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A stent company

The use of the Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System (NBMCSS) which uses a product that is fictitious is showing the FDA’s Premarket Approval requirements. The Premarket Approval is the most important and required signatory process in approving the medical devices. This process is the most important in the Food and Drugs Administration center for every device and the radiological health (CDRH). The main purposes of this case study are to give the students the knowledge of the regulatory process. The Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System provides the best learning grounds for the students to learn effectively. Learning concepts gained through the Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System can be used in practical research. Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System exposes the students to a new world of the medical devices application such as First In Human (FIH) and Investigation Device Exemptions (IDE). Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System also is applied in order to get a PMA application and the data required (In Curtis, 2013).

Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System distinguishes mostly from other stenting systems which are in the market. The novel is intended to reduce any incident of restenosis and also the thrombosis while still opening up any restricted coronary arteries which allow for blood flow. The novel resides so much in claiming to reduce any incidence caused by restenosis and the thrombosis while comparing the same with any of the existing stents. The Novel Bare Metal Coronary Stenting System is what is known as a cardiovascular implant which is a risky device which supports the patients with restricted coronary vessels. These diseases to the vessels can be a prime cause of heart attack or ultimately the death of the individual. The Food and Drugs Authorities (FDA) have taken into considerations the need for encouraging the innovation of medical devices which will address the needs for improved care for patients and clinical needs (In Curtis, 2013). This would be of much help when the already in place is faulty and there is the need for treatment. The underway guidelines have been projected in order to facilitate the clinical evaluation of any medical services which are in the United States following the regulations set by Investigational Device Exemptions.

The Premarket approval (PMA) is a regulatory and a process of FDA that reviews and evaluates the safety of any device used in clinical services in class iii. The class iii are all those devices which support the life of a human, they are substantial in nature for preventing any impairment of human health, or injuries (In Curtis, 2013). Due to the increase or the high risk involving the devices under this class iii, the food and drug authority has stipulated that the general and the special control on their own prove to be insufficient in assuring the effectivity and safety of devices under this class. Therefore, for these devices to be available in the market, certain acts such as section 515 of the food and drug act must apply. The premarket approval has been one of the most severe device marketing types of application which are required by the food and drug authority (In Curtis, 2013). Any applicant must first receive an approval from the food and drug authority through a premarket application in order to market any devices. Premarket approval is basically based upon the determination as required by the food and drug authority which the premarket approval having sufficient evidence scientifically which ensures that every device is effective and safe for use.

An early feasibility enables for clinical evaluation of the devices in order to provide the evidence or the rules and the initial clinical safety of the data. The study can be effective and most appropriate in early device growth once the clinical knowledge and familiarity is important since the nonclinical verification methods are unavailable or enough to offer the data required in advancing the progressive processes. Like it happens through every medical device study, the commencement of the practicality study has to be allowed by the correct value and threat analysis and adequate individual matter security guidelines (In Curtis, 2013). The federal food and drug act have set forward the framework for the food and drug authority in order to allow the devices for investigation use which is an exception from certain requirements so as the experts qualified by the scientific training and experience can allow for investigation of safety and their effectiveness. Such exemptions are known as the Investigation Device Exemption (IDE). In the case of devices of significant risks, the sponsor has to first submit an IDE form of application and has to obtain a foodstuff and remedy authority approval (Food and Drug Administration, 2013). The federal food and drug act highly recognize that the data encompassed within the investigation device exemption tender can fluctuate on basis of the investigation. Also, the procedure and the conditions can appropriately vary depending on the requirements to allow the changes to be conducted in the devices which are in conjunction with the exemption during the testing that is conducted according to the clinical testing plan required under the federal food and drug act. Procedure and the condition can also vary depending on the quantity of human subjects who are to be tested by the device and also the duration and the scope of clinical testing which is conducted under the exemptions. The feasibility study must be effective according to the guidelines under the federal food and drugs acts. Such requirements include the investigation plan that explains the information to be contained inclusive of the reason for the investigation, the risk analysis, procedure of monitoring, protocol, labeling, and any information regarding the Institution Review Boards (IRB) (In Curtis, 2013). The application that explains the time when the sponsor must submit the IDE application and the information which the IDE must contain are inclusive of the investigational report and the plan of any previous investigation. The report of any previous investigation gives more information about the report and has to include reports involving prior testing of animal, clinical, and laboratory tests from the device. The supplemental applications provide more information on any changes to the devices and the investigation plans and the basic information included is the prior food and drug authority approval and the right manner to  notify the food and drug authority of any changes which do not require any previous approval (In Curtis, 2013). The early feasibility study is conducted in order to get the clinical safety of every device that is used, to check whether the devices will be delivered effectively, installed and used in the right way, to ensure the operator techniques are understood effectively, to ensure the safety of the clinical devices, and to allow for human factor. Under the reports of the previous investigation, the information to be provided should always be presented in three basic main sections which are: executive summary, detailed report, and the background.

