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Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

A thorough and deep analysis is required for this academic writing. Try and answer the question, "What is the Creative Economy?"/ "What does the term 'Creative Economy' mean?" 

Include real world examples of governments who are trying to, or have already, implemented this concept within their country.

56 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Write a paper of approximately 550 words that answers the following questions. Use the contemporary economic issue within your country (U.S.A) or the world that you selected earlier in the course to inform your answers. ◦What is the economic issue?
◦Why is it important?
◦Which principles of economics apply? Choose from each of the areas: decision making, interaction, and how the economy works.
◦How do the forces of supply impact the issue?
◦How do the forces of demand impact the issue?
◦How does elasticity apply to the issue? If appropriate, include a calculation for elasticity.

•Use graphical representations of economic concepts such as supply and demand curves, equilibrium, elasticity, and cost curves to support your findings.
•Determine the  theories of economics that apply (for example, theory of consumer choice, theory of the firm)?
•Compare the issues faced in the economic issue chosen and how it relates to the economic topics discussed in the textbook and class. For example, do any of these concepts apply to the issue: efficiency of markets, costs of taxation, benefits of international trade, government interventions, competitive markets, features of labor markets, macroeconomics data, monetary system, and economic fluctuations?
•Recommend strategies that could improve the situation. 

210 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Question: Antitrust Practices and Market Power 

Research authoritative articles using the news and the DeVry Online Library ( for a recent case of antitrust investigation. You are free to choose a case from any industry and any part of the world. Based on the case you have selected, answer the following questions. 

1.Why was/were the firm(s) investigated for antitrust behavior?
2.Identify some of the costs (pecuniary and nonpecuniary) associated with the antitrust behavior (firms having power in the market). Additionally, note the specific antitrust act (Sherman Act, Clayton Act, etc.) under which the violation was investigated.
3.Given your research and findings, are monopolies and oligopolies (firms demonstrating power) always bad for society? Be sure to provide real world examples of where this may be the case to strengthen your position.
4.Provide at least one example of a case where having a monopoly or oligopoly may actually benefit the society. 

Based on your findings to the questions listed above, write a report with a minimum of 300 words in essay format in APA style (use the APA template in Doc Sharing), using correct economic terms covered in the discussions. If you ONLY write 300 words, you probably won’t be able to fully answer the questions. 

Key concepts to include in your paper include the following. 

• Monopoly Market Structure
•Oligopoly Market Structure
• Barriers to Entry Into the Market
•Natural Monopoly 
•Government Monopoly
• Downward Sloping Demand Curve 
• Economies of Scale 
•Price Fixing 
•Monopoly Pricing
• Price Maker
•Market Power
• Economic Profits
• Imperfect Competition 
•Rent-Seeking Behavior
• X-Inefficiency
•Deadweight Loss to Society
• Marginal Cost
•Marginal Revenue

I am attaching the article from my library I would like to use for the first 2 questions.,cookie,ip,uid&db=bth&AN=6737364&site=eds-live

Copying and pasting this website will bring you to the main page, then you have to look to the left for PDF full text.

For the other two questions, you can use an authoritative article off the internet.

352 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Discuss whether economies of scale have any relevance to such companies as Wal-Mart.

22 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 300 words, APA formatted, in text citations and proper references.

The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented number of mega-mergers in the banking industry: Bank of America’s acquisitions of Fleet Bank, MBNA, and U.S. Trust; Bank of New York’s acquisition of Mellon Financial; and Wells Fargo’s acquisition of Wachovia, to name several of the largest consolidations. Besides growth for its own sake, these superbanks are able to offer one-stop shopping for financial services: everything from savings accounts to home mortgages, investment account, insurance vehicles, and financial planning. 
In the short run, what are the potential cost advantages of these mergers? Explain.
Is a $300 billion national bank likely to be more efficient than a $30 billion regional bank or a $3 billion state-based bank? What economic evidence is needed to determine whether there are long-run increasing returns to scale in banking?
Do you think these mergers are predicated on economies of scope? 

174 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 300 words, APA formatted, in text citations and proper references.

Explain why the cost structure associated with many kinds of information goods and services might imply a market supplied by a small number of large firms. (At the same time, one internet business such as grocery home deliveries have continually suffered steep losses regardless of scale. Explain why.) Could lower transaction costs in e-commerce ever make it easier for small suppliers to compete? As noted in Chapter 3, network externalities are often an important aspect of demand for information goods and services. (The benefits to customers of using software, participating in electronic markets, or using instant messaging increase with the number of other users.) How might network externalities affect firm operating strategies (pricing, output, and advertising) and firm size?

152 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Explain the “Balance of Trade”.

Discuss how the "World Debt Crisis" could lead to a global economic collapse?

27 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

1-Explain why demand is more elastic in the long run than in the short run. 
2-Explain why supply is more elastic in the long run. 
3-State the law of diminishing marginal utility. What does this law have to do with explaining consumer behavior? What is consumer surplus? How is consumer surplus related to the law of diminishing marginal utility? 
4-Explain how a demand curve can be derived using utility theory. 
5-Explain what causes economies of scale. Can economies of scale and diminishing marginal returns apply to the same firm? Explain. 

Each response should be at least 75 words in length.  All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

126 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Game theory

11 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Explain the characteristics of each of the four market structures providing their major differences. 

Under which of the market structures does each of the following fit and why? 

a. hometown supermarket 
b. the steel industry 
c. Kansas wheat farm 
d. commercial bank 
e. the automobile manufacturing industry 

56 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer


23 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Question: Which theorist best characterizes the nature of World War I- Jomini or Clausewitz? 

23 Words  1 Pages

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

For this News Analysis, I want you to discuss the situation in Syria.  Assume for the purposes of this discussion that ISIS was just (completely) defeated and a stable government was formed (that everyone recognized and followed--whatever that government is).

How would the current GDP and GDP per capita of Syria compare to the GDP and GDP per capita of Syria before the Syrian civil war broke out?  Explain why (in terms of the model presented in the chapter)

What could other countries do to help Syria's GDP recover to pre-conflict levels?  How would this illustrate the model in the text?


The analysis should be one full page--do not include headers (name, class, and so on) or references in that count.  The paper should be double spaced, 10-12 point font, one inch margins, and use APA style if you use external references--though I don't think you'll need to explicitly reference any external materials).  Make sure you tie your analysis in to the model we covered in class and in the text.

181 Words  1 Pages
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