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261 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Early low Christology and Early High Christology

the objective of the essay is to define and summarize the differences between what scholars an ″early low Christology″ and an ″early high Christology″ in the new testament. What are the reasons scholars give for each position, and with a paragraph or two summarizing which position you find more persuasive and why?

70 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Show from specific texts how human rebellion impacts the relationship of people with God, with humanity, and with creation.  What do you think these opening chapters of the Bible say about the human condition today? Support your answer with specific biblical citations.
    2. In Biblical narratives, the main characters are key to the lessons of the stories. In the stories about Abraham and his family, in what sense are the major characters faithful and in what sense are each flawed? What insight into God do you see in these stories about the matriarchs and patriarchs?
    3.  From the two global perspectives offered in this module, which point struck you and caused you to think about a story differently. In writing your answer, be sure to quote specific words/sentences from the global perspective and then explain why those words caught your attention.
    4.  Show from specific texts in Genesis 1-2 how God is a God of relationships. Is there evidence in the texts of relationships within God, between God and human beings, between human beings, or between non-human elements in the universe? Support your answer with specific biblical citations.
199 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Minimum of two scholarly source
Review the following ethical dilemmas:

John Doe has decided to clone himself. He is sterile. He cannot find anyone to marry him. He wishes to have children. He knows that he will not be able to love a child that is adopted or not connected directly to him biologically. He will be making use of a new procedure that involves taking his skin cells to produce a twin. The twin starts out as an embryo and grows into a child. The child in this case will have the same genetic information as John Doe. John Doe and his child will be twins.
Jane Doe is eighteen. For as long as she can remember she has been sexually attracted to other females. Her parents belong to a religion that has a religious text stating that God forbids one to be a lesbian. This religion goes on further to say that lesbians will be punished in the afterlife. Jane Doe is debating whether she should tell her parents about her sexual attraction. She has not yet decided if she should come out to her parents and live as a lesbian now that she is a legal adult.
Joe and Mary are a couple. Before becoming sterile, they had a child. This child died of a rare disease. Joe and Mary miss their child terribly. They have heard that there is a new IVF procedure that can ensure that they can have another child. However, their religion forbids using IVF.
Use the resources assigned for this week and additional research,
Select two of the situations above and then address 2 of the following:

What is the relation between ethics and religion? Formulate and investigate the relation.
For each case, determine the ethical path of conduct. Then, determine what paths of conduct would be unethical
For each case, what would an emotivism say to appraise what you determine is the ethical form of conduct?
For each case, would a natural law ethicist agree with what you say is the ethical form of conduct? Why or why not?
Articulate, explain, and evaluate in each case an approach that makes use of divine command ethics.
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

408 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The key is to let the context (location & people) inform your topic for teaching, and open up possible ways to present your chosen topic. 

Here are some questions that might help you take off perception filters as you study your context:

    What are prayer needs or thanksgivings the Holy Spirit places on your heart for this place?
    Take a prayer walk in your ministry context location (building, etc.) and neighborhood. What are prayer needs or thanksgivings the Holy Spirit places on your heart for this place?
    Who gathers in this place?
    How well do the people know and experience Jesus and his gospel of love and grace in this place?
    How are people taught about Jesus and his gospel in this place? In what location and environment does the teaching takes place?
    How are Sunday worship and Christian education connected, if at all?
    What do you hear, touch, feel, smell, or see, when you enter the space and interact with the people?
    What are challenges and joys of people in this context?
    Do people love each other in this place? Do they like each other? Do they know each other?
    Who are the "outcasts" of this community? Is there any one or group who are not welcome or would not be welcome? Why?
    What are rituals performed in this context that are almost unnoticeable they are so familiar?
    How does this community relate to the larger neighborhood, city, and cultural contexts?
    What are important practices--greeting, communion, prayer, preaching, baptism? How are they practiced? Why are they practiced in this way?
    If you were to seek God's heart for the people in this ministry context, what would God long for them to know?