The background section mainly emphasizes on the unique aspects of the design of the device and the intended patient number that will be considered when the food and drug authority evaluates if the information provided has justifiable early feasibility study. The section should always describe the clinical context of the feasibility study, the design concept, and the summary justification which regards the amount and the type of details needed in support of the early feasibility study of a specified number of patients, inclusive of the comments, comparison to what is expected in order to support the larger clinical study. The clinical context feasibility study contains the condition of the clinical devices intended to be used, the standard care including the types and the risks, benefits which may be realized from the device study, and the rationale for showing the targeted number of people to the risks (In Curtis, 2013).

The executive summary section gives more information about the summary provided and a brief explanation of the same information and reasons it is adequate to study. This section should include a description of the nonclinical testing which has been performed, device evaluation study, and a table describing the purpose of every test and analysis. Detailed report provides the reports for every test conducted and any additional information available in support of the early feasibility study. Information included in the detailed report include the individual report for every laboratory and bench test, computational modeling and the animal study, brief information of the leveraged nonclinical data depending on the source of the data such as the reports published, and any relevant clinical data summary (In Curtis, 2013).

The design concept of the feasibility study should include an IDE which has the information to clearly give more details on the design concepts. Such information includes the description of the device, the intended use, the conditions of usage, and the minimum design of the devices. Under the description of the device, the physical, principle of application, and how the important features should be reviewed. Device evaluation in the executive summary should give more information about the justification of the leverage data and the testing conducted in the feasibility study. The purpose of evaluation is to facilitate the food and drugs authority understanding of the value of the information and the reason why the information is included in the previous investigation report submitted in support of the IDE approval (Food and Drug Administration, 2013). To minimize the effective use of sponsors and the food and drugs authority sources, it advisable that the sponsor should consult the food and drugs authority and both parties to reach to an agreement strategy prior to the sponsor conducting the pre-sub interactions. This is very important when there is no available guidance or a voluntary standard specific to the device and the intended use which is proposed to be studied, when the sponsor has provided less of the nonclinical data compared to the expected feasibility study, and when a certain clinical test is more relevant than all the others in addressing the basic safety device information.

1st column

2nd column

3rd column

4th column

5th column

6th column

7th column

8th column

9th column


Knowledge base


Device attributes

Potential failure modes

Potential effects of the failure

Devices design information

Supportive data

Nonclinical device testing

Clinical study mitigation


Leverage nonclinical data

Supportive clinical data


Potential device effects

Potential clinical effects


Device strategy evaluation table

Device evaluation strategy for a feasibility study should always be based on the risks and the benefits. The feasibility study should always be focused on mostly identifying the data needed in addressing the significant safety concerns and the basic device functions. The basic process of creating a device strategy can also divide into four main parts such as device deconstruction, knowledge base, and the mitigation strategies, fill the gaps, and evidence gaps. Device deconstruction identifies the attributes that are needed for the device to achieve for every goal needed (Food and Drug Administration, 2013). These goals are such as the potential failures, and the effects of the failure. Knowledge base and the mitigation strategies give more information about what is known from the devices, leveraged clinical and nonclinical from either the internal or the external informants. The evidence gaps mainly identify the gaps from the existing information with an indication that the additional testing may be needed in order to justify the study considering the knowledge base and always focusing on the attributes intended for use. Filing the gap focuses on identifying the complete and the evaluation of the devices attributes and any potential associated with the failure modes (In Curtis, 2013). This is in consideration of the evidence gaps, clinical contexts of the feasibility study, and the potential types and the frequencies which may be caused or associated with the devices strategies. Any effects of the unique aspects of the devices intended for use should be clearly emphasized in the device evaluation strategy.             















In Curtis, P. A. (2013). Guide to US food laws and regulations.

In Chen, X., & In Wong, S. (2014). Cancer theranostics.

