist or he does not exist. Many arguments therefore have build up as many scientists, atheist and philosophers try to argue their thoughts by producing different evidences as a way of proving their point (Bansal, et al 98). The belief of God existence greatly influence how any human being leads his or her life, the way he/she views life, morality, destiny and humanity. Life is meaningful or meaningless depending on the stand that one takes on the belief on Gods existence. As supported in the Bible only those who are willing to believe that God exists as the bible clearly state that for those who shall seek God they will find Him while those who fail to believe in God is out of their ignorance as the bible states that they have seen adequate evidence but have hold back from the truth about God (McKim & Robert 11). According to Pascal Wager, a philosopher physicist and a mathematician argues on Gods existence using the apologetic philosophy. He proposes that humans bet their lives on the God’s being or not but he emphasizes on any rational man to lead a life as though God existed because in the end those who do not believe in Gods existence will have little to lose while those who believe will have unlimited gains and will be able to avoid unlimited losses. This paper therefore generally looks at how life is made easier by the belief on Gods existence. It will discuss in-depth the life advantages that are as a result of Gods existence on people’s lives.
The fact that there is hope and faith in God after one believes in Gods existence make life more easier to live in. this is because most believers believe in a stronger force that is God who is the perfecta of everything in His own time and in accordance to His will (Stoltz et al 20). This therefore enables any believer to have hope and faith as all shall be well and it’s just a matter of time because God will surely avail Himself in the situation that seems hard.
Though there is so much evil in the world those who believe knows well that God will deliver them from the shortcomings of our limited existence and from the inhumanity to man and the sufferings. Hope and faith is as well applied in cases of death, illness and aging where the old, those who are sick who are about to die feel hopeful that they will get well while the dead hope for an eternal life where they will have an afterlife after death itself (Stoltz et al 20). Hence it is right to say that belief in Gods existence has hope in itself.
Happiness is felt by those who believe in Gods existence as they have the chance to not only hope in God but also to experience Gods love at a personal love. God acts as a personal friend to humanity and this has made humans who believe in God lead happy lives. The ultimate goal for God on humanity is for them to be happy in their daily lives as it is clearly indicated even in the bible that humans should rejoice always in all circumstances. Therefore it is evident that times will be hard for humans but they should always lead happy lives.
Believers also are able to lead their lives easily as they are able to see themselves as not perfect but they however strive to lead better lives. God’s existence portrays Him as the only perfecta while humans fall under the imperfection being. This thought has therefore lead people to view others as the way they view themselves without expecting them to be perfect hence with any misunderstanding or mistake humans are able to forgive each other thus moving on with life.
Morality is one of the greatest advocacies in Gods existence to humans and this has played a major role in making life easy. This is because the human race are called to morality where people do that which is right in Gods eyes and this therefore helps to reduce injustices, unfaithfulness in marriage and dishonesty in life (Morrow & Jonathan 107).
Things that are moral are permitted by God himself while those that are regarded as immoral are forbidden by God. Thus as every believer strive to do that which is permitted by God and avoiding that which is forbidden by God, morality is upheld hence a more better place to live is made.
In conclusion, there are so many advantages that accrue in believing that God exists and this has made life easier as evidenced above. So many believers find their meaning in life due to this belief while others who strongly reject this believe ends up living hard lives as they justify that God does not exist. The belief in God’s existence ultimately builds up hope, morality, happiness and desire in being perfect.
Bansal, Munish. A Human Life: Dream or Reality Explained in Simple Words for All Humans Whether They Are Religious or Non Religious. Gillingham: Munish Bansal, 2005. Print
McKim, Robert. Religious Ambiguity and Religious Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Print.
Morrow, Jonathan. Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower's Guide for the Journey. Grand Rapids, Mich: Kregel Publications, 2008. Print.
Stoltz, Eric, and Vince Tomkovicz. Ascend: The Catholic Faith for a New Generation. New York: Paulist Press, 2009. Print.
