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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Many immigrants in regions flee from prosecution  and return  after being liberated  ex.700,000 Jews left Soviet  union  to Israel  in 1990s also a migration  of Palestine  people 1)why do you think Israel  is ai important  to Jews 2)what is the importance  of the area to Palestines  3)what do you think the impact would be on me and my family of the distance migration

76 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Did the message of ISIS change over the five years when it rose to victory and then slid to battlefield defeat?


The question is 'Did the message of ISIS change over the five years when it rose to victory and then slid to battlefield defeat?

This is a combination of World politics with religion

Please keep the answer sophisticated, and shows that it is constantly engaging with the question. For example, start the paragraphs with a subtle intro to what you are going to argue and end the paragraph by giving a brief conclusion of your argument in relation to the question. 

The main source should be Stephen Chan, please read his book and understand his thesis in order to frame the answer in accordance with his understanding 

140 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This essay will compare and contrast how Jesus is interpreted in the gospel books, mark, matthew and luke giving relevance to the importance of having different perspectives on how Christ is interpreted.

43 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Let’s assume you are studying the topic of effective leadership. The Bible gives an account of Joseph who grew from a young man tending his father’s sheep to an influential member of the king’s staff. This assignment serves as a model for questions you might consider as you examine Scripture to identify various concepts, principles, theories, case studies, topics, etc. from a biblical worldview. It also relates to the overall theme of this course.

Write 2 pages according to the questions. I also answered the questions but you must develop them. 

Read Genesis 37:1-36 in your Bible. 
1.    What were the circumstances that led to Joseph’s brothers’ treatment of him? 
Answer: From young age, God had chosen Joseph to be a leader through a dream. God assured Joseph that he would rise to a position of leadership over his parents and brothers (Gen. 37:5-11). From Joseph’s point of view, these dreams were evidence of divine blessing, rather than his own ambition. From his brothers’ point of view, however, the dreams were further manifestations of the unfair privilege that Joseph enjoyed as the favorite son of their father, Jacob (Gen. 37:3-4).
Read Genesis 39. In Genesis 39, 
2.    what character traits do you see emerge in Joseph in response to his encounter with Potiphar’s wife? 
Answer: He had principal character and integrity. He was honest. He was tempted at multiple times, and he resisted (Gen. 37:7-9).
Read Genesis 40 and 41. In these passages, 
3.    What circumstances led to Joseph’s favor with the king? 
Joseph had God’s favor wherever he went. While in the prison, he translated the dream of the king’s chief cupbearer and the baker. Pharaoh had begun to have disturbing dreams, and the chief cupbearer remembered the skill of the young Hebrew in prison. Pharaoh’s dreams about cows and stalks of grain befuddled his most skilled counselors. Joseph testified to God’s ability to provide interpretations and his own role as merely the mediator of this revelation (Gen. 41:16). 
4.    Based on this Biblical account of Joseph, what characteristics do you see in Joseph that led to his position of influence and leadership? How does this connect to your readings during your time in this course? 
Answer: He’s competence in what he was doing. He remained faithful while in jail and never wavered from his commitment to follow Him. He did his job with excellence. Whether as a slave, or the interpreter of Pharaoh's dream, or as the manager of the family sheep flock. I will adopt and apply Joseph’s faithfulness into the course and doing what I do in his case my study as I do it to the Lord not human masters. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23, NIV)
5.    Based on your experience as a leader or with leaders you have worked with, what are two principles of leadership you can take from the story of Joseph and apply to effective leadership? Use the verses in the passages to support each principle. 
Answer: The first principle is integrity. He was honest. He was tempted at multiple times, and he resisted. (Gen. 37:7-9).  The second principle is humility. The power and prestige of his position working for Pharaoh never changed him. Genesis 41:16 (Joseph) Joseph answered Pharaoh, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”

585 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What are you surprised about in the historical view of Christianity?  Are there details about Jewish history that you did not know prior to this class that affect your understanding of Christianity?  How about the details of the Great Schism and/or the Reformation?  Anything surprise you or that you didn't know before?  What new details about the books of the Bible have you come across?

Does this information enhance or detract from your personal faith experience?

87 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You have two options for this paper:

1. Evaluate a movie that in your opinion, has Buddhist elements in it.

2. explain and evaluate your understanding of what Buddhism means to you from a practitioner's perspective based on what you have learned in this course.

Please consider the following:

•    The paper should be 5-6 pages in length.

•    The paper must contain at least three sources besides the text, all of which must be peer-reviewed and Work Cited should follow MLA format.

