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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The Great Gatsby - Compare the character of Gatsby to that of Tom. How are the two men similar and different?

30 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. Please visit the ISNA website, review the FAQ section and note some of the material that you find particularly intriguing, unsettling, informative, etc. 

68 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

How does/ will the internet change the world of Public Speaking in the 21st century?

24 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

This exercise asks you to negotiate Belasco's "culinary triangle" of contradictions. You are hosting a dinner party for a very diverse group of people, including a vegetarian, a dairy farmer, a nutritionist, a hunger activist, your mother, and yourself. As a gracious host, you want to please everyone, or at the very least, you do not want to offend anyone. Everyone must eat; there cannot be any hasty, angry departures from the table. You also want to serve a meal that reflects your own tastes and values, and you don't want to spend a lot of time or money on it. What on earth can you serve? Describe the menu, taking care to show how it will appeal to each guest's sense of identity. In addition, explain how the menu is both "responsible" and "convenient."

My Introduction:
Dinner party is a time to enjoy and relax with family and friends. However, the food that is served on the dinner table must satisfy the guests. The guests that are coming to the dinner party are vegetarians, dairy farmers, nutritionists, my mother and me. Every individual have different opinions about how they wanted their food to be served and whether the food follows their values. The foods that will be served in the dinner party are Zucchini herb casserole, Creamy Three Cheese Vegetable Lasagna, Spinach Salad with Avacado, Fresh Modzerella, and Strawberry Dressing, Tropical Fruit Salad, and Chili Panner with rice. These foods will be served in the party because it represents their values, identity, and ...

Could you help me complete the essay. It should be atleast 400 words. Introduction, 3 supporting paragraphs, and conclusion.

283 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Finish reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Links to an external site.).


“Overview: The Middle Ages (Links to an external site.)”

“Courtly Love and Chivalry in the Later Middle Ages (Links to an external site.).”

Be sure to read the homework requirements.Preview the documentView in a new window
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Gawain thinks that his great test is his quest to find the Green Chapel and endure beaheading at the Green Knight's hand.  Surely that is part of it.  But that is not the whole part.  The real test is one he doesn't even know he is taking.

What is this test?  Do you think he succeeds?  Why or why not?

130 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

The critique should focus on the accuracy, effectiveness, and usefulness of the movie’s portrayal of the American legal process. The only sources used for this paper is only through the movie directly.

41 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

An undesirable habit
Background: Everyone has a habit and some an addiction that they would like to break or quit for health and other reasons. The bad habits can be minor things such as nail biting, overeating, eating junk food, poor study habits, procrastinating, or they can be severe addictions to alcohol, or other hard drugs, or to tobacco. Usually quitting a long-standing habit is hard for many.

Hint: Be as specific as you can, and be sure to develop your essay with your particular story and/or vivid examples.

the draft I upload looks a little far from the teacher ask for, because i only need talk about one bad habit.....could be go to bed really late

127 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1) Topic: Does Technology Make Us More Alone?

2) This Paper will be the Negative side.

3) In the paper it will include: 
a) Introduction
b) Attack definitions
c) Theme/Caseline
d) Clash with Affirmative arguments (Clash: listen carefully to what the opponent is saying and respond specifically and directly to the statements and attacks of the opponent)
e) Counterplan, otherwise defend status que (existing state of affairs)

4) I will upload some of the part of the paper that i already done.
5) Add this to the paper --

101 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn what is the relationship between dramatic and comedic moments?

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

   Instructions: Choose one of the problems we have read about in this course and argue for or against it. You may also choose to take a moderate stance (for example: some abortions are acceptable, but others are not) however if you do so, you must make clear what distinguishes acceptable from unacceptable abortions and argue why this is so. You may also choose to use one of the ethical theories we have discussed (Utilitarianism, Social Contract, Virtue Theory, Kantian, Rawls, Hobbes) to help your argument, however you do not have to.
    In general, this paper must meet these important criteria:
        It must state what is the right-making or wrong-making feature of the policy/action/issue you are arguing against. For example:
            I will argue for abortion, because it causes the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. (In this case, happiness is the right-making feature of the action).
            I will argue that euthanasia should be legal, on grounds of body autonomy and personal freedom. (In this case, increased personal freedom is the right-making feature of euthanasia).
        It must define the issue. This can be any of the issues we have read about in the second half of the course or it can be another issue (such as immigration or election reform). Either way, the issue must be carefully defined in scope and what you mean must be laid out for the reader. Please note, if you choose an issue we have not discussed, you must clear it with me first!
        If you use outside sources, they MUST BE PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES/JOURNALS. The internet is absolutely filled with people who will lie to you, to your digital face, to further their own agenda, and they will make it look like they are legitimate and unbiased. This is especially true of medical/scientific information related to drugs and abortion.

316 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Should Childhood Vaccination Be Compulsory?

I)Introduction: Background info & identification of issue.II) Thesis statement: Underlined, include the claims (3 at least) & rationale for making the claim. III)Main point 1(vaccination prevent diseases): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. Main point 2(Represent a low cost for user): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. Main point 3 (Reduction of the occurrence of certain diseases): Topic sentence, Discussion with details and supporting information. IV)Opposing Views: Summary of opposing views, Response to opposing views (Refutes or concedes) V)Conclusion/Summary: Summary of discussion (review of main points made). Conclusion reached/ Reconfirmed thesis. Call for action and significance for helping society. VI) Citations (Use citation from United states only)

126 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Please use MLA format with 12 pt Times New Roman font, single spacing.
Please also attach a works cited page.

This paper is to demonstrate the analytical/synthetic and interpretative approach to Ethics. Using research and the readings below:
    -Meno by Plato (virtue ethics, and Objective Realism and Conclusions)
    -The Ethics of Care by Noddings (Why Care about Caring?, and An Ethic of Caring)
    -Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals by I. Kant (Transition from common rational to philosophic moral cognition, Transition from popular moral philosophy to metaphysics of morals sections II-a, II-b and III)
    -The Classical Utilitarians by Bentham and Mill selection 1 and 2
    -Ghandi and the Idea of Nonviolence
    -Selected Political Writings by M. Gandhi (Satyagraha.1)14 and Swaraj. 2

to develop the following topics:
1.Describe and critically analyze Virtue Ethics.

2. Do you think that human beings are teleological, that is have a purpose? Is there only one purpose that all human beings share, or do different human beings have different purposes? Explain your answer.


178 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Should regulations regarding payment of college athletes be changed?

18 Words  1 Pages
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