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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read the following paper:

Moretti, E. (2004). Workers' Education, Spillovers, and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions. The American Economic Review, 94(3): 656-690.
Write Essay
And write an essay that addresses the following,

Moretti (2004) discusses a production function in equation (1).  Given the production function in equation (1), explain the CMP for a given plant.  Clearly describe the goal, the choice variables, the exogenous variables and the constraint.  Describe the notable economic relationships that solve the CMP. 
Given the production function in equation (1), suppose in the same industry and in the same year, you compare two plants.  Each plant is attempting to produce the same output quota and each plant faces the same input prices.  However, one plant is located in a city with a majority of college-educated workers.  The other plant is located in a city with a minority of college-educated workers.  
Using the CMP, which plant will have a lower total cost?  Which plant will have a lower conditional input demand for at least one input?  
If each firm can sell their output at the same price to consumers and each plant's output is fixed at the same output quota, then using the PMP which plant will have higher profit?
With many plants, industries and years, what general and testable predictions emerge (i.e. what is the predicted relationship between the share of college educated people and plant productivity, total cost, employment of inputs and profit)?
Offer a brief summary of Moretti (2004).  Your summary should contain the research question, the data used, the important testable hypothesis examined and the empirical findings (note the findings are on pg 667 and the paragraphs that discuss Table 3).    
Additional Information:
The essay should have the following format,

1 page minimum (at least 250 words), 4 page maximum in length.  This excludes any bibliography and/or appendices.
Your writing should be from an economic perspective, not a political perspective.  
Please write your paper as an essay (i.e. do not number your paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and so on), have a title, put your name and date on the paper and indent paragraphs.
Follow APA style guidelines for all references and citations. 
Microsoft Word Document (.docx or .doc), 12 point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 1 inch margins. 
Use the following file name: <your initials Productivity Report.doc> or <your initials Productivity Report.docx>

PA2 Firm Prod Rubric
PA2 Firm Prod Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers & Summary
Relevant answers to the reading and the task questions are easily identified and appropriately addressed. The paper concisely and accurately summarizes the reading without being vague.
4.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheory
Economic theory is correctly discussed. Relevant answers to the theory-relevant task questions are easily identified and appropriately addressed.
4.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality & Timeliness
Paper is well-written (few typos, grammar mistakes) and submitted on time.
2.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
2.0 pts
Total Points: 10.0

548 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

What product would people around the world demand more of during tough economic times, and more importantly, why?

The 2008–2009 Great Recession touched families around the globe. In too many countries, workers found themselves out of a job. In developed countries, unemployment compensation provided a safety net, but families still saw a marked decrease in disposable income and had to make tough spending decisions. Of course, non-essential, discretionary spending was the first to go.

Even so, there was one particular category that saw a universal increase in spending world-wide during that time—an 18% uptick in the United States, specifically. You might guess that consumers began eating more meals at home, increasing grocery store spending; however, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Survey, which tracks U.S. food spending over time, showed “real total food spending by U.S. households declined five percent between 2006 and 2009.” So, it was not groceries. What product would people around the world demand more of during tough economic times, and more importantly, why?

182 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Can you conclude from your data sample that longevity is related to marijuana smoking? Explain your conclusion? State the null hypothesis if you were trying to establish a relationship between marijuana smoking and longevity?

45 Words  1 Pages

166 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Explore the relationship between GDP per capita and entrepreneurship for several countries. Deeply discuss your findings Use the databases from and Please take screenshot of the data you use. Avoid Plagiarism!! Please cite your sources! Thank you so much!   

54 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a critical response to the article.I dont care if you agree or disagree with the article. feel free to voice your opinion.The response needs to be at least 500 words. Link to the article is below

52 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Peak Nature and the 6th Extinction. Respond to one of five below.
1. Where You At? (Fig 8.1 Pg 12 Peak Nature) Can you get a good score for where you live now, or have in the past? If so, write a short narrative of our environmental perception of [that] place.

2. Peak Nature Insight. Select a passage from Peak Nature, put in quotes in your post, and explain why you find it of interest, insightful, or important.

3. Ecosystem Services. Give an example how biodiversity can contribute to an ecosystem service that benefits humans.  Why is it difficult to think of an example of  a human activity that is an ecosystem service that benefits other wild species or the resilience of the ecosystem? Provide an example if you can.

4. Biodiversity/Ecosystem Concept Explain in your own words and/or provide examples of a Biodiversity or Ecosystem concept or phenomenon: ecosystem services, phenology, extinction crisis, invasive species, keystone species, ecological wounds (Michael Soule), trophic cascade, biodiversity 'Hotspots" (E.O. Wilson), rehabitating, Endangered Species Act, restoration, Gaia hypothesis (James Lovelock), others.

5. 6th Extinction. How can the impending 6th extinction be considered part of the Anthropocene. What can be done to avert or mitigate the 6th extinction on a local level. Provide an example.