3000 words is your target (8-10 pages, double-spaced). You may feel bored as you describe the context/people in detail. Boredom is an invitation to look closer, follow your curiosity, and go beyond the surface. Even if it is a familiar place and people, you will notice new things.

2. Teaching/Learning Topic Ideas: Based on your description of the context and prayer over the context, what are some learning topics that God might be calling you to bring to your context? Write 100-200 words on possible topics.

381 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Essay Guidelines
An essay must make an argument. It must define a clear problem and argue a position. It must begin with a clear thesis. Subsequent paragraphs develop that thesis, representing stages in the argument, using textual or historical evidence to substantiate that thesis. Often a clear title will help focus the paper; the title should indicate the thesis and not be simply descriptive.

Papers will be downgraded if there are too many serious errors of form. Plagiarism is, of course, not permissible. The paper should include footnotes and a bibliography in accordance with a standard style sheet (e.g., MLA, Chicago, SBL, etc.). A valuable additional resource is Strunk and White’s Elements of Style (New York: Macmillan, 1982).

In your writing (and in the class overall), you will considerably improve your performance if, instead of saying, “I feel X about this passage,” you strive to say: “The text says X, and it says it here on p. Y, line Z.” You can continue this approach by saying, “In a way, the text does not make sense, because in this very same text, it says something different—at p. x, line z.” In other words, always seek, first, to summarize in your own words the content of a given passage and to describe it exactly in its own terms.

In order to receive a grade of “A,” a paper should:
Demonstrate a firm grasp of the assignment and the issues involved in it;
Cite specific examples or passages from the text;
Provide a mature intellectual analysis; concepts developed in the course;
Make a clear argument that displays a logical progression of ideas;
Be well organized, making use of an introduction, body, and conclusion;
Be correct in grammar and syntax;
Utilize proper referencing techniques by giving credit for any ideas that are not the author’s own, and using proper footnote and bibliography form.
Form of Citing the Bible
Genesis 1                    means Genesis, chapter 1. Genesis 1:4 means chapter 1, verse 4.

Genesis 1-3                means chapters 1-3.

Genesis 1:1-5:6          means from chapter 1, verse 1 through ch. 5, v. 6.

Genesis 1:1-5; 2:4-6    means chs. 1, vv. 1-5; and then ch. 2, vv. 4-6.

You MUST cite at least three (3) sources NOT part of assigned reading in class (though you may also use all the course materials as well).

I am not overly opinion as to how you cite these sources (MLA/Chicago style, SBL/Society of Biblical Literature format), as long as you clearly attribute ideas, quotes, and material that you incorporate into your papers.

Length: 5 pages

Format: 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12 point font (and a readable font like Times New Roman)

You are a specialist in the history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and have been asked to advise the Secretary of State. The Secretary is planning to visit the Middle East where he will meet with heads of various religious and political groups including Pope Francis, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Iraq Haider al-Abadi, among others. During his peace talks, the Secretary of State is considering leveraging the phrase “Abrahamic Religions” as a means of finding common ground for discussion and as an entryway into the similarities between the religions that can lead to lasting policies in order to promote peace. You have been asked to offer your expert opinion, using primary source information from the religious texts and traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, about whether or not “Abrahamic Religions” should be applied to these three faiths. Write a five page report to Secretary Kerry arguing your expert opinion concerning this phrase, supporting your argument by appealing to texts examined in this class and explaining how your conclusions relate to broader similarities and differences between the religions.

639 Words  2 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6:20-49, which are relatively parallel accounts. Read these accounts in light of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus and Deuteronomy.  What do you think Jesus is asking of his followers? Imagine that you were trying to live according to what Jesus says in these passages. How would you have to live your life and what changes, if any, would you have to make? Are there things that you do or believe in with which Jesus would disagree?