Food and Drug AdminiStration, (2013). Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug          Administration Staff


2024 Words  7 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The research article should be written using The Conversation format.
It is about 800 words not including title page or references.
Please draw on at least 6 scholarly articles.
Reference and cite using APA style.
Need to check in Turnitin.

53 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

write and discuss your ideas to support the Malaysian government on highway construction issues on the application of waste materials as an alternative highway materials in Malaysia

38 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The course is generally about how gender is socially constructed and specifically for this essay relating it to sports.

30 Words  1 Pages

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

I need a two-page comparative and contrast essay on whos the better player either Messi or Ronaldo personally I think Ronaldo is a better player so I would like you to write about how Ronaldo is a much better player compared to Messi. Must be written in third-person perspective.

60 Words  1 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Current Event Research Paper:
One of the best things about studying securities regulation is that the topic is in the news every day. Virtually every day a new company chooses to go public, another public company executive is charged with violating anti-fraud provisions, and another securities professional is charged with defrauding clients. The current event research paper assignment asks you to choose one current event relevant to any of the topics we will study this semester, and write a short research paper describing what happened, the relevant law and ethical considerations, and the significance of the story -- for the securities industry, for the issuer, for the law, and for you.
How to choose your current event:
The current event must have been in the news within the last twelve (12) months. To find a topic of interest, start reading the financial and business news now. You might also visit the SEC’s website (enforcement press releases), or any of the many blogs on securities regulation, white-collar crime, or corruption. You can also follow the SEC on Twitter. Once you find a news story, you will research it more deeply, including the relevant court or regulatory filings and applicable statutes and/or regulations. Your story does not have to be about a case that has already gone to court. It can be an investigation, a proposed new rule or regulation, or any other news story that implicates the regulatory and ethical issues we discuss in class.
What to include in your paper:
• a detailed factual description of the current event
• a detailed discussion of the applicable law and/or regulation – explain the law
from the very beginning, as if your reader knows nothing about the topic. This
will demonstrate your understanding of the law
• an analysis of the current event – Why is the reported conduct illegal or
unethical? Why is the event important to the securities industry? What companies will care about this news story? What will be its likely impact? If there is litigation, who do you think will win? Why?
• The goal is to demonstrate meaningful application of the law to facts, and deep thinking about the ethical issues presented by the event.
No more than 8 pages, double-spaced, 1" margins, 12 point or larger type font, with subheadings to organize and divide the discussion
Citation required for any facts or ideas that did not originate in your brain
The paper should be prepared using the APA writing style and guideline for references’ format. You must provide a bibliography, and all direct quotations and data sources must be properly cited
• The Department uses the APA style to facilitate reading the paper and
understanding references without being as cumbersome as some other citation styles (such as Chicago or MLA).
• Students can download the student style guide from the American Psychological Association ( web site or you can purchase the APA style guide from the book store. There is even a help disk that can be purchased for about $40 ( that will walk you through the process as you write the paper if you desire a more “personal assistance”.
• Papers are to be RESEARCH PAPERS. Remember that work from other authors that you draw upon MUST be referenced. Since it is assumed that you are not an authority on the topic that you are writing, it is expected that your paper will draw from different sources of information, each of which must be attributed to the author using the APA format.
• This is your paper and not a cut and paste of someone else's work. The internet has led to a false sense of what research is all about. Those new to research tend to think (wrongly) that it means spending an afternoon surfing the internet and then cutting and pasting others' material.
• Keep in mind that the Internet: (1) is not quality-oriented as it has good materials and not so good materials, and does not disclose which is which; (2) is NOT a sole source location. In particular, sources such as Wikipedia are the works of individual submitters which are not reviewed. Thus while many entries provide excellent information or leads for further inquiry, some are fundamentally flawed or just plain wrong.
• Keep in mind that the Library as well as the national US Library of Congress have extensive online services. USE THEM.

