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  • Case study
  • 1.What are some of the benefits and limitations of this approach?
  •             One of the benefits of case study as a method of approach to qualitative human services evaluation is that it helps in making it easier to get much information concerning a certain issue. Through this type of method, the researcher is able to apply various methods of finding information such as surveys. While using the method, a researcher is also able to present data collected through using various different researching methods. This makes it possible for the researcher to provide a complete story about the whole work (University of North California, 2001).

  • Executive Summary
  •                 On e of the main challenges in the business world is marketing on various products and services offered. This is because many companies have engaged in operation of similar activities and therefore there is a lot of competition. In order to achieve the main targets that will lead to more income at the end of the financial year, Ocean Spray Company that deals with the production of various sauces has decided to use a new strategy of marketing its products. The new strategy is holding an exhibition during this Christmas period and therefore it will manage to outdo most of its competitors who are in the market. The company has managed to construct the budgeting plan that it will hold during the exhibition. The company has managed to make the plan of visitors who will manage to attend the exhibition. According to the management of the company, most of the people who will attend the exhibition will have to register with a certain set amount of money. Others who will be executives from the government will receive invitations through email and other possible means to contact them. The company has a set of arranged procedure that it will employ in order to make the exhibition successful.

  • Linback Lab
  •             The aim of the assignment was to implement and compare LINPACK on Oscar cluster and Eridani cluster. Moreover, the assignment requires one to understand the case by applying HPL file. The aim of applying HPL file in this assignment is to enhance student understand the course. The first part of the assignment is to create and install LINPACK Benchmark. This will be on our cluster while the second part entails installing and running LINPACK Benchmark. This means that the logbook of enatails two different parts.

  • Islam and the West
  •             Professor Edward Said of Columbia University explains his views concerning orientalism. According to Said, orientalism is a coined word that he created to show the difference between east and west. Professor Sut Jhally from University of Massachusetts (Amherst) illustrates that the work of professor Edward Said ought to be identified as important and influencial especially through his book known as orietalism that he wrote back in 1978. On his views, Jhally explains that orientalism is the study of Middle East and helps to create and shape new field of study such as postcolonial fields and other related academic disciplines. According to Jhally, orientalism tries to help in understanding the culture of Middle East people. Jhally explains that professor said considers the way the west judge people from the west as orientalism.

  • Music
  •             I discovered that the most significant issue of being a successful musician is to love it unconditionally since I was a child. The other issue I managed to discover during my younger age is that a musician ought to love instruments he/she is playing. Moreover, a musician ought to work hard in order to attain the best level. I discovered that by combining all the three items, I could be able to focus on what I am able to do best because I loved music with all my heart. Our Sunday school teacher kept telling us that if someone has a will to be a musician in future, there is no need to ignore the calling. The teacher also always indicated to us that music should not be boring but it ought to be an adventure.

  • Discussion Question
  •             There is a possibility for an organization to be prepared for every disaster that might occur in future. The essential requirement that an organization or a company ought to accomplish is to set a disaster recovery plan. The creation of a disaster plan or system helps a company to be ready to act for every disaster that might occur.

Process Technology Equipment

Power Generation


             Cyclone power generation refers to the technology that enhances effective use of coal fired power generation. In cyclone power generation, technicians use cyclone engines, which are an all-fuel and clean tech-engine. The engines usually have the recommended power and versatility to run the waste energy electric generators. Moreover, the engines are also used for solar thermal systems to various vehicles and locomotives. Harry Schoell is the man behind the invention of cyclone engine, which enhances the cyclone power generation. The cyclone engine that is always patented according to the invention of Schoell, is an eco-friendly external combustion engine. The engine is designed in a way that it can be able to achieve high thermal efficiencies. This paper provides information on cyclones power generation using cyclone furnaces as newly developed technology equipment.

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