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Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Choose three texts, you may choose a combination of primary novels and picturebooks for years 3-6 that reflect a theme e.g. environment, family, relationships.
· Give description of the reasons why you have chosen these particular books
· A justification of what each of the books contributes to your theme and how your books demonstrates your understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.
· Provide 2 or 3 questions which give an indication of the type of discussion that would be encouraged after reading the books with a class.
· The role these texts play in the teaching of reading.
Your brochure must reflect your knowledge of unit content and not be
a recount of the books.

an example of this will be attached. do not copy. Must be Australian picture books and resources 

Presents appropriate Children’s Literature
Excellent and insightful selection of books which work well together for the chosen theme and demonstrate unit content 

Evidence of research, unit content and textual analysis which justifies why these books were chosen.
Highly informed and perceptive analysis and justification based on insightful research with excellent links to unit content 

Selects appropriate examples from primary texts for discussion and teaching focus.
Highly appropriate and insightful examples selected and used very effectively to highlight major topics of discussion and teaching focus. 

Presentation on Brochure interface
Excellent presentation with visually pleasing logical layout, easy readability and design. Brochure demonstrates substantial originality, insight and information 

Demonstrates an understanding of The Common Good in Catholic Social Teaching
A high level of understanding of the place of The Common Good in literacy development. 

Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, clarity of expression and APA referencing
Succinct, clear and coherent writing/expression adhering to word limit;
Professional presentation with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. No errors.
Accurate APA referencing

309 Words  1 Pages

Do Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Video Games have a negative effect on people?

18 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write an argumentative essay on Should the United States accept more Syrian refugees?

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write an Argumentative essay on Sustainability

Traditional essay structure- Intro (with CLEAR THESIS statement), Body paragraphs, Augmentative paragraph, & Conclusion. NEEDS a direct quote from philosopher 


35 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Is College still worth it?

- Three body paragraphs of the main ideas the authors discuss. 
- Fourth paragraph discusses the articles' weaknesses and strengths.
- Six sources to be used. (only four articles are uploaded here as ive used the first two efficiently)
- Should not exceed 1500 words.
- College level.

62 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Gay/Lesbian/Queer theory or Postcolonial Theory applied to the book The infinite Tides or What Lies Between Us

"For the purposes of this essay, I am not interested in whether or not you agree with a particular theory or not. I am only interested in your ability to demonstrate the you understand and can apply the theory in an intelligent and thought-provoking manner. the point of this essay is to expose you to alternative ways of seeing and thinking about the world. It is not to reinforce your preconceived notions about  things." The Prompt and Notes the Teacher gave for this essay.

111 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write an argumentative essay on Parents should Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children

25 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

An argumentative essay which I choose "Child Support should include paying for college". I have to include....
Counter Argument
Reason & Evidence 1
Reason & Evidence 2
Reason & Evidence 3

42 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Please read carefully

the assignment is to create a marketing plan for Netflix, the part that you'd write about is the promotion part.

(((add on to the promotion part in the attachment below named promotion- Marketing plan.)))

you can use the MP sample paper as a guide only.

instructions are below

This checklist should help you ensure you include every area necessary for a thorough plan. Note that just inclusion of a topic will not necessarily lead to a good grade. Evaluation of each area is based on your clarity and quality of your information and your discussion of that information.

REVISED 16 pages max- situation analysis (use the feedback from grader, and your own improvements). YOU MUST make the appropriate changes or 2x points will be deducted!

The part that you'll write about is the promotion. below you'll find the checklist. Plus I'll include 2 written pages about that part that you'll need to add on it.

Maximum 5 pages; add the charts & graphs to the appendixes
Choose a combination of promotion mix elements and explain WHY they are appropriate
Provide detailed information (costs, timing, expected reach, etc.) about the message conveyed via EACH ELEMENT CHOSEN
Describe how the promotion mix is integrated: all elements reinforcing each other (consistency & complementarity)

231 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Write a paper on Modern Japanese Women Writers

17 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

rewrite the poem from another side (for any one who mentioned in the poem). Attaching the poem. should contain simile, metaphor, alliteration, consonance and assonance. they should in bold and rewrite it in the end of the paper and when you rewrite it in the end should not be included in the Count words.

63 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

How she wrote it? In terms of what was really effective? (100 words, 5 marks)
•    Her     – language vocabulary and semantics  
• “To Alice……”
•    Why are the adjectives good for the read such as …. (use text from the story.)
•    Why this helps readers? 
•    identify which specific word or phrase is being praised 
•    be positive (building on what the writer CAN do) 
•    Write in child appropriate language

3.    What was the aspect of the language framework? (1000 words, 12 marks)
•    Pick out the adjectives (use praise)
•    Why is it helpful to the reader?
•    The language growth aspect use semantic and vocabulary. 

122 Words  1 Pages

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

In 700 words, summarize the information-processing model for the development of aggression as provided in this lesson's reading assignment. What elements of the model do you find most interesting? What questions do you after reading this article?

46 Words  1 Pages
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