749 Words  2 Pages

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

1. Describe the order of operations and explain how it is used to simplify expressions. Explain specifically the order in which mathematical operations must be performed to correctly simplify an expression.
2. Provide an example of a real-life situation in your current or future profession where a specific order of steps is necessary for a proper end result. What will happen if the proper order is not followed? (Humor and creativity are encouraged, if used appropriately.)
3. Develop an original mathematical expression which must be simplified using order of operations. Include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, and at least one set of parentheses. Simplify the expression INCORRECTLY, showing each step as you simplify. DO NOT include the reasons for each step. Do not include variables (letters) in your expression

139 Words  1 Pages

Social Work with Children & Families



Collaborative working between the agencies and professional disciplines can help to improve the social lives of different members of the community. Through working in collaborative multi agencies I have been able to learn several thing related to the service delivery on the social work. This report first outlines the experience that I have gained while practicing the collaborative multi agency. In relation to this, the report outlines first the various roles that a social worker is supposed to undertake. The report also presents the role of the multi-agency in providing consultation services. This report also outlines the importance of collaborative multiagency in the social work. In this case, the report presents factors such as building cohesiveness among the community members as one importance of collaborative working between the professionals and different agencies. Moreover, the report also outlines the weakness associated to the use of the collaborative multiagency in the social work.

Experience gained in working with the group

Working in the group has helped to understand the role of the field of children in the social work. In this case the field of social work comprise of people who are committed towards ensuring that they help improve the lives of people. The social workers are also known to assist people through helping people to try and cope with various issues that relate to their day-to-day life. Most importantly, the social workers help people to manage their relationship and solve issues related to their own personal and family problems (Ambrosino, 2008, p.5). In addition people within the profession of the social workers also help to people who are also faced with certain disability or people who have been affected by a life threatening disease. Some of the social works may also take the role of assisting the families that experience various domestic issues. In relation to the children the social workers help to ensure that they improve the social and the psychological status of the children. This in turn helps to maximize the well-being of the family and the academic functioning of the children.

Moreover working in the multidisciplinary group can allow one to understand the how to provide consultation services in the abuse cases. In this case I have been able to understand the how to ensure that the interest of all the parties involved are addressed. Working with multidisciplinary has also helped to ensure that one is able to gain professional skills and knowledge. Working in multidisciplinary group has also helped me to understand the various reasons why the children are at risk of abuse and neglect in the society. In relation to this it is evident that the children who do not have adequate support from the relative or the community are in danger of being exposed to different risks. The children may also be in a risk in the situations where their parents are experiencing stress such as unemployment some form of illness, and isolation. In addition the children may also be in a risk in the situations where their parents may not have experienced good parenting themselves. In the situation where the parents are alcohol or drug dependant the children may also be exposed to various forms of risk

Working in the collaborative group has also helped me to understand the issues related to family placement. In this case I have been able to learn the various ways of assessing the needs of the and making recommendation regarding the proposed childcare plans. In relation to this I have also been able to learn the various ways of providing counseling services for the birth parents. Working in the family placement has also helped me to understand how to carry out a comprehensive assessment of potential cares to ensure that the children are able to receive safe and clean environment hence enhancing the family experiences.

Engaging in the group work has also helped me to increase on, my principles and practice of working in partnership. These principle are mainly based on the fact there should be an equitable, just and a free society as stipulated within the international declaration of the Human rights (Darraj, 2010, p.38). In relation to this I have been able to understand the current policies, which emphasizes on a three-way partnership. This is collaboration between the health care and the social providers and the service users. In this case there should be a joint agreement between community development and teamwork in order to ensure that everyone understands their role. Moreover, I have also been able to understand the various attribute related to the partnership. In this context I have been able to learn in partnership one needs to ensure that he or she shows confidences while in the case of collaboration the collaborators needs to have trust and respect with the fellow collaborators. In partnership one also needs to ensure that they have respect for the specialist, however in the case of the collaboration people need to ensure that there is teamwork. In addition I have also leant the importance of having professional boundaries in partnership. In addition it has also been evident that the members of the partnership share the same vested interest. However, in the case of the collaborative the members exercise nonhierarchical relationship. Most importantly, in the partnership there should be appropriate governance structure in partnership. On the other hand in collaboration people only work together in the on an agreed purpose.

Partnership in the multidisciplinary approach can help in solving the social exclusion cases more effectively (Munro, 2008, p.20). Moreover, the use of the use of the partnership can help to ensure that there less chance for an agent producing services that are counter-reproductive to each other. In addition the use of the collaboration allows sharing of effort in order to solve certain social problems that may be affecting the members of the society. However, it is also important to note that the in partnership there is chance that there can be threat to confidentiality. In relation to this in partnership there might also be a chance that there is a certain threat to professional identity. Another major limitation of the partnership is the fact that there they groups may suffer from influence by the major focal groups.

