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  • English Literature Essay
  • 2-Compare and contrast how the themes such as innocence, guilt, moral responsibility and or punishment are represented in two of the following works Blake’s London Cullen’s incident hawthorn’s young Goodman brown and Sophocles Oedipus rex.
  •             Various themes are evident in the works of poetry as presented in the stories of young good man brown and Sophocles oedipipus rex. In brown’s story, the theme of innocence is evident when brown is pursuing his evil actions of witchery without the knowledge of his wife. Brown kisses his wife before proceeding on a journey to his evil deeds. His wife is unaware of the situation and thinks that her husband has important things to do. She remains alone in the house while her husband has gone to pursue his things in the forest. Her fear when she is alone while her husband is gone for an errand unknown to her depicts her innocence. On the other hand, Sophocles story presents the theme of innocence in that Sophocles is telling a story of a ruler who goes against the divine laws.

Classroom Discourse Analysis


             The objective of this paper is to investigate and illustrates a teacher’s follow up moves. These particular moves are the ones that form the third party of a chain of Initiated –Respond-Follow-up (I-R-F) of which are exchanges that occur between the teacher and students. The paper will concentrate much on the role that F-move plays in a classroom discourse. The paper focuses on an outlined discourse followed that a teacher uses with the intention of building engaging students in classroom contribution that assists in developing a meaning dialogue.

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