Positive psychology refers to the strength and abilities that facilitate individuals and the societies to succeed. The arena of positive psychology is created on the trust that the people and the community will have meaningful and fulfilling lives that will facilitate them in being the best among themselves. This leads to better experiences of play, love and work. It helps in achieving a satisfactory life that is more effective which is better than treating any mental illness. It focuses on the personal growth rather than the pathology. When one finds positive psychology then, there is happiness within oneself which leads to improved ways and social ties. This revolves around spouses, family, and friends which in turn results to wider networks in social organization and clubs which are important in a particular way. Due to happiness, there is increased financial income and better correlation of improved mental and the well-being of an individual.
As a social institution, Christians are known mostly because of what drives them. The spirit of being positive in what they do. The conditions surrounding them may not be the best favorable ones but the energy that they have is extraordinary (Whitney et al, 18). More often than not the challenges that they come across can be the worst in demoralizing someone. Due to this, it is possible to find Christians having the positive energy towards dealing with the obstacles. Practically it is difficult to have positive energy in dealing with such things. It is a norm in any individual person to mostly give up in such a situation but for the staunch Christians, it is slightly different. They will face the challenge head on pursuing it with positive energy. Positive human functioning will require one to flourish in different levels such as biological, relational, cultural, institutional, personal and globally in all dimensions of life. With a little faith, it is impossible to achieve this because one will experience struggles and floundering which will not facilitate anyone to have the positive strength and energy in order to pursue the obstacles (Mozdzierz& Rowena, 371).
Christianity as an institution lays a foundation that will encourage one to possess positive energy in order to deal with it accordingly. There are support groups in such institution that will lead to the encouragement of each other. This ensures that one is not struggling with matters of positive psychology. The main purpose of such am institution is to encourage and create positive strength in each individual. This is because emotional reactions are a core effect in which they are primitive and they are constantly experiencing but rarely acknowledged (Whitney et al, 20). This creates positive emotions to the individual which in return facilitates the elimination of negative energy. In this institution, they blend both pleasant and unpleasant emotions and activating and deactivating such emotions that every individual carry almost for a lifetime and at most to the unconscious levels (Mozdzierz& Rowena, 375).
Social and behavioral sciences play a very important role in the individual and community life. This sciences tend to articulate am understandable and an attractive vision in the wellbeing of the individuals (Asebedo & Martin, 55). This plays a great role in enhancing positive psychology that helps the family to flourish. This is enhanced by making a great satisfactory decision that leads to happiness and success. This results into great and strong civil engagement that makes the individuals know their worth of living.
The main goal that the Christian institution aims at achieving is to help change the negative thinking in order to change how one feels (Martin & Mihaly, 5). Using this approach of cognitive therapy, it has led to the success of the institution by changing how people think about who they are and about the other people, think of their future and how to be responsible in order to be successful. This facilitates each individual to pull up the attention away in matters relating to chronic inner chatter away from the thoughts that can be disadvantageous to the well-being of any individual ( Martin & Mihaly, 6). This change assimilates positive impacts as nature of happiness within oneself. In this institution they also help on to identify other different goals that aim at satisfaction and results to high productivity than in turn facilitates the one individual with the positive psychology to teach others about it. The institution also enhances the self-confident and also facilitates social support (Martin & Mihaly, 6)
The issue of being redundant is also deal with in the institution of Christianity (Martin & Mihaly, 8) sacrificing of arguments and dealing with the diverse situation is taught in the Christian institutions. This reviews the practical application and cross-disciplinary ways in order to deal with this (Martin & Mihaly, 8). In identifying positive psychology in an individual does not necessarily mean that the rest is negative (Gable & Haidt, 104). This is because it aims at identifying the positive side and strengthening it in order to cause a balance and also lower the other side. Although the imbalance is evident the role of Christian institution is to offer social support to the individual in order to make them realize the positive and the best part in them.
Despite human inequality, the positive psychology does not aim in denial of any distress, negative or unpleasant aspect of life. Its effort aims at improving the positive psychology in an individual in order to deal with suffering, dysfunctional systems in the family and ineffective institution (Gable & Haidt, 105). Moreover, Christian institutions do not make any judgement and will address the human spectrum in full in relation to their experience. This institution facilitates a personal style of defensive pessimism in order to promote positive thinking that will result in optimism (Gable & Haidt, 108).