Participating in the collaborative work also enabled me to understand some of the legal and procedural framework governing the child and family group works. In relation to this I have been able to understand the various acts that relate to the children for instance I have been able to learn the children act (1989). This act mainly emphasizes on the importance of ensuring that the children are put first while cooperating and sharing the various parental responsibilities ( Kirton, 2008,p.18). Another act that supports the children is the children act (2004). This act focuses mainly on the various shared programs of national change to help provide the services around the need for young people. This in turn helps to ensure that the children are given better health care; they stay safe and are able to achieve and enjoy their lives. In addition, this act also helps to ensure that the make positive contribution in the communities where they live. Most importantly this act also help to ensure that the children are able to achieve an economic well being state. The education act (2002) is another act that can help to emphasizes on the various reform that need to be affected in the children service delivery. This is because the act helps to stipulate the duty of the local authority toward promoting the welfare of the children. This act also stipulates among other things the need to develop the various local arrangements to help in safeguarding the welfare of the children.

Analyzing the inter-professional collaboration practice that I have undergone it is evident that I can now be able to describe what happens when people from different professions work together to meet the target needs of the community. Moreover I have also been able to learn the various strengths and weakness associated with working collaboratively

Importance of collaborative working

Collaborative working has various benefits when applied in the social work. In collaborative working the partnership holds the concept that the every child matters (Alsop, 2010, p.124). This therefore implies that all the partners working together are committed towards ensuring that they add value to the lives of children and improve the learning of the young people. The collaborative working has some benefit these include.

Improving the outcome of the children

Collaborative multi-agency working helps to improve the outcome of the children and the young people (Pycroft & Gough, 2010, p.112). This is mainly through offering Joint services to support the growth and development of the children. In addition, these multiagencies collaborative working helps in offering advice and support whenever necessary to the young people.         

Building of the consensus

The collaborative working helps to build consensus between people of different professions. In relation to this the collaborative working helps in strengthening the partnerships between people in different professions. Most importantly, the collaborative working helps to breakdown the professions that hinder people from interacting effectively. This consensus in turn help to ensure that the children overall well being is catered.

Help to enhance scale of coverage

Various studies indicate that the collaborative working also help to enhance the scale of coverage in relation to the childcare. This is because in the collaborative working people work together for the good of the children and the young people. The joint collaborative also help to ensure that the there is a pooled budget to cater for the different projects that one wishes to accomplish.

Building a cohesive community

Collaborative working also plays a role in building a cohesive community. This is because through collaborative working all the stakeholders involved in the community development are able to work together. This in turn helps to ensure that the various needs of the local community are addressed jointly to avoid duplication of the services. In relation to this the collaborative working has also helped to improve coordination of various services. This in turn helps in building of the better relationship in the society. Moreover, collaborative working also helps to offer a broad perspective or focus to the working practice.

Increase the levels of trust in the existing between the partners

The collaborative working has help to build trust among the existing partner. This in turn helps to ensure that all the members of the society are able to work as a team. In relation to this it also helps in facilitating joint planning for the various multiagency developments. It is also evident that collaborative working also helps to promote an increase in the staff morale. This is because it help the staff to understand that they do not work in isolation and hence various issues and problems can be resolved collaboratively.

Involving users and cares in different services that they receive

The collaborative working can also help one to understand the importance of involving the service users in the health care. This is because service users in many cases are the expert in their own ways and hence need to be involved in making health and care decision. Moreover, it is important for the health care professionals to listen and analyze the needs of their client. This can help to ensure that the clients are mainly advised on the various issues that they may be facing. Involving all the inter-professional dimension together with the user may help to ensure that a permanent solution is found on the on the problem affecting the client.

Another important point to note is that the service users needs to be treated as someone who is an expert about themselves and their own mental health. This can help to ensure that the professional are able to understand the needs of the clients. The professionals also needs to be aware of the all the elements of distress and anxiety that can accompany the entry of the patient into the treatment session. In addition it is also important for the health professionals to ensure that they ask the users their opinion in order to ensure that their views are taken into account when the decision are being made. In this case therefore the service uses should be made to understand fully the plan involved in the treatment.

Involving the service users in the strategic development of services

In order to ensure that the collaborative service developed is effect it is also important to involve the service users in the initial stages of the service development. In this case it is therefore important for the professionals to ensure that people are given opportunity to give their own view at their own rate, however, it is also import for the professional to advice or recommend where necessary.