100 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

At this halfway point in the semester, reflect on a topic that has a) expanded or changed your view of the relationship of faith in research, b) made you question a viewpoint on research ethics you previously held or c) reinforced an experience with prior research that you will continue to develop throughout this semester. Feel free to add any other insights you've gained or developed throughout this process thus far.

The purpose of this journal is to reflect on scripture, your relationship with Christ and topics of this class or within the Management degree. The use of a journal over a forum is to allow you a safe place to process, reflect and, explore your faith personally. While the professor will read and grade your reflection, the grade will be based on whether or not the student reflected on the content given and meet the 500 word minimum for the reflection. The grade will not be based on the professors personal feelings on your journal or your opinion on the topic.

183 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The culminating assignment for this course provides the opportunity for students to consider how the person, teaching, and ‘work’ of Jesus continue to impact the world today by using the text of Matthew and at least two other sources from the list below to respond to a specific situation. Students will select a case study from among those provided below and develop an analysis of how Jesus would respond to the situation using Matthew and their 2 other selected sources from the list below. Students will conclude the essay by reflecting briefly on their own resonance or dissonance with the Jesus-style response they have presented. This assignment must be submitted to (see instructions below).
Use Matthew and two of these sources to develop your Jesus-style response:

Kraybill The Upside-Down Kingdom
Service project experience and response essay
Church visit and response essay
Preparation worksheet(s) for this course
In-class activities and/or discussion
ETS Criterion Assignment- Submit to the class ETS Criterion Text Editor for writing/grammar check prior to final submission.  (No Criterion Score will be generated)

NOTE: to pass the course you must complete and submit this Signature Assignment


(Students may develop and propose their own case drawing on newspaper articles or other real or imagined scenarios but the case must be proposed in writing to the instructor no later than the Week 4 class session, and must be formally approved for use by the instructor.)

1. How to Serve?

There is a JCC service project that involves making and distributing food to the homeless in downtown Fresno. Would Jesus choose this avenue of service? Explore especially in relation to kingdom values. Include discussion of the benefits and limitations of the project.

2. Where to Work?

Discuss how the Gospel of Matthew and your other 2 sources contribute to your thinking about possible future occupations that you choose to pursue. Where would Jesus work?!

3. Whether to Move?

Your church has the opportunity to relocate to a larger piece of land in a growing part of the city. The relocation will put them in the middle of a region where new homes are being built with new schools and shopping areas. The older part of town where the church is now located is decaying. Few people from the church choose to live there anymore. Would Jesus counsel the church to move or stay? What issues would Jesus raise concerning this decision?

4. Forgiveness

One of your parents/ family members/ friends has been caught cheating with another person. S/he asks for forgiveness and desires to work through the problem. How would Jesus respond? Discuss what “working through the problem” would look like in a cross section of the relationships involved.

5. Where to Live

You live in an older neighborhood where you were able to afford your first home and it is close to work, but the house is not as large as you would like. Home prices are rising, but not nearly as quickly as other parts of town. The area is increasingly diverse in racial, economic and social categories. Neighbors voice some concerns about schools and safety, but you also have some close friends in the neighborhood. Would Jesus stay or move? What issues would Jesus raise concerning this decision?

6. How to Spend?

Your favorite band is coming to town on a farewell tour. Tickets are $100-$150 and you want to take someone special to dinner and to the concert. Other financial obligations that you are facing include a credit card bill, a tuition payment, Christmas, books for next term, a cell phone bill, etc. How do values presented by Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel and your other 2 sources shape this decision? What would Jesus do?

7. Which School?

You have been attending a school near home where most of your friends also attend. The school has an excellent reputation, but is suffering budgetary constraints and is downsizing certain academic and athletic departments. You, however, have been given the option of transferring to a lesser known school with good programs. The school is in a distant town, the costs are higher, and you know no one there. Which school would Jesus choose? How do values presented by Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel and your 2 other sources shape this decision? 