Part B. Applying Ecological Economics on the Ground (Intro pdf) & Glossary (Handbook pdf/doc) (Joan Martinez-Alier)

Investigate one Ecological Economic concept or method introduced in "Applying Ecological Economics on the Ground' (e.g. Material Flow Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis) and further investigate by looking up in CEECEC Handbook Glossary.
Explain in briefly your own words an aspect of the EE concept or method you find interesting or insightful and why. Use quotes for text from reading. Relate to your selected Good Seed for the Antropocence. You can copy and paste from ePortfolio or vice versa.


Complex symbiotic ecosystms. How Trees Talk to Each Other. Suzane Simard Ted Talk [18 minutes)

The 6th Extinction  Biodiversity loss [Watch]
PBS Video

Regeneration of Biodiversity  [Watch]
Video: Sustainable Human: How Wolves Changed A River 

Ecological Feedback Loops

381 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Find a newspaper, magazine or blog article that mentions Karl Marx and how he was right or wrong in terms of an economic claim he made. Write a quick one paragraph summary of the article and then quote the claim made by the author. Make sure to include reference or hyperlink to the source you used.

67 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a one and a half to two page response to the documentary “Inside Job”. The response papers should be a critical analysis of an aspect of the film – either a response to one of the themes posed in the discussion post on “Inside Job”, or to another part of the film that interested you. Please do not attempt to discuss all the issues raised in the film, but instead narrow in on one aspect. (Similarly, if you respond to one of the themes I posed, you do not need to respond to all the sub-questions). Please do not summarize the film. The responses will be graded according to how well they critically respond to an aspect of the financial crisis discussed in the film. The expectation is that you will develop a short argument, with a clear thesis, that clearly gives your opinion about a particular topic and substantiates this opinion with information from the film. If you wish, you can also use the other background readings from this section of the class or elsewhere; using additional information is, however, not necessary, and the response should be primarily focused on the film.

205 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Post two short reflections on
Part A). a quote from Farley or Rees chapters (in quotes with citation) or supplemental links that has some meaning to you. 
Part B) 1 of the 5 discussion questions below.
Comment or Question in a reply to at least two student posts. Reply to questions or comments on your post as appropriate.
Must do parts a and b and comments for full credit.

Part A. Quote with citation, and what it means to you. From Week 2 readings or supplemental brows links. 

Part B. Discussion Questions suggested. Required: refer to Rees and Farley and supplemental when helpful. Quotes helpful.

1. Explain some of the advantages of the system approach of Ecological Economics and Resilience.  Refer to Ecological Economics concepts such as Ecosystem Services, Feedback Loops, etc. and concepts of Resilience such as Complex Systems, Tipping Points, Dynamics, etc. Refer to Rees and Farley 

2. Some sustainability educators (e.g. in AASHE) claim System Thinking is necessary and essential to understand Sustainability and potential solutions. Why do you think this is so or not? Refer to Rees, Farley (see also Buckland, Sustainability Meta-Competencies)

3. Resilience approach has been used by Ecologists and Ecological Economics for many decades, but now is in popular use and by government. Why do you think that may be? Provide example(s). What is meant by Resilience in your example(s)? Refer to Rees and Farley.

4. Do you think that some Sustainability problems are a political-economic system problem that needs a system solution? Why? Provide an example. Refer to the chapters by Farley and Rees.

5. State your own question and answer it. Or, post an answer to another students original (#5) question. Refer to Rees and Farley.

Optional, include image or video in your post or reply.

Read, View and Browse

PCR 3. Thinking ‘Resilience’, William E. Rees [Read]

PCR 20. Ecological Economics, Joshua Farley [Read]

Ecological Economics Part1 Daly, Herman  [Herman Daly was chief economist for the World Bank and co-founder of Ecological Economics now also embraced by UN Environmental Program] 

Story of Solutions, Annie Leonard.

Annie Leonard is a great communicator of sustainability, and is now the E.D. for Greenpeace USA [View]
Sustainablity Meta-Competencies (Learning)
Sustainability Meta-Competencies  Table, Engle & Buckland [Reference Table]
Engle et al Sustainability Competencies White Paper [Browse]

403 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination

16 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Description of Assignment:

Financial management is about making decisions with regards to investment in assets, the raising of capital to pay for these investments, and the creation of value for companies.

Explain the term financial management in detail, and discuss why financial managers need to understand the concept of the time value of money in addition to financial instruments such as bonds and stocks. Please, is very important using examples to illustrate your explanations.

85 Words  1 Pages

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.

The review should consider (please use as your outline):

•    The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
•    The background of the author(s)
•    The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished
•    The context or impetus for the book - - political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theory
•    A comparison with other works on this subject
•    Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book

•    Your first and last name
•    Your student id
•    Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)
•    Title of book
•    Year of publication
•    Place of publication
•    Publisher
•    Number of pages
•    Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available
•    ISBN

Your book report must be on a book, it cannot be on an article, report, etc. And of course, this book must be related to this course. 
You MUST include a work cited page at the end of your report. Note that although this isn't in the requirements listed on the syllabus, it is mandatory. Since you will have to compare your book to other works and books, you must cite all of the resources you have used. Failure to do so will result in a 20 point grade deduction

278 Words  1 Pages
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