Involving users in the research

Through collaborative working I have also been able to learnt the importance of involving the user in research. This is because according to research by people like (MacDonald, 1997), the evidence-based practice is the now seen to be at the heart of effective planning and service delivery in health and social care (Weinstein, Whittington, & Leiba, 2003, p.67). Involvement of the user in the research can therefore help in the development of an effective plan to solve the problems that may be affecting the users.

Weakness of the collaborative working approach

Working in the collaborative multi agency has also some challenges. These challenges are mainly due to the complexities that are involved when the practitioners engage in variety of collaborative ventures. The following are some of the main challenges involved in working in the collaborative multiagency.


Funds play a critical role in ensuring that the multi agency is able to achieve its objectives. Lack of funding may therefore pose a challenge in the function of the multiagency (Whipple, et el .2006, p.106). In relation to this there might also occur some conflict that are related to funding various agents and use of the funds. Lack of funding may also affect the training and development activities carried out by the agency.

Time limitation

Time is an important element in the service delivery while working in a collaborative multi agency. This is because it is only a finite amount of tine is available to respond to the various different issues to be tackled. This therefore implies that if there is no proper planning and adherence to strict guideline than some of the service in the list may not be accomplished.


In order for any group to be successful there must be effective communication strategies. In this case communication can become a challenge while working in a collaborative multiagency. This is because there must be a clear two way communication strategy between the different educational setting. The agency and the practitioners must ensure that they exchange information. Communication can also prove to be a challenge in such a setting since the background information of all the people involved is different.

Adapting with new working condition

Adapting to working in a collaborative multiagency also proves to be a challenge while working in such system. This is because it requires one to accept the idea and different view of people in the group. In addition one is also required to adapt in the new working context within the shortest time possible. This is to facilitate faster service delivery. In relation to this the staff resistance to change may also prove to be a challenge while working with a multiagency. This is because all the staff working in a multiagency must ensure that they understand what the change process entails and the various benefits that the process can bring when working in a collaborative multiagency.

Competing priorities  

The competing of priority is another challenge that one is likely to experience while working in collaborative multiagency. One of the major reason why this is a challenge is the fact that when different people are working together there is a chance that they may have competing ideas of how to solve a certain problem. In relation to this there might also be a challenge in understanding each other professional languages and protocols. This therefore creates challenges since a consensus must be reached to ensure that there is smooth service delivery within the multiagency.


From the above it is evident that collaborative working approach has helped me in several ways. In this case I have been able to learn the role of the social worker in the community. Moreover, I have also been able to understand the application of the some of the legal and procedural framework governing the family and children social work. Working in a collaborative multiagency has also allowed me to understand the family placement issues. It is also evident that the collaborative multiagency approach also has some strength. This is because it allows help to create consensus among the community members. In addition the collaborative multiagency helps to ensure that different members of the society are accorded their respective social rights. Most importantly collaborative multiagency also helps in improving trust among the members of the community. However, collaborative multiagency has also some limitations, which include lack of enough funds to runs its activities. Adapting in the new working condition may also prove to be a challenge in collaborative working. This is because it requires one to be flexible in order to work with other people effectively in the service delivery.





Alsop, A. 2010. Collaborative working in end-of-life care: developing a guide for health and social care professionals. International Journal Of Palliative Nursing, 16(3), 120-125

Ambrosino, R. 2003. Social work and social welfare: An introduction. Australia: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Darraj, S. M. 2010. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. New York: Chelsea House Publishers.

Kirton, D. 2008. Child Social Work Policy & Practice. London: Sage Publications.

Munro, E. 2008. Effective child protection. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

Pycroft, A., & Gough, D. 2010 Multi-agency working in criminal justice: Control and care in contemporary correctional practice. Bristol: Policy Press.

Weinstein, J., Whittington, C., & Leiba, T. 2003. Collaboration in social work practice. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Whipple, E., Solomon-Jozwiak, S., Williams-Hecksel, C., Annette Abrams, L. L., & Bates, L. 2006. Preparing Social Workers for Child Welfare Practice: An Innovative University–Agency Learning Collaborative. Social Work Education, 25(1), 92-107.

0 Words   Pages

  • Question 11.
    How do you feel that communications law and policy contribute to safeguarding The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, individual privacy, free speech, and a democratic society? What modifications, if any, would you make to communications law and policy?
    100 words
  • In the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom applies to policies and legislation of federal government and guarantees freedoms and rights similar to the rights found within the charter. In this case, the laws include legal rights, equality rights, freedom of association and freedom of speech. Therefore the communication policy and law protect the freedom of each person regardless of their ethnicity.