It is true to say that Christianity is a healthy social institution in the way that it promotes positive psychology. Its main aim is to help an individual of the society to identify their positive side which in turn will assist them in knowing their strengths. This will facilitate each individual with making better choices that will lead to a successful life. It will also result in the self-acceptance and the self-contention of the individual. In relation to this, it will also promote better mental health to the individual and avoidance of stress related issues. An individual who is successful in the community will also in return empower the community to become successful at large. Happiness as a result of positive psychology advocated by the Christianity institution amongst the individual and the community will lead to better productivity that will result in great satisfaction, better family ties and that of relatives and friends.
Shelly Gable L & Jonathan Haidt; what (and why) is positive psychology? Educational publishing foundation (2005).
Martin Seligman E.P & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi; Positive psychology; American psychological association Inc (2000)
Asebedo, Sarah D., and Martin C. Seay. "From Functioning To Flourishing: Applying Positive Psychology To Financial Planning." Journal Of Financial Planning 28.11 (2015): 50-58. Business Source Complete. Web. 6 May 2016.
Mozdzierz, Gerald J. "Heinz L. And Rowena R. Ansbacher Lecture: Pragmatics And Operational Principles Of Positive Psychology Research And Clinical Findings With Implications For Adlerian Psychology." Journal Of Individual Psychology 71.4 (2015): 362-398. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 May 2016.
Whitney, Diana, and Barbara L. Fredrickson. "Appreciative Inquiry Meets Positive Psychology." AI Practitioner 17.3 (2015): 18-26. Business Source Complete. Web. 6 May 2016.
Religion covers a wider area and it simply means the relationship existing between the human beings with God with human beings being the creation of God in His own image. The several numbers of religions look up to one supreme God or gods. Basically, I don’t think my study prejudiced my discernment of what makes a religion rather than a philosophy. Nonetheless, it did provide more resources to comprehend dissimilar religions and the different phases of them better (Norenzayan, 265). The number of religions in the recent past has risen and so to the number of the believers, it is difficult to define religion in words because each faith is dissimilar and consequently every detail is in deep depth. The chief identification of religion involves rituals, symbols, and beliefs (Cowling & Maurice, 52). The obvious religious beliefs comprise of spiritual influence, deities, belief in life after death and lastly miracles. Lastly, rituals are practices or religious ceremony entailing a number of series of schedules performed bestowing to a prescribed order, they are performed during different religious segregation. In contemporary Christianity common rituals would be baptisms, weddings, naming. Philosophy, by contrast, has to under a series of agreements in a quest to prove if for sure the certain reasoning is true beyond any reasonable doubts. And if by any chance there is distinguishable and worth explainable reason for it, then it cannot be proximately acknowledged as veracity (Durkheim, 27). Consequently, religion and philosophy are related to various numbers and at one point one would confuse the two (Noll, Mark & Harlow, 27). Religions have composure of ethics, rules, belief and morality which serve as guidance to the way of living whereas philosophy covers a bigger domain of discipline which dwells with concepts such as metaphysics, knowledge and quest for the ultimate truth. Philosophy and religion are the roots of change in today’s society, they are responsible for what is going on in the contemporary world politics, for instance, has some borrowing from the religious perspective even though it is being degraded with the wake of paradigm in the political arena.
Philosophy has taken many formations of worship and for starters it is not inclining towards any ritualistic ways, but we find that philosophy tries to discern what really nature of these very rituals administered by man is and properly why they occur. The son of God Jesus can be seen as philosopher whereby later on mankind started bringing His teaching and like that it turned out to be a religion (Norenzayan, 265). The difference between the two is so complex by the fact the more you define the dissimilarity starts becoming thinner. Christianism is what is contained in churches where is has building blocks of religion where Christ teachings are administered, however, an individual can be called a Christian or a person who attest Christian philosophies (Cowling & Maurice, 52). Generally, we tend to believe that a religious person is anybody who is morally uprights in all manners others would say it is all about good life and making sure you do the right thing. Both can be true depending on which point of view and further what are this moral and righteous has to do with being religious (Cowling & Maurice, 52). Religion has to have a combination of purity and living the ways which God deems right as taught in the holy book, I cannot say it has anything to do with good life since it might be an immoral way yet one considers good life in his own perception (Noll, Mark & Harlow, 29). Therefore, religion has to be conjoined with following the ways of Christ assimilated by morality and purity in heart.