8. How to Respond?

A note has just come from close friends stating that they are expecting a baby. One friend is still in high school and the other is in college. They are not married and no one knew they were pregnant. The lack of proper pre-natal care has contributed to the baby’s serious medical condition; the degree of possible birth defects is not fully known. The couple is from different denominational and ethnic backgrounds. They are asking for support because this has caused serious stress with their families. What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? How would Jesus respond?

9.  How to React?

You are exiting the 99 highway and a woman is standing at the end of the exit ramp, in old, dirty clothing with a somber look on her face. You notice she has a small bottle of vodka and is smoking a cigarette. She holds a sign that reads, “Homeless Widow. No family. No money. Anything helps, God Bless.” What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? How would Jesus respond?

10.  How to Manage?

You are an entrepreneur who owns a restaurant employing 50-100 people. Your wait staff is all part time, but the majority work 28 hours and are sent home prior to broaching 30 hours; for you know you can’t afford to offer benefits or your business would quickly become insolvent. During flu season you notice that Denise, a single mother of three has been ill for over two weeks, but continues to work; for Suzanne knows she must work or her three children will not eat. What issues would Jesus raise concerning this situation? If he were General Manager, how would Jesus respond?

1008 Words  3 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Compare and contrast constructivism and the English school. How does each theory approach the study of international politics? What similarities do they share? What are the main differences between the two theories? Compare and contrast how these two theories would view the problem of enforcing the building international human rights regime

62 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Your books “Science and Religion” by Alister McGrath and "Religion and Science" by Ian G. Barbour are excellent volumes for dealing with the conflicts between faith and science that inevitably arise when trying to reconcile the Biblical descriptions of God (his interaction with humankind and the natural world) and science (discoveries of natural processes and causations that seemingly operate on their own without "Divine intervention"). While McGrath offers a comprehensive introduction to the issues needing treatment in this subject, Barbour proposes a philosophical/theological model for reconciling these which is an important part of the spectrum of thought attempting to reach such solutions. Below, I'll ask you to summarize various portions of these books IN YOUR OWN WORDS (no quotations or citations). By Thursday evening all of these must be in Turnitin. Altogether, 6-7 pages is reasonable for these summaries of the material you will describe.
Essay questions:
1. Select one of the “Contemporary Debates” from Part III in McGrath. Describe the issue, the relevant characters and the direction of the debate. Be specific. Give details.
2. Select one of the “Case Studies in Science and Religion” from McGrath and describe it in your own words. What was the individual’s background, and how did they reach their present philosophy? Summarize the chapter and offer an analysis as to what makes their example so important. Be specific with details about their life and research.
3. In chapter 7, Barbour dealt with many of the scientific advances of the 20th century, and their implications in the religion/science discourse. He offers three major sections in organizing these advances: Quantum theory, relativity, order and complexity. Summarize these and the three metaphysical implications he details later in the chapter (6 paragraphs in all, approximately 4-5 sentences each, around 2 pages double spaced).
4. In chapter 9, Barbour discusses the ongoing conflict between evolution and view of creation. In the section of "theological implications," (as like above) summarize the four sub-groups of this section. This is approximately 2 pages double-spaced. Include the major points and terms, but summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
5. From chapter 12, summarize the "models" of God Barbour describes (short paragraphs, 4-5 sentences), explain why Barbour prefers the model that he does, then offer a brief explanation why you agree or disagree with his conclusion.

394 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Topic: Multicultural Factors Relating to PTSD/PTSD on children
Write an essay on the topic/issue above.  It can be narrowly focused on a specific topic/issue but must stand alone as an individual essay targeting a specific group (children), a specific issue (PTSD), and a specific type of practice (meditation 
You are required to cite the class texts or other references at least five times in writing your essay.  Use multiple examples to help make your case.

86 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Describe the general characteristics and practices of shamans. In your answer explain how shamans differ from priests or any other religious leaders
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion). • Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.

71 Words  1 Pages

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