  • My professional goals and their application
  • The following are some of the learning goals related to
  1. Reading the literature
  • Developing personal appreciation of various types of genres
  • In order to accomplish this goal I will ensure that I keep the record of all the books read. Participation in various literature discussions can also help to appreciate the different literature genres.
  • This goal can help to me to understand the information gotten from different books. In addition, this goal can also help me to gain insight on the various issues of life for instance my role in the society.

  • 5.1. Overview
  • This chapter integrated 10 articles that are relevant for the research questions. The following is the list of articles chosen for the critique.
  1. Ka Ching Yeung, F., Kee-Lee, C., and Wong, E. H. (2006). Characteristics Associate with Fear of Falling in Hong Kong Chinese Elderly Residing in Care and Attention Homes. Clinical Gerontologist, 29(3), 83-98.
  2. Siu Lun Chow, E., Ming Hei Kong, B., Tak Po Wong, M., Draper, B., Ka Leung, L., Ho, S., and Chun Por, W. (2004). The prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly Chinese private nursing home residents in Hong Kong. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(8), 734-740
  3. Kee-Lee, C., and Chi, I. (2005). Reciprocal relationship between pain and depression in elderly Chinese primary care patients. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(10), 945-95
  4. Chan, C., and Chui, E. (2011). Association between cultural factors and the care-giving burden for Chinese spousal caregivers of frail elderly in Hong Kong . Aging & Mental Health, 15(4), 500-509
  5. Lee, D. (1999). Transition to residential care: experiences of elderly Chinese people in Hong Kong. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 30(5), 1118-1126.
  6. Abley, C. (2012). Responding to vulnerability in old age: patient-centered care. Nursing Standard, 27(9), 42-46
  7. Bergland, A. (2012). Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly people. Norsk    Epidemiologi, 22(2), 151-164
  8. Chui, E. (2001). Doomed Elderly People in a Booming City: Urban Redevelopment and Housing Problems of Elderly People in Hong Kong. Housing, Theory & Society, 18(3/4), 158-166
  9. Melby, V., and Ryan, A. (2005). Caring for older people in prehospital emergency care: can nurses make a difference?. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 14(9), 1141-1150
  10. Gao, L., Chan, S., and Cheng, B. (2012). The past, present and future of nursing education in the People's Republic of China: a discussion paper. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(6), 1429-1438
  • The reason for choosing these articles was because they addressed on the major issues concerning the frail elderly in the society and this was the major topic of my research. These were majorly journals and not books. This is because the journals were more recent and had a clear format which would facilitate a proper platform to review the major aspect addressed by the author/researcher. They journals were also plenty in the electronic databases such as EBESCO-host. The method used in critiquing the articles was both inclusion and exclusion. The critique is also linked to the literature review following the fact that the issues that the articles have failed to incorporate will be recommended for future research. The critique also provides a summary of the critical issues under study determining what the researcher did best and what they failed in, so that the research being undertaken can address all the requirements as required in the literature review.
  • The critic for each article is indicated in the appendix while the summary of the critic is indicated as follows

  • Chemistry Comes Alive
  •             In this exercise, you use ball and stick models and sample bottles to identify the molecules listed below. For each category, a simpler molecule structure called a building block (or monomer) is used to make the more complex macromolecules (or polymer) in each category. During your observations, compare the building blocks to the other examples in each category. Take notes and make simple diagrams to help you identify these models. Examples of molecules are in parentheses.
  • 1. Identify the Building block that corresponds to each category:

  • Books and computer-software products
  •             While I was on my way to the town, I came across a young man who was sleeping next to where I sited in one of the city buses. After some few minutes, he woke up and opened the bag he was holding. Looking at his age, the young man was on his early 20s. When he opened the bag, he took out his portable computer and logged on to a certain blog that was advertising certain software. This is where our conversation began and I started interviewing him about why he prefers purchasing from the software other than books. According to his information, he stated that all his school colleagues prefer purchasing software because they have more features compared to books. He also added that the software is easy to access and the web sites companies usually take the product to their homes after offering all the required information. According to his information, many of his age mates who are between the ages of 18-25, also prefer shopping at bricks and mortar. The reason for taking interest in brick and mortar as he explained was they help them save some amount for future use (Tyson, 2011). Our conversation ended after he explained to me that they always do a little of the above two services because financial limitations that they face because they are still students.

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