Religion is the amalgamated structure of philosophies and observes which happen to be relative hallowed things, it is simple as setting apart the forbidden beliefs together with does which marry to unique solitary decent civic christened church. This is what structures a society in a diverse number of ways to an extent it influences how things are run. Durkheim a much-respected philosopher believes that it is the religion which system of ideas by which men envision the society of which they themselves are the members find it obscure yet it intimidates relations they have with it (Noll, Mark & Harlow, 27). Social groups, for instance, were based on tribal alterations; society is the system of interrelated parts which religion among others is enabled to perform functions in helping maintain unanimity and societal commonality inside all humanities (Durkheim, 127). Indeed during the times of crisis in the society, religion always come on the way to help tackle the issue in a varied number of ways, also in birth, marriage and death which makes a chief disruptive change in social groups is depending on religion to minimize the disruption (Norenzayan, 265). Up to date, religion is still a force to reckon in the society, during the early day religions did introduce mission schools before it was later taken by the government, however, they are still a number of them managed by the churches (Cowling & Maurice, 52). On the negative side, though, religion has been as a weapon which Karl max reinstates that the ruling group of people legitimates the travail of the poor class into believing that suffering is moral.
Over the past few decades, research on religion has revealed religious practice significantly helps a lot in shaping the society. Provide the extent at which religion as managed to maneuver to change in society we can say that understanding religion greatly contributes to the contribution to constitutional order which is related to country’s prosperity. Religion is a powerful antidote to many pressing issues in our society today of which many has hit historically high proportions. Marriage conjoint in religious upbringing has proved overtime to be a stable marital relationship (Noll, Mark & Harlow, 27). When religion is not persuasive in a society or by any chance ceases to exist, the society is more relatively to inherits the whole burden of immorality in the public, rise of crime and tolerance equating the same. For society to survive well in things trying times, a need of religion is ultimate option for the restoration of good deeds.
Norenzayan, Ara. Big Gods: How Religion Transformed Cooperation and Conflict. Princeton, NJ [u.a.: Princeton University Press, 2013. Print.
Noll, Mark A, and Luke E. Harlow. Religion and American Politics: From the Colonial Period to the Present. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
Cowling, Maurice. Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2003. Print.
Durkheim, Émile. Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Dover Publications, 2012. Internet resource.
Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
Next, write an original contribution to the discussion in six or more sentences that briefly argues for what you think the most significant change in American culture the evangelical community faced during the period surveyed in this episode.
The best responses will communicate clearly, include specific details from the source(s), and demonstrate analytical and critical thinking. Link to the video is below https://youtu.be/4QIEKANLGtI
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
In Nehemiah 5:9, Nehemiah uses the word reproach to describe how the gentile community views the events and circumstances of the poor people of Jerusalem. Why is this a biblical principle? In other words, what impact does behavior on the part of believers have on unbelievers? Discuss Nehemiah’s concern for the poor, but also his concern for the witness that the actions and attitudes of the nobles and officials is having in the community among those on the outside who are observing the drama unfolding before them.
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 4 Lesson Minimum of 4 scholarly sources – at least 2 for Hinduism & 2 for Buddhism (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Instructions Select one (1) of the following pairs and compare each of the terms (in that pair) as it is understood and practice in the religious traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism:
Self/No-self Samsara/Nirvana Karma/Rebirth Include the following in your paper:
Introduction that clearly states your central goal (brief) Thoughtful examples and analysis in your body paragraphs, giving 2 scholarly sources for each religion and use your text and/or lesson Conclusion to summarize your thoughts and how what you learned relates to your own personal world or religious views. Writing Requirements (APA format)
Choose 1 of the following 2 options for your thread.
Option 1: How do the following statements on Scripture echo the argument for the sufficiency of Scripture put forth by DeYoung? Interact with both statements and support your answer with Scripture as well as material from the DeYoung text.
The Belgic Confession: Article 7 - The Sufficiency of Scripture We believe that this Holy Scripture contains the will of God completely and that everything one must believe to be saved is sufficiently taught in it. For since the entire manner of service which God requires of us is described in it at great length, no one—even an apostle or an angel from heaven, as Paul says—ought to teach other than what the Holy Scriptures have already taught us. For since it is forbidden to add to the Word of God, or take anything away from it, it is plainly demonstrated that the teaching is perfect and complete in all respects. Therefore we must not consider human writings—no matter how holy their authors may have been—equal to the divine writings; nor may we put custom, nor the majority, nor age, nor the passage of times or persons, nor councils, decrees, or official decisions above the truth of God, for truth is above everything else. For all human beings are liars by nature and more vain than vanity itself. Therefore we reject with all our hearts everything that does not agree with this infallible rule, as we are taught to do by the apostles when they say, "Test the spirits to see if they are from God," and also, "Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching."
The Baptist Faith and Message: Article I - The Scriptures The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the principles by which God judges us, and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried. All Scripture is a testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of divine revelation.
Option 2: Over coffee one afternoon, you and a colleague are talking about the impact the Bible makes in your decision-making process. Your colleague is a new believer who just started attending a church in your area. He is brand new to the faith. In fact, he is the first person in his family to ever become a Christian. Your colleague makes this statement: "I do not think the Bible is always clear. As long as you understand it as a culturally relevant, love everyone kind of spirituality, you are going to be okay. After all, 'God is love and love is God.' His Word is just too difficult to comprehend sometimes." Based on this module/week's reading from the DeYoung text, how would you respond to your colleague? How would you support your answer with both Scripture and the DeYoung text?
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
Apart from the gospel message itself, what is the most significant mission principle you have learned from the activity of the Apostles in the New Testament? How does that principle apply to mission today?
Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: Paper Instructions:
Mordecai Kaplan’s “Judaism as a Civilization” and Gerson Cohen’s “The Blessing of Assimilation in Jewish History” reflect two different approaches to Jewish culture, which are still dominant today. Analyze both works. Answer the following questions: 1. What is Kaplan’s understanding of Jewish civilization? What does he see as Jewish civilization’s essential elements and most important characteristics? 2. What does Cohen mean by “the blessing of assimilation”? How does his view of Jewish culture and history differ from that of Kaplan? Be specific. 3. In light of information learned from lectures and the textbook, provide your own critique of both approaches and your own reflections on the nature of Jewish culture. Use information learned from lecturettes and this week’s readings in your discussion. A well-written paper will have a concise introduction to the general topic of the paper, a clear thesis statement, and a carefully developed argument with specific examples supporting the thesis statement. Your paper should be written according to the following guidelines. a. Your paper should be no longer than three pages (typed, double-spaced) and should concisely, clearly express the results of careful thought and prior drafts. In the paper you turn in, don’t waste space with filler material.
Avoid generalities not supported with specific analysis and evidence. Anchor your paper in careful analysis of Kaplan's and Cohen's articles, not in broad generalities about Jewish culture. You should cite specific passages from Kaplan and Cohen to support your argument.
Do not, however, include long quotations of passages. You are writing for an audience that has read these texts. Instead, quote only what is absolutely necessary for your analysis.
Make every paragraph, sentence, and word count. In three pages you don’t have space to waste. b. The first paragraph of your paper should include a succinct statement of what you are going to argue to answer the questions posed by this assignment. The following paragraphs should develop your argument to support the thesis that you have stated in your opening paragraph. Your final paragraph should build on your argument to lead the reader into some implications of your thesis and argument for understanding Jewish culture. Again, your argument must be supported by specific evidence from Kaplan and Cohen. You are trying to persuade the reader to agree with your thesis statement. c. This assignment is not a research paper, but you should (as appropriate for your argument) interact with the readings and class discussions for the course. You are also free (but not required) to pursue outside reading.
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