•    Develop ideas through careful explanations that are supported by reliable, relevant, and appropriate research. Support claims and explain rather than assert. Provide support by using academic sources.

•    Engage the reader with an insightful approach to the subject through a clear presentation of thoughts and ideas.

•    The quality of writing should flow smoothly and reasonably from a clear thesis. Develop ideas and concepts in a clear and organized way. The main ideas should flow consistently throughout the essay, include surrounding supporting evidence.

178 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Highlight significant aspects of the debate over Christ’s race according to Blum and Harvey. From the standpoint of Black theologians, why is it important to state that Jesus Christ is Black? How do James Cone, J. Deotis Roberts and Albert Cleage differ in their understanding of the meaning of Blackness in reference to Jesus Christ? Briefly discuss one of the authors under “Black Christ: new perspectives?” (5 pages)

79 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your job is to write a short analysis of how each theory of myth we have read (Jung, Eliade, Malinowski, Lincoln) applies to this filmic presentation of one of the two greatest sources for myth in India. In each case, write one paragraph summarizing the theory of myth, including quotes from the text. Then write 1-2 paragraphs about where you see the theory applying (or why you see it don't applying) to each theory. There is no 'correct answer.' I am looking for you to demonstrate understanding of the theories of myth as applied to a modern presentation of myth. 

To get an optimal grade, you need to 

--demonstrate a clear understanding of the four theories

--support your understanding with quotes from the text

--make a reasonable argument, including specific references to the film, about how each theory applies or doesn't apply to the film. 

Watch the film The Mahabharata and make distinct connections from four passages with the movie

174 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Synthesize and discuss topics, regarding the nature of the human being and the human journey in the Christian tradition, issues of sin and free will, and notions around salvation in relation to Jesus. How would you connect these living theological questions together? You should include multiple, relevant quotes from at least five of the readings. 
1. Summarize relevant ideas in the articles, including relevant quotes.                  
2. Discuss why these ideas or issues are significant for the topics at hand.          
3. Synthesis of the Arguments— Compare the work of the various authors and consider how all their ideas relate to one another and to the concepts being addressed.          
4. Name your position/perspective and why you hold it.                                        
5. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and clarity of expression.


150 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

As evident in his autobiography, how did Western modernity shape Malcolm X’s life AND how did his Islamic traditions help him accept, accommodate to, and/or resist Western modernity. 

Be certain that the paper integrates the following:
• Describe the elements and dynamics of Western modernity evident in Malcolm’s life. 
• Explain how his religious life was shaped by these dynamics. 
• Please make explicit reference to specific passages in the autobiography to support your claims.

86 Words  1 Pages


Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read chapter 3 from Bickel, B. & Jantz, S. (Page 59-83). Knowing the Bible 101. I attached the pdf so you can read it online. After reading the story of the Bible in this format (with the five “acts”), answer the following questions. Write your answers in 2 pages. 
1.    According to Bickel and Jantz (1998), what is the main theme of the Bible? (Provide cited support from your text for this theme.).
Answer: According to Bickel and Jantz (1998), the main theme of the bible for both new and old testaments is Jesus. (page 63).
2.    How does this theme compare to your current view or understanding of the Bible?
Answer: The Bible is inspired by God (2 Timothy 316:17). The Bible is “breathed out by God” (2 Tim. 3:16). Its writers “spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). To understand what is written, therefore, we must have our eyes opened by that same Holy Spirit.
3.    How can understanding the big picture of the Bible help you as you seek to apply Scripture to course content? (Provide specific examples to support your response.)
Answer: Understanding the big picture of the Bible can help me throughout this class for a number of reasons. One reason is that when writing a paper, I can relate verses in the bible to a real-life experience. Another reason is Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

284 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Consider whether it is sufficient to meet the criteria for instrumental spirituality or whether you, as a manager, would also strive for authentic spirituality? Why?

36 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Compare Muhammad’s 5 Pillars with the teachings of Jesus, The Buddha, Moses, and Confucius.

Explore Islam and compare Muhammad's 5 Pillars with Jesus, Moses, Confucius and the Buddha.

1. After perusing the site  please respond to the following:
What one unique thing did you find in the website?

2. What are the five pillars of Islam? Why is it important to pray five times a day? What does Ramadan entail?

What significance does the annual Hajj hold for Muslims? Why do Muslims give to the poor?

3. Compare and contrast the Islamic teachings with the 10 commandments, Jesus' Beatitudes, Confucius' Virtues and 8-Fold Path of Buddha. Are we beginning to see some similarities in the various teachings?

131 Words  1